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Monitoring intracranial pressure in rodent models of nontraumatic intraventricular hemorrhage is not common in the current literature. Herein, we demonstrate a technique for measuring intracranial pressure, mean arterial pressure, and cerebral perfusion pressure during intraventricular hemorrhage in a rat animal model.


Survivors of intraventricular hemorrhage are often left with significant long-term memory impairment; thus, research utilizing intraventricular hemorrhage animal models is essential. In this study, we sought out ways to measure intracranial pressure, mean arterial pressure, and cerebral perfusion pressure during nontraumatic intraventricular hemorrhage in rats. The experimental design included three Sprague Dawley groups: sham, standard 200 µl intraventricular hemorrhage, and vehicle control groups. By introducing an intraparenchymal fiberoptic pressure sensor, precise intracranial pressure measurements were obtained in all groups. Cerebral perfusion pressures were calculated with the knowledge of intracranial pressure and mean arterial pressure values. As expected, the intraventricular hemorrhage and vehicle control groups both experienced a rise in the intracranial pressure and subsequent decline in cerebral perfusion pressure during intraventricular injection of autologous blood and artificial cerebrospinal fluid, respectively. The addition of an intraparenchymal fiberoptic pressure sensor is beneficial in monitoring precise intracranial pressure changes.


Intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH), a type of intracranial hemorrhage (ICH), is a devastating disease that carries significant mortality and morbidity. IVH is characterized as the accumulation of blood products inside the intracranial ventricles. Isolated IVH in uncommon and typically occurs in adults1. It may be associated with hypertensive hemorrhage, ruptured intracranial aneurysm or another vascular malformation, tumors, or trauma1. IVH leads to secondary brain injury as well as the development of hydrocephalus2. Survivors of IVH are often left with significant functional, memory, and cognitive....


All research methods and animal care/maintenance were performed in compliance with the institutional guidelines at the University of California, Davis. The Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) of the University of California, Davis, approved all animal use protocols and experimental procedures (IACUC protocol #21874).

1. Animal housing

  1. Obtain Sprague-Dawley rats of age 8-10 months old. Prior to any experimental procedure, house the rats in a vivarium.......

Representative Results

Intracranial, mean arterial, and cerebral perfusion pressures
Both ICPs and MAPs were monitored intraoperatively in all animals (Figure 1). Rats were of 8-10 months old with a mean weight of 495 ± 17 g. Real-time ICP graphs were also collected (Figure 2). Excluding the sham group, ICPs increased significantly during intraventricular injection in IVH as well as vehicle control groups (Figure 3). I.......


This study investigated mechanisms to measure ICPs, MAPs, and CPPs in a nontraumatic IVH rat animal model. The results were recorded from the following groups: sham, VH 200 µL, and vehicle control (artificial cerebrospinal fluid intraventricular injection) animals. This experimental design was chosen to investigate how ICPs can be monitored during IVH injection as we hypothesized that the spike in ICPs may contribute to the more significant secondary brain injury and thus memory deficit in IVH animal models. Therefo.......


This work was funded by the NINDS grant: K08NS105914



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
0.25% bupivacaineHospira, Inc.409115901
1 mL syringeCovetrus60734
10% providine iodine solutionAplicareMSD093947
20 mL syringeCovidien8881520657
22 G needlesBecton Dickinson305155
28 G intraventricular needlesP technologies8IC313ISPCXCC313I/SPC 28-Gneedles to fit 22-G guide cannula with 6 mm projection
3-0 silk sutureHenry Schein, Inc.SP116
3-way-stopcockMerti Medical SystemsM3SNC
4% paraformaldehydeFisher Chemical30525-89-4
AnyMaze softwareAny-Maze behavioral tracking softwareStoelting CO, USA
Artificial ointmentCovetrus48272
Blood collection vials with EDTABecton Dickinson367856
Bone waxCP Medical, Inc.CPB31A
CarprofenZoetis, Inc.54771-8507-1
CentrifugeBeckmanBE-GS6RModel GS-6R
Cotton tip applicatorsCovetrus71214
Fiberoptic pressure sensors with readout unitsOpsens MedicalOPP-M200-X-80SC- 2.0PTFE-XN-100PIT-P1 and LIS-P1-N-62SCOpp-M200 packaged pressure sensors with LifeSens system
Forceps11923-13, 11064-07
GuillotineWorld Precision Instruments51330
Heating pad with rectal thermometerCWE, Inc.08-13000 ,08-13014TC1000 Temperature controller
Hemostats 13013-14,  13008-12
Lactated ringersBaxter Healthcare Corp.Y345583
LaryngoscopeAmerican Diagnostic Corporation4080
Metal clipFine Scientic Tools18056-14
Micro scissorsFine Scientic Tools15007-08
MicroscopeLeicamodel L2
Needle driver12003-15
Polyethylene tubingThermo Fisher Scientific14-170-12BPE-50 tubing
RatsEnvigoSprague Dawley rats 8–10 months old
Scalpel 10010-00
Stereotaxic instrumentKopf instrumentsModel 940 with ear bars
Syringe pumpKD Scientific780100Model 100 series
Touhy BorstAbbott23242
VentilatorHarvard rodent ventilator55-0000Model 683


  1. Gates, P. C., Barnett, H. J. M., Vinters, H. V., Simonsen, R. L., Siu, K. Primary intraventricular hemorrhage in adults. Stroke. 17, 872-877 (1986).
  2. Strajle, J., Garton, H. J. L., Maher, C. O., Muraszko, K., Keep, R. F., Xi, G.

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