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Müller glia primary cultures obtained from mouse retinas represent a very robust and reliable tool to study the glial conversion into retinal progenitor cells after microRNA treatment. Single molecules or combinations can be tested before their subsequent application of in vivo approaches.


Müller glia (MG) are the predominant glia in the neural retina and can function as a regenerative source for retinal neurons. In lower vertebrates such as fish, MG-driven regeneration occurs naturally; in mammals, however, stimulation with certain factors or genetic/epigenetic manipulation is required. Since MG comprise only 5% of the retinal cell population, there is a need for model systems that allow the study of this cell population exclusively. One of these model systems is primary MG cultures that are reproducible and can be used for a variety of applications, including molecule/factor screening and identification, testing of compounds or factors, cell monitoring, and/or functional tests. This model is used to study the potential of murine MG to convert into retinal neurons after supplementation or inhibition of microRNAs (miRNAs) via transfection of artificial miRNAs or their inhibitors. The use of MG-specific reporter mice in combination with immunofluorescent labeling and single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) confirmed that 80%-90% of the cells found in these cultures are MG. Using this model, it was discovered that miRNAs can reprogram MG into retinal progenitor cells (RPCs), which subsequently differentiate into neuronal-like cells. The advantages of this technique are that miRNA candidates can be tested for their efficiency and outcome before their usage in in vivo applications.


The Müller glia (MG) are the predominant glia in the neural retina. They have similar functions compared to other glia in other parts of the central nervous system such as maintaining the water and ion homeostasis, nourishing neurons, and protecting the tissue. MG have another fascinating feature: although they are mature glia, they still express many genes expressed in retinal progenitor cells (RPCs) during late development1,2. This resemblance is assumed to be the reason for the naturally occurring MG-based neuronal regeneration in the fish retina after retinal damage3,


Procedures involving animal subjects have been approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) at SUNY College of Optometry.

NOTE: This culture protocol consists of three phases: growth, transfection, and conversion phase. A summary of the overall protocol with the timeline is given in Figure 1.

1. Preparation of media and all required reagents

NOTE: All steps need to be carried out in an A2 or B2 biosafety cabinet (BSC). During the growth phase, a high-serum growth medium is used which consists of a basal neuronal medium....

Representative Results

This protocol describes how to grow MG from P12 mouse retinas and how to reprogram these cells with miR-25 into retinal neurons using the Ascl1CreERT:tdTomatoSTOPfl/fl RPC reporter mouse. This method was used in previous work reporting in detail other suitable miRNAs (mimics or inhibitors, as single molecules or in combination) to reprogram MG into RPC that then adopt neuronal cell characteristics27. This method has been modified to grow cultures faster and thus mini.......


This protocol describes how to grow MG from dissociated mouse retinas for reprogramming studies using miRNAs. As shown and confirmed in a variety of previous studies, the vast majority (80%-90%) of cells found in these cultures are MG20,23,24. This method is a very robust and reliable technique and results can be easily reproduced if the protocol is followed correctly21,27


A patent including some of the findings in this report has been filed for by the University of Washington with inventors Nikolas Jorstad, Stefanie G. Wohl, and Thomas A. Reh. The patent is titled ‘‘Methods and compositions to stimulate retinal regeneration.


The authors thank Dr. Ann Beaton and all lab members for their input on the manuscript. Special thanks go to Drs. Tom Reh, Julia Pollak, and Russ Taylor for introducing MG primary cultures as a screening tool to S.G.W. during postdoctoral training at the University of Washington in Seattle. The study was funded by the Empire Innovation Program (EIP) Grant to S.G.W. and start-up funds from SUNY Optometry to S.G.W., as well as the R01EY032532 award from the National Eye Institute (NEI) to S.G.W.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
Ascl1-CreERT mouse Ascl1tm1.1(Cre/ERT2)Jejo/JJax laboratories#012882Ascl1-CreERT mice were crossed with tdTomato mice
tdTomato-STOPfl/fl mouse  B6.Cg-Gt(ROSA)26Sortm14(CAG-tdTomato)Hze/JJax laboratories#007914Genotyping is requried to identify Ascl1CreER positive mice
(Z)-4-Hydroxytamoxifen, ≥98% Z isomerSigma-AldrichH7904-5MGreconstituted in ethanol, frozen aliquots
16 % Paraformaldehyde (PFA) aqueous solutionVWR100504-7822% PFA made with Phosphate-buffered saline (PBS), frozen aliquots
Alexa Fluor 488 - AffiniPure F(ab')2 Fragment Donkey Anti-Rabbit IgG (H+L)Jackson ImmunoResearch Laboratories711-546-152dilution 1:500
Alexa Fluor 647 - AffiniPure F(ab')2 Fragment Donkey Anti-Goat IgG (H+L)Jackson ImmunoResearch Laboratories705-606-147dilution 1:500
Anti-human Otx2 Antibody, R&D SystemsFisher ScientificAF1979dilution 1:500
Anti-rabbit MAP2 antibodySigma-AldrichM9942-200ULdilution 1:250
Anti-Red Fluorescent Protein (RFP) antibodyAntibodies-OnlineABIN334653dilution 1:500
Ascorbic AcidSTEMCELL Technologies72132reconstituted in PBS, frozen aliquots
B-27 SupplementFisher Scientific17-504-044frozen aliquots
Brain Phys Neuronal MediumSTEMCELL Technologies05790used as neuronal medium in section 1.2, store at 4 °C (
Click-iT EdU Alexa Fluor 647 Imaging KitFisher ScientificC10340reconstitute following manual, 4°C
Dibutyryl-cAMPSTEMCELL Technologies73886reconstituted in Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), frozen aliquots
Dimethyl Sulfoxide (DMSO)Fisher ScientificMT-25950CQC
Fetal Bovine Serum (FBS)Fisher ScientificMT35010CVfrozen aliquots
Gibco Opti-MEM Reduced Serum Medium, GlutaMAX SupplementFisher Scientific51-985-034store at 4 °C
Gibco TrypLE Express Enzyme (1X), phenol redFisher Scientific12-605-028used as solution containing trypsin, store at 4 °C
HBSSFisher Scientific14-025-134store at 4 °C
Laminin mouse protein, naturalFisher Scientific23-017-015

