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This protocol presents the experimental procedures to perform the adhesion footprint assay to image the adhesion events during fast cell rolling adhesion.


Rolling adhesion, facilitated by selectin-mediated interactions, is a highly dynamic, passive motility in recruiting leukocytes to the site of inflammation. This phenomenon occurs in postcapillary venules, where blood flow pushes leukocytes in a rolling motion on the endothelial cells. Stable rolling requires a delicate balance between adhesion bond formation and their mechanically-driven dissociation, allowing the cell to remain attached to the surface while rolling in the direction of flow. Unlike other adhesion processes occurring in relatively static environments, rolling adhesion is highly dynamic as the rolling cells travel over thousands of microns at tens of microns per second. Consequently, conventional mechanobiology methods such as traction force microscopy are unsuitable for measuring the individual adhesion events and the associated molecular forces due to the short timescale and high sensitivity required. Here, we describe our latest implementation of the adhesion footprint assay to image the P-selectin: PSGL-1 interactions in rolling adhesion at the molecular level. This method utilizes irreversible DNA-based tension gauge tethers to produce a permanent history of molecular adhesion events in the form of fluorescence tracks. These tracks can be imaged in two ways: (1) stitching together thousands of diffraction-limited images to produce a large field of view, enabling the extraction of adhesion footprint of each rolling cell over thousands of microns in length, (2) performing DNA-PAINT to reconstruct super-resolution images of the fluorescence tracks within a small field of view. In this study, the adhesion footprint assay was used to study HL-60 cells rolling at different shear stresses. In doing so, we were able to image the spatial distribution of the P-selectin: PSGL-1 interaction and gain insight into their molecular forces through fluorescence intensity. Thus, this method provides the groundwork for the quantitative investigation of the various cell-surface interactions involved in rolling adhesion at the molecular level.


The rolling adhesion cascade describes how circulating cells tether to and roll along the blood vessel wall1. Passive rolling is primarily mediated by selectins, a major class of cellular adhesion molecules (CAMs)1. Under the shear flow of blood, leukocytes expressing P-selectin glycoprotein ligand-1 (PSGL-1) form highly transient bonds with P-selectin, which may be expressed on the surface of inflamed endothelial cells. This process is critical for leukocytes to migrate to a site of inflammation2. In addition, PSGL-1 is also a mechanosensitive receptor capable of triggering the subsequent firm ad....


1. Oligonucleotide labeling and hybridization

  1. Reduction of Protein G disulfide bonds
    1. Dissolve 10 mg of Protein G (ProtG) in 1 mL of ultrapure water.
      NOTE: The Protein G here is modified with a single cysteine residue at the C-terminus and an N-terminus poly-histidine tag.
    2. Buffer exchange ≥20 µL of ProtG (10 mg/mL) into 1x PBS (pH 7.2) with a P6 column.
    3. Measure the protein concentration following buffer exchange.
      NOTE: Typical concentration of 7-8 mg/mL.
    4. Prepare 120 mM Tris(2-carboxyethyl)phosphine (TCEP) by dissolving 3 mg of TCEP into 90 µL of 1x PBS (pH 7.2) fol....

Representative Results

The protocol above describes the experimental procedure of the adhesion footprint assay. The general experiment workflow is illustrated in Figure 1, from the flow chamber assembly (Figure 1A) to the surface functionalization (Figure 1B) and experiment and imaging steps (Figure 1C).

Figure 2 is a representative result for the ProtG-ssDNA bioconjug.......


The adhesion footprint assay enables visualization of the molecular adhesion events between PSGL-1 and P-selectin during cell rolling adhesion. This process is initiated by P-selectin-mediated capturing followed by rolling under fluidic shear stress. Potential issues during the experiment usually involve poor cell rolling or missing fluorescent tracks even when cells roll well. These problems are often resulting from quality controls at the critical steps in the protocol, as listed in the troubleshooting table (T.......


The authors declare no conflict of interest.


