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  • Protocol
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The protocol introduces a high-throughput method for measuring the relaxation of non-photochemical quenching by pulse amplitude modulated chlorophyll fluorometry. The method is applied to field-grown Glycine max and can be adapted to other species to screen for genetic diversity or breeding populations.


Photosynthesis is not optimized in modern crop varieties, and therefore provides an opportunity for improvement. Speeding up the relaxation of non-photochemical quenching (NPQ) has proven to be an effective strategy to increase photosynthetic performance. However, the potential to breed for improved NPQ and a complete understanding of the genetic basis of NPQ relaxation is lacking due to limitations of oversampling and data collection from field-grown crop plants. Building on previous reports, we present a high-throughput assay for analysis of NPQ relaxation rates in Glycine max (soybean) using pulse amplitude modulated (PAM) chlorophyll fluorometry. Leaf disks are sampled from field-grown soybeans before transportation to a laboratory where NPQ relaxation is measured in a closed PAM-fluorometer. NPQ relaxation parameters are calculated by fitting a bi-exponential function to the measured NPQ values following a transition from high to low light. Using this method, it is possible to test hundreds of genotypes within a day. The procedure has the potential to screen mutant and diversity panels for variation in NPQ relaxation, and can therefore be applied to both fundamental and applied research questions.


Photosynthesis consists of light absorption, primary electron transfer, energy stabilization, and the synthesis and transport of photosynthetic products1. Understanding each step is vital to guide efforts to increase crop photosynthetic efficiency. Light affects the rate of photosynthesis, requiring balancing energy supply, in the form of photons, with demand for reducing equivalents. When supply exceeds demand, for example under high-light or during reduced CO2 fixation caused by stomatal closure, build-up of reducing power increases the probability of reactive oxygen species formation with the potential to damage the photosynthetic....


1. Seed planting

  1. Choose a field site with fertile, well-drained, but not sandy soil, and with a pH of nearly 6.5. Mark out 1.2 m row plots with 0.75 m spacing by scoring the ground with a hoe.
  2. Plant 50 seeds/m of G. max cv. IA3023 at 3 cm depth along each plot at the beginning of the growing season when soil temperatures are between 25 to 30 °C.
    NOTE: For the purpose of screening genetic diversity, it is expected that multiple different genotypes are grown and compared. Plant 2-5 rows per genotype arranged in a random block design. Consideration should be given to whether the climatic conditions suit the grow....

Representative Results

Figure 1A depicts a typical measurement of NPQ in field-grown soybean. Plants were grown in Urbana, IL (latitude 40.084604°, longitude -88.227952°) during summer 2021, with seeds planted on June 5th. 2021. The leaf discs were sampled after 30 days of planting seeds, and measurements were made with the protocol provided (Table 1). Fv/Fm and NPQ values were calculated for each leaf disk (Supplementary Table 4) and NPQ relaxation par.......


Careful choice and handling of leaf disks are critical to obtain reliable measurements of NPQ. First, damage to the tissue, such as rough handling with tweezers, will introduce stress, resulting in low values for the maximum quantum efficiency of photosynthesis. Non-stressed plants typically have Fv/Fm values of around 0.8318, with significant declines indicating a reduction in photosynthetic performance9. However, plants grown under .......


The authors report no conflicts of interest


This work is supported by the research project Realizing Increased Photosynthetic Efficiency (RIPE) that is funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research, and the U.K. Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office under grant number OPP1172157.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
24 well tissue culture plateFisher ScientificFB012929Country of Origin: United States of America
96 well tissue culture plateFisher ScientificFB012931Country of Origin: United States of America
Aluminum foilAntylia Scientific 61018-56Country of Origin: United States of America
Black marker penSharpieSAN30001Country of Origin: United States of America
CF imagerTechnologica Ltd.N/Achlorophyll fluorescence imager
Country of Origin: United Kingdom
Cork-borer, 7mmHumboldt Mfg CoH9665Country of Origin: United States of America
FluorImager V2.305 SoftwareTechnologica Ltd.N/Aimaging software
Country of Origin: United Kingdom
iHank-Nose 100-Pack of Premium Nasal Aspirator Hygiene FiltersAmazon B07P6XCTGVCountry of Origin: United States of America
Marker stakesJohn Henry CompanyKN0151Country of Origin: United States of America
Paper scissorsVWR82027-596Country of Origin: United States of America
ParafilmBemis Company Inc. S3-594-6Semi -transparent flexible film
Country of Origin: United States of America
Solid rubber stoppersFisher Scientific14-130MCountry of Origin: United States of America


  1. Blankenship, R. E. . Molecular Mechanisms of Photosynthesis. , (2021).
  2. Murchie, E. H., Niyogi, K. K. Manipulation of photoprotection to improve plant photosynthesis. Plant Physiology. 155 (1), 86-92 (2011).
  3. Horton, P.

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High throughput AnalysisNon photochemical QuenchingPulse Amplitude Modulated Chlorophyll FluorometryGenetic DiversitySoybeanLeaf Discs24 well Plate96 well PlateNasal Aspirator FilterHumidity

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