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Agrobacterium-mediated transformation using a floral-dip method can be successfully employed to create stable transgenic lines of the extremophyte model Schrenkiella parvula. We present a protocol modified from that for Arabidopsis thaliana, considering different growth habits and physiological characteristics of the extremophyte.
Schrenkiella parvula is an extremophyte adapted to various abiotic stresses, including multiple ion toxicity stresses. Despite high-quality genomic resources available to study how plants adapt to environmental stresses, its value as a functional genomics model and tool has been limited by the lack of a feasible transformation system. In this protocol, we report how to generate stable transgenic S. parvula lines using an Agrobacterium-mediated floral-dip method. We modified the transformation protocol used for A. thaliana to account for unique traits of S. parvula, such as an indeterminate flowering habit and a high epicuticular wax content on leaves. Briefly, S. parvula seeds were stratified at 4 °C for five days before planting. Plants were grown at a photoperiod of a 14 h light and 10 h dark and a 130 µmol m-2s-1 light intensity, at 22 °C to 24 °C. Eight to nine week-old plants with multiple inflorescences were selected for transformation. These inflorescences were dipped in an infiltration solution of Agrobacterium tumefaciens GV3101 carrying the pMP90RK plasmid. We performed two rounds of flower dipping with an interval of three to four weeks to increase the transformation efficiency. The T1 seeds were collected and dried for four weeks in a container with desiccants before germination to screen for candidate transformed lines. Resistance to BASTA was used to screen T1 plants. We sprayed the BASTA solution three times with an interval of three days starting at two week-old plants to reduce false positives. A BASTA drop test was performed on surviving individual plants to identify true positive transformants. The transformation efficiency was 0.033%, yielding 3–4 transgenic plants per 10,000 T1 seeds propagated.
In this protocol, we describe the growth and establishment of stable transgenic lines for the extremophyte model Schrenkiella parvula. The availability of an efficient transformation system is a hallmark of any versatile genetic model. Plants that thrive in extreme environments, referred to as extremophytes, provide a critical resource for understanding plant adaptations to environmental stresses. Schrenkiella parvula (formerly Thellungiella parvula and Eutrema parvulum) is one such extremophyte model, with expanding genomic resources1,2,3<....
1. Plant Growth
We developed a transformation protocol that enables harvesting of T0 seeds within 150 days, using a floral-dip method modified from that for A. thaliana. Figure 1 shows a summary of the timeline and S. parvula plants that represent the optimal stage for executing the transformation through floral-dip. We selected S. parvula plants with 70 –80 flowers in multiple inflorescences at 60–80 days after germination a.......
The physiological state of the plant significantly influences the efficiency of transformation25. The use of healthy and vigorous plants for transformation is a key requirement for successful transformation in S. parvula. Water or light stressed plants will have fewer flowers compared to the healthy plants ideal for transformation (Figure 1, center panel). S. parvula can grow at a light intensity less than 130 µmol m-2 s-1,.......
The authors have nothing to disclose.
This work was supported by a National Science Foundation award MCB 1616827.
....Name | Company | Catalog Number | Comments |
Agar | VWR International, Radnor, PA | 90000-762 | Bacto Agar Soldifying Agent, BD Diagnostics |
B5 vitamins | Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO | G1019 | Gamborg’s Vitamin Solution |
Desiccant | W A Hammond Drierite, Xenia, OH | 22005 | Indicating DRIERITE 6 mesh |
Destination vector for plant transformation | TAIR | Vector:6531113857 | pKGWFS7 |
Electroporation cuvette | USA Scientific | 9104-5050 | Electroporation cuvette, round cap, 0.2 cm gap |
Electroporator | BIO-RAD Laboratories, Hercules, CA | 1652100 | MicroPulser Electroporator |
Fertilizer beads | Osmocote Garden, Marysville, OH | N/A | Osmocote Smart-Release Plant Food Flower & Vegetable |
Gel extraction kit | iNtRON Biotechnology, Boston, MA | 17289 | MEGAquick-spin Total fragment DNA purification kit |
Gentamicin | Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO | G1914-5G | Gentamicin sulfate |
Glufosinate-ammonium (11.3%) herbicide (BASTA) | Bayer environmental science, Montvale, NJ | N/A | FINALE herbicide |
Kanamycin | VWR International, Radnor, PA | 200004-444 | Kanamycin monosulfate |
MES | Bioworld, Dublin, OH | 41320024-2 | MES, Free Acid |
MS salt | MP Biomedicals, Santa Anna, CA | 092621822 | Hoagland's modified basal salt mixture |
N6-benzylaminopurine (BA) | Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO | B3274 | 6-Benzylaminopurine solution |
NaCl | Sigma-Alrich | S7653 | Sodium chloride |
Non-ionic detergent | Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO | 9005-64-5 | TWEEN 20 |
Plasmid isolation kit | Zymo Research, Irvine, CA | D4036 | Zyppy Plasmid Kits |
Recombinase enzyme mix kit | Life Technology | 11791-020 | Gateway LR Clonase II Enzyme mix |
Rifampicin | Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO | R3501-1G | Rifampicin, powder, >= 97% (HPLC) |
Shaking incubator | ThermoFisher Scientific, Waltham, MA | SHKE4450 | MaxQ 4450 Benchtop Orbital Shakers |
Soil mix | Sun Gro | SUN239223328CFLP | Sun Gro Metro-Mix 360 Grower Mix |
Spectinomycin | VWR International, Radnor, PA | IC15206705 | |
Sterile 50ml conical tubes | USA Scientific, Ocala, FL | 1500-1811 | 50 ml conical screw cap tubes, copolymer, racks, sterile |
Sucrose | VWR International, Radnor, PA | 57-50-1 | Sucrose, ACS |
Surfactant solution | Lehle seeds, Round Rock, TX | VIS-02 | Silwet L-77 |
Topoisomerase-based cloning kit | Life Technologies, Carlsbad, CA | K240020 | pENTR/D-TOPO Cloning Kit, with One Shot TOP10 Chemically Competent E. coli |
Tryptone | VWR International, Radnor, PA | 90000-282 | BD Bacto Tryptone, BD Biosciences |
Yeast Extract | VWR International, Radnor, PA | 90000-722 | BD Bacto Yeast Extract, BD Biosciences |
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