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  • Summary
  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Protocol
  • Representative Results
  • Discussion
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Here, we present a protocol for preparing and culturing a blood brain barrier metastatic tumor micro-environment and then quantifying its state using confocal imaging and artificial intelligence (machine learning).


Brain metastases are the most lethal cancer lesions; 10-30% of all cancers metastasize to the brain, with a median survival of only ~5-20 months, depending on the cancer type. To reduce the brain metastatic tumor burden, gaps in basic and translational knowledge need to be addressed. Major challenges include a paucity of reproducible preclinical models and associated tools. Three-dimensional models of brain metastasis can yield the relevant molecular and phenotypic data used to address these needs when combined with dedicated analysis tools. Moreover, compared to murine models, organ-on-a-chip models of patient tumor cells traversing the blood brain barrier into the brain microenvironment generate results rapidly and are more interpretable with quantitative methods, thus amenable to high throughput testing. Here we describe and demonstrate the use of a novel 3D microfluidic blood brain niche (µmBBN) platform where multiple elements of the niche can be cultured for an extended period (several days), fluorescently imaged by confocal microscopy, and the images reconstructed using an innovative confocal tomography technique; all aimed to understand the development of micro-metastasis and changes to the tumor micro-environment (TME) in a repeatable and quantitative manner. We demonstrate how to fabricate, seed, image, and analyze the cancer cells and TME cellular and humoral components, using this platform. Moreover, we show how artificial intelligence (AI) is used to identify the intrinsic phenotypic differences of cancer cells that are capable of transit through a model µmBBN and to assign them an objective index of brain metastatic potential. The data sets generated by this method can be used to answer basic and translational questions about metastasis, the efficacy of therapeutic strategies, and the role of the TME in both.


Brain metastases are the most lethal cancer lesions; 10-30% of all cancers metastasize to the brain, with a median survival of only ~5-20 months, depending on the cancer type1,2. A principal question that arises when studying cancer metastasis is how sub clones migrate from the humoral environment of the bloodstream into an organ such as the brain3,4. This question has led to many variations of migration, invasion, and extravasation assays. All these methods share the critical step of counting or measuring properties of cells that move from one locatio....


1. Prepare the blood brain barrier niche mold

NOTE: The culturing device used in this platform is a PDMS based scaffold that we build a cellular blood brain barrier niche upon. It is made of two parts separated by a porous membrane. To prepare the blood brain barrier niche two SU-8 molds made using photolithography are necessary26,27. The protocol will be described for the 100 µm thick mold first and then notes will be given for the.......

Representative Results

Using this technique, we analyzed cell types labeled with different fluorescent proteins or dyes. We demonstrate the use of this approach with a µmBBN chip formulated with hCMEC/D3-DsRed and non-fluorescent astrocytes. The brain microvascular endothelial cells were seeded onto a porous membrane (5 µm track etched pores) and placed in an incubator34 at 37 °C under 5% CO2. After three days the confluency of the endothelial layer was confirmed via microscopy and then cancer .......


We have developed and presented a new method that adapts tools often utilized in clinical imaging analyses for measurement of extravasation and migration of cancer cells through an endothelial barrier into brain tissue. We pose this approach can be useful for both in vivo and in vitro measurements; we have demonstrated its use on a 3D microfluidic system recapitulating brain vasculature. Cancer cell measurements including distance extravasated, percent extravasated by volume, sphericity, and volume are quantified using t.......


We thank the Steeg Lab, at the National Cancer Institute for the generous donation of MDA-MB-231-BR-GFP cells. Confocal microscopy was performed at the University of Michigan Biointerfaces Institute (BI). Flow cytometry was performed at the University of Michigan Flow Cytometry Core. Viral vectors were created by the University of Michigan Vector Core. We also thank Kelley Kidwell for guidance in statistical analysis of these data.


C.R.O. was partially supported by an NIH T-32 Training Fellowship (T32CA009676) and 1R21CA245597-01. T.M.W. was partially supported by 1R21CA245597-01 and the....


NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
0.25% Trypsin-EDTA with phenol redThermo Fisher Scientific25200056
1.5 mm biopsy punch with plungerIntegra LifeSciences Corporation33-31A-P/25
10x MEMThermo Fisher Scientific11430030
150 mm petri dishesFisher ScientificFB0875714
1x DPBS, without Ca and MgThermo Fisher Scientific14190144
200uL pipette tipFisher Scientific02-707-411
4 inch silicon waferUniversity Wafer452
48 mm wide packing tapeFisher Scientific19-072-097
50 x 75 mm glass slideFisher Scientific12-550C
A1 confocal microscopeNikon
acetoneFisher ScientificA9-20
antibiotic/antimycotic (penicillin/streptomycin/amphotericin)Gibco15240062
box cutter bladeFisher ScientificNC1721575
dissection scissorsFisher Scientific08-951-5
DMEM with 4.5 g/L glucoseThermo Fisher Scientific11960-044
double sided tapeFisher ScientificNC0879005
Fetal Bovine Serum, Heat inactivatedCorningMT35011CV
Fiji softwareImageJ
glass vialFisher Scientific03-341-25D
glutamaxThermo Fisher Scientific35050061
hCMEC/D3EMD MilliporeSCC066
Jupyter notebookAnaconda
L-glutamineThermo Fisher Scientific25030081
Matrigel - growth factor reduced with phenol redCorningCB-40230A
MDA-MB-231-BR-GFPDr. Patricia Steeg, NIH
N-2 growth supplementThermo Fisher Scientific17502048
normal human astrocytes (NHA)LonzaCC-2565
Orange softwareUniversity of Ljubljana
Pasteur pipetteFisher Scientific13-711-9AM
Photolithography masksPhotosciences Incorporated
pLL3.7-dsRedUniversity of Michigan Vector Core
pLL-EV-GFPUniversity of Michigan Vector Core
polycarbonate membrane, 5um pore sizeMilliporeTMTP04700
PureCol, 3 mg/mLAdvanced Biomatrix5005Type I bovine collagen
sodium bicarbonateThermo Fisher Scientific25080094
sodium pyruvateThermo Fisher Scientific11360070
Solo cupFisher ScientificNC1416545
SU-8 2075MicroChem CorporationY111074 0500L1GL
SU8 developerMicroChem CorporationY020100 4000L1PE
Sylgard 184Ellsworth Adhesive CompanyNC0162601
Tricholoro perfluoro octyl silaneSigma-Aldrich448931-10G


  1. Rastogi, K., et al. Palliation of Brain Metastases: Analysis of Prognostic Factors Affecting Overall Survival. Indian Journal of Palliative Care. 24 (3), 308-312 (2018).
  2. Wang, R., et al.

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