This work was supported by the Canada Foundation of Innovation (CFI 35492), Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada Discovery Grant (RGPIN-2017-04407), New Frontiers in Research Fund (NFRFE-2018-00969), Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research (SCH-2020-0559), and the University of British Columbia Eminence Fund.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
4-channel drill guideCustom made3D printed with ABS filament
4-holes slideCustom madeDrill clean microscope slide using a Dremel with diamond coated drill bits on a 4-channels drill guide which has a layout that matches with the centers of the 8-32 threaded holes on the aluminum clamp.
Acrylic spacerCustom madeCut two blocks of acrylic sheets with the dimension of 40 mm x 30 mm x 2.5 mm. On each block, drill two 3 mm holes that are precisely aligned with the 4-40 holes on the aluminium holder.
Aluminium chip holderCustom madeMachine anodized aluminium block into a C-shaped holder with the outer dimension of 640 mm x 500 mm x 65 mm and the opening dimension of 400 mm x 380 mm x 65 mm. Inlets and outlets are tapped with 8-32 thread.
AminosilaneAlfaAesarL14043CAS 1760-24-3
Antibiotic/antimycotic solutionCytiva HyCloneSV3007901Pen/Strep/Fungiezone
Beads, ProtG coated polystyreneSpherotechPGP-60-5
Bovine serum albuminVWR332
Buffer, DNA PAINT0.05% Tween-20, 5 mM Tris, 75 mM MgCl2, 1 mM EDTA
Buffer, T50M510mM Tris, 50 mM NaCl, 5 mM MgCl2
Buffer, RollingHBSS with 2mM CaCl2, 2 mM MgCl2, 10 mM Hepes, 0.1% BSA
Buffer, Wash10 mM Tris, 50 mM NaCl, 5 mM MgCl2 and 2 mM CaCl2, 0.05% Tween 20
Calcium chlorideVWRBDH9224
Cell culture flasksVWR10062-868
Concentrated sulfuric acidVWRBDH3072-2.5LG95-98%
Coverslip holding tweezersTechni-Tool758TW150
Diamond-coated drill bitsAbrasive technologyC52505100.75 mm diamond drill
DNA, amine-ssDNA (top strand)IDT DNACustom oligoCCGGGCGACGCAGGAGGG /3AmMO/
DNA, biotin-ssDNA (bottom strand)IDT DNACustom oligo/5BiotinTEG/ TTTTT CCCTCCTGCGTCGCCCGG
DNA, imager strand for DNA-PAINTIDT DNACustom oligoGAGGGAAA TT/3Cy3Sp/
DNA, imager strand for permanent labellingIDT DNACustom oligoCCGGGCGACGCAGG /3Cy3Sp/
Double-sided tapeScotch2373/4 inch width, permanent double-sided tape
EDTAThermofisher155750200.5 M EDTA, pH 8.0
EpoxyGorilla420015 minute curing time
Fetal Bovine Serum (FBS)Avantor97068-085
Glacial acetic acidVWRBDH3094-2.5LG
Glass, CoverslipsFisher Scientific12-548-5P
Glass, Microscope slideVWR48300-02675 mm x 25 mm x 1 mm
Glass, Staining jarVWR74830-150Wheaton Staining Jar (900620)
Hanks' Balanced Salt solution (HBSS)Lonza04-315Q
HL-60 cellsATCCCCL-240
Humidity chamber slide supportCustom made3D printed with ABS filament
Hydrogen peroxideVWRBDH7690-130%
Inlets/outletsCustom madeDrill through eight 8-32 set screws using cobalt drill bits. Insert 1.5 cm  polyethylene tubing (Tygon, I.D. 1/32” O.D. 3/32”) into each hollow setscrew
Iscove Modified Dulbecco Media (IMDM)Lonza12-722F
Magnesium chlorideVWRBDH9244
Magnetic Ni-NTA beadsInvitrogen10103D
Mailer tubesEMSEMS71406-10
Micro Bio-Spin P-6 Gel ColumnsBiorad7326200In SSC Buffer
PEGLaysan BioMPEG-SVA-5000
PEG-biotinLaysan BioBiotin-PEG-SVA-5000
Potassium hydroxideVWR470302-132
Protein, Protein GAbcamab155724N-terminal His-Tag and C-terminal cysteine
Protein, P-selectin-FcR&D System137-PSRecombinant Human P-Selectin/CD62P Fc Chimera Protein, CF
Protein, StreptavidinCedarlaneCL1005-01-5MG
Pump SyringeHarvard Apparatus704801
Sodium bicarbonateWard’s Science470302-444
Sodium chlorideVWR97061-274
SyringeHamilton81520Syringes with PTFE luer lock, 5 mL
Syringe needlesBD305115Precision Glide 26 G, 5/8 Inch Length
Tubing, AdaptorTygonABW00001Formulation 3350, I.D. 1/32”; O.D. 3/32”
Tubing, PolyethyleneBD Intramedic427406Intramedic (PE20) I.D. 0.38mm; O.D. 1.09mm


  1. McEver, R. P., Zhu, C. Rolling cell adhesion. Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology. 26 (1), 363-396 (2010).
  2. Ley, K., Laudanna, C., Cybulsky, M. I., Nourshargh, S. Getting to the site of inflammation: The leukocyte adhesion cascade updated. ....

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Imaging Molecular AdhesionCell RollingAdhesion Footprint AssayMolecular ForceSurface FunctionalizationBioconjugationFlow ChamberEpoxy coated TapeWash BufferBSATween 20StreptavidinProtein G TGT

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