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In This Article

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  • Protocol
  • Representative Results
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Decellularized cartilage-derived scaffolds can be used as a scaffold to guide cartilage repair and as a means to regenerate osteochondral tissue. This paper describes the decellularization process in detail and provides suggestions to use these scaffolds in in vitro settings.


Osteochondral defects lack sufficient intrinsic repair capacity to regenerate functionally sound bone and cartilage tissue. To this extent, cartilage research has focused on the development of regenerative scaffolds. This article describes the development of scaffolds that are completely derived from natural cartilage extracellular matrix, coming from an equine donor. Potential applications of the scaffolds include producing allografts for cartilage repair, serving as a scaffold for osteochondral tissue engineering, and providing in vitro models to study tissue formation. By decellularizing the tissue, the donor cells are removed, but many of the natural bioactive cues are thought to be retained. The main advantage of using such a natural scaffold in comparison to a synthetically produced scaffold is that no further functionalization of polymers is required to drive osteochondral tissue regeneration. The cartilage-derived matrix scaffolds can be used for bone and cartilage tissue regeneration in both in vivo and in vitro settings.


Articular cartilage defects in the knee caused by traumatic events can lead to discomfort, and above all can have a large impact on the lives of the young and active population1,2,3. Moreover, cartilage damage at a young age may lead to a more rapid onset of osteoarthritis later in life4. Currently, the only salvage therapy for generalized osteoarthritis of the knee is joint replacement surgery. As cartilage is a hypocellular, aneural, and avascular tissue, its regenerative capacity is severely limited. Therefore, regenerative medicine approaches are s....


For this protocol, equine stifle cartilage was obtained from horses that had died from other causes than osteoarthritis. Tissue was obtained with permission of the owners, in line with the institutional ethical regulations.

NOTE: This protocol describes the fabrication of scaffolds from decellularized equine cartilage, which can be used for applications such as in vitro tissue culture platforms or for in vivo implantation in regenerative medicine strategies. The enzymatic treatment steps must be performed in the described chronological order.

1. Harvesting of Articular Cartilage f....

Representative Results

Decellularization of CDM scaffolds must always be confirmed using histological stainings as well as using DNA quantification to measure the amount of DNA remnants. Insufficient decellularization might lead to undesired immunological responses that influence the results in in vivo settings15,16,17. For this specific decellularization method, DNA was below the detection range, which started at 13.6.......


The ECM of articular cartilage is very dense and quite resilient to different enzymatic treatments. The multi-step decellularization protocol described in this article addresses such resistance and successfully generates decellularized matrices. To achieve that, the process spans over several days. Many decellularization processes have been proposed for different types of tissues18, and this article describes a protocol suitable for the decellularization of cartilage. In this protocol, it is, howe.......


The authors declare that they have no competing financial interests.


The authors would like to acknowledge W. Boot for assistance in the production of the scaffolds. K.E.M. Benders is supported by the Alexandre Suerman Stipendium from the University Medical Center. R. Levato and J. Malda are supported by the Dutch Arthritis Foundation (grant agreements CO-14-1-001 and LLP-12, respectively).



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
Cadaveric jointThis can be obtained as rest material from the local butcher or veterinary center.
Sterile phosphate-buffered saline (PBS)
Amphotericin BThermo Fischer Scientific15290026
Liquid nitrogen
Trypsin-EDTA (0.25%), phenol redThermo Fischer Scientific25200072
Tris-HCl pH 7.5
Deoxyribonuclease I from bovine pancreasSigma-AldrichDN25
Ribonuclease A from bovine pancreasSigma-AldrichR6513
Triton X-100 (octoxynol-1)Sigma-AldrichX100
Trisodium citrate dihydrateSigma-AldrichS4641
Ethylene oxide sterilizationSynergy Health, Venlo, the Netherlands
Multipotent Stromal cells/chondrocytes from equine donorsMSCs and chondrocytes can be isolated from donor joints that are rest material, coming from the local butcher or veterinary center.
MEM alphaThermo Fischer Scientific22561
L-ascorbic acid 2-phosphateSigma-AldrichA8960
DMEMThermo Fischer Scientific41965
Heat inactivated bovine serum albuminSigma-Aldrich10735086001
Fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF-2)R & D Systems233-FB
DNA quantification kit (Quant-iT PicoGreen dsDNA Reagent)Thermo Fischer ScientificP7581
1,9-Dimethyl-Methylene Blue zinc chloride double saltSigma-Aldrich341088
Freeze-dryerSALMENKIPPALPHA 1-2 LD plus
Analytical millIKAA 11 basic
mortar/pestleHaldenwanger 55/0A
Roller plateCATRM5
Centrifuge (for 50 mL tubes)Eppendorf5810R
Capsule (cylindric mold)TAAB8 mm flat
Superlight S UVLumatec2001AV
Sieve (mesh size 0.71 mm)VWR34111229
Scalpel holder
Small laddle


  1. Dunlop, D. D., et al. Risk factors for functional decline in older adults with arthritis. Arthritis and rheumatism. 52 (4), 1274-1282 (2005).
  2. Fitzpatrick, K., Tokish, J. M. A military perspective to articular cartilage defects. ....

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