frozen aliquots, (

L-GlutamineFisher Scientific25-030-081frozen aliquots
miRIDIAN microRNA Mimic Negative ControlHorizonCN-001000-01-50reconstituted in RNase free water (200 µM), frozen aliquots
miRIDIAN microRNA Mouse mmu-miR-25-3p mimicHorizonC-310564-05-0050reconstituted in RNase free water (200 µM), frozen aliquots
N-2 SupplementFisher Scientific17-502-048frozen aliquots
Neurobasal MediumFisher Scientific21-103-049used for growth medium in section 1.1, store at 4 °C
Papain Dissociation SystemWorthington BiochemicalLK003153reconstituted in Earle's Balanced Salt Solution, frozen aliquots
Penicillin StreptomycinFisher Scientific15-140-122frozen aliquots
Phosphate-buffered saline (PBS)Fisher Scientific20-012-043
Poly-L-ornithine hydrobromideSigma-AldrichP4538-50MGreconstituted in steriled water, frozen aliquots
Recombinant Human BDNF ProteinR&D Systems248-BDB-050/CFreconstituted in steriled PBS and FBS, frozen aliquots
Recombinant Mouse EGF ProteinFisher Scientific2028EG200reconstituted in steriled PBS, frozen aliquots
Recombinant Rat GDNF ProteinFisher Scientific512GF010reconstituted in steriled PBS, frozen aliquots
Rhodamine Red 570 - AffiniPure F(ab')2 Fragment Donkey Anti-Rat IgG (H+L)Jackson ImmunoResearch Laboratories712-296-150dilution 1:1,000
Slide Mounting MediumFisher ScientificOB100-01
Transfection Reagent (Lipofectamine 3000)Fisher ScientificL3000015store at 4 °C
0.6 mL microcentrifuge tubeFisher Scientific50-408-120
1.5 mL microcentrifuge tubeFisher Scientific50-408-129
10 µL TIP  sterile filter  Pipette TipsFisher Scientific02-707-439
100 µL TIP  sterile filter Pipette TipsFisher Scientific02-707-431
1000 µL TIP sterile filter Pipette TipsFisher Scientific02-707-404
2.0 mL microcentrifuge tubeFisher Scientific50-408-138
20 µL TIP  sterile filter Pipette TipsFisher Scientific02-707-432
Adjustable-Volume Pipettes (2.5, 10, 20, 100, 200, & 1000 µL)Eppendorf2231300008
Disposable Transfer PipetsFisher Scientific13-669-12
Multiwell Flat-Bottom Plates with Lids, No. of Wells=12Fisher Scientific08-772-29
Multiwell Flat-Bottom Plates with Lids, No. of Wells=24Fisher Scientific08-772-1
PIPET  sterile filter 10ML Disposable Serological PipetsFisher Scientific13-676-10J
PIPET  sterile filter 50ML Disposable Serological PipetsFisher Scientific13-676-10Q
PIPET  sterile filter 5ML Disposable Serological PipetsFisher Scientific13-676-10H
Powder-Free Nitrile Exam GlovesFisher Scientific19-130-1597B
Round coverslips (12 mm diameter, 0.17 - 0.25 mm thickness)Fisher Scientific22293232
Vacuum Filter, Pore Size=0.22 µmFisher Scientific09-761-106
1300 B2 Biosafety cabinetThermo Scientific1310
All-in-one Fluorescence Microscope Keyence BZ