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Hypoxia is a hallmark of tumor microenvironment and plays a crucial role in cancer progression. This article describes the fabrication process of a hypoxic cancer-on-a-chip based on 3D cell-printing technology to recapitulate a hypoxia-related pathology of cancer.


Cancer microenvironment has a significant impact on the progression of the disease. In particular, hypoxia is the key driver of cancer survival, invasion, and chemoresistance. Although several in vitro models have been developed to study hypoxia-related cancer pathology, the complex interplay of the cancer microenvironment observed in vivo has not been reproduced yet owing to the lack of precise spatial control. Instead, 3D biofabrication approaches have been proposed to create microphysiological systems for better emulation of cancer ecology and accurate anticancer treatment evaluation. Herein, we propose a 3D cell-printing approach to fabricate a hypoxic cancer-on-a-chip. The hypoxia-inducing components in the chip were determined based on a computer simulation of the oxygen distribution. Cancer-stroma concentric rings were printed using bioinks containing glioblastoma cells and endothelial cells to recapitulate a type of solid cancer. The resulting chip realized central hypoxia and aggravated malignancy in cancer with the formation of representative pathophysiological markers. Overall, the proposed approach for creating a solid-cancer-mimetic microphysiological system is expected to bridge the gap between in vivo and in vitro models for cancer research.


The cancer microenvironment is a critical factor driving cancer progression. Multiple components, including biochemical, biophysical, and cellular cues, determine the pathological features of cancer. Among these, hypoxia is strongly associated with cancer survival, proliferation, and invasion1. Due to the unlimited growth and division of cancer cells, nutrients and oxygen are continuously depleted, and a hypoxic gradient is generated. Under low-oxygen conditions, cells activate hypoxia-inducible transcription factor (HIF)-associated molecular cascade. This process induces a necrotic core, triggers metabolic changes, and initiates blood vessel h....


1. Computer simulation of oxygen gradient formation

  1. Generation of a 3D geometry model for hypoxic cancer-on-a-chip printing
    1. Run a 3D CAD software.
    2. Sketch the geometry model of hypoxic cancer-on-a-chip. Click on Sketch and select the desired plane to draw the geometry. Refer to the drawing (Figure 2A) for the detail scale of each part.
    3. Set the thickness of the geometry by clicking on Feature-Protrusion Boss/Base. Enter the desired thickness (refer to Figure 2A) in the empty box and select the green check icon to fo....

Representative Results

The hypoxic cancer-on-a-chip was developed using computer-aided 3D cell-printing technology to recapitulate hypoxia and cancer-related pathology (Figure 1). Oxygen transportation and consumption were simulated using the 3D geometry model. The chip was designed in the form of concentric rings to mimic the radial oxygen diffusion and depletion, in cancer tissues (Figure 2A). After defining the control volume of a space where oxygen.......


In this study, we describe the fabrication process of a hypoxic cancer-on-a-chip based on 3D cell-printing technology. The formation of the hypoxic gradient in the designed chip was predicted through computer simulations. The environment that can induce a heterogeneous hypoxic gradient was reproduced via a simple strategy combining the 3D-printed gas-permeable barrier and the glass cover. The hypoxia-related pathological features of glioblastoma, including pseudopalisade and a small population of cancer stem cells, were .......


The authors have no disclosures.


This research was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education (No. 2020R1A6A1A03047902 and NRF-2018H1A2A1062091) and the Korea government (MSIT) (No. NRF-2019R1C1C1009606 and NRF-2019R1A3A3005437).



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
Human umbilical vein endothelial cellsPromocellC-12200
U-87 MG cellsATCCATCC HTB-14
0.2 μm syringe filterSartorius16534-K
10 mL disposable syringeJung Rim10ml 21G32
10 mL glass vialHubenaA0039
10 mL Serological pipette tipSPL lifescience91010
15 mL conical tubeSPL lifescience50015
18G plastic needleMusashi engineeringPN-18G-B
20G plastic tapered dispense tipMusashi engineeringTPND-20G-U
22x50 glass coverMARIENFIELD0101142
25 mL Serological pipette tipSPL lifescience90125
3 mL disposable syringesHENKE-JET4020-X00V0
40 µm cell strainerFalcon352360
5 mL Serological pipette tipSPL lifescience91005
50 mL conical tubeSPL lifescience50050
50 mL Serological pipette tipSPL lifescience90150
50N precision nozzleMusashi engineeringHN-0.5ND
Aluminum foilSINKWANG
Capillary tipsGilsonCP1000
Cell-scrapperSPL lifescience90030
Confocal dishSPL lifescience200350
Pre-coated histology slideMATSUNAMIMAS-11
ReservoirSPL lifescience23050
T-75 cell culture flaskSPL lifescience70075
3DX printerT&R Biofab
Confocal laser microscopyOlympus Life ScienceFV 1000
Fluorescence microscopeFISHER SCEINTIFICO221S366
ForcepKorea Ace ScientificHC.203-30
Hand tally counterKTRIO
Laminar flow cabinetDAECHUNG SCIENCECB-BMMS C-001
Metal syringeIWASHITA engineeringSUS BARREL 10CC
Operating ScissorsHiroseHC.13-122
OvenJEIOTECHOF-12, H070023
Positive displacement pipetteGILSONNJ05652
Voltex MixerDAIHAN scientificVM-10
Water purifierWASSER LABDI-GR
0.25 % Trypsin-EDTAGibco25200-072
10x PBSIntronIBS-BP007a
4% ParaformaldehydeBiosesang
70% EthanolDaejung4018-4410
Anti-CD31 antibodyAbcamab28364
Anti-HIF-1 alpha antibodyAbcamab16066
Anti-SHMT2/SHMT antibodyAbcamab88664
Anti-SOX2 antibodyAbcamab75485
Bovine Serum AlbuminThermo scientificJ10857-22
Collagen from porcine skinDalim tissenPC-001-1g
DAPI (4',6-Diamidino-2-Phenylindole, Dihydrochloride)ThermofisherD1306
Endothelial Cell Growth Medium-2PromocellC22011
Fetal bovine serumGibco12483-020
Goat anti-Mouse IgG (H+L) Cross-Adsorbed Secondary Antibody, Alexa Fluor 488TheromofisherA-11001
Goat anti-Rabbit IgG (H+L) Cross-Adsorbed Secondary Antibody, Alexa Fluor 594TheromofisherA-11012
High-glucose Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle Medium(DMEM)HycloneSH30243-0
Hydrochloric acidSigma-Aldrich311413-100ML
Live/dead assay kitInvitrogenL3224
Mouse IgG1, kappa monoclonal [15-6E10A7] - Isotype ControlAbcamab170190
Phenol red solutionSigma-AldrichP0290-100ML
Poly(ethylene-vinyl acetate) Poly science06108-500
PolydimethylsiloxaneDowhitechsylgard 184
Rabbit IgG, polyclonal - Isotype ControlAbcamab37415
Sodium hydroxide solutionSamchunS0610
Triton X-100BiosesangTRI020-500-50
Trypan BlueSigma-AldrichT8154
COMSOL Multiphysics 3.5aCOMSOL AB
IMS beamerin-house software
SolidWorks PackageDassault Systems SolidWorks Corporation


  1. Jing, X., et al. Role of hypoxia in cancer therapy by regulating the tumor microenvironment. Molecular Cancer. 18 (1), 157 (2019).
  2. Al Tameemi, W., Dale, T. P., Al-Jumaily, R. M. K., Forsyth, N. R. Hypoxia-modified cancer cell metabolism.<....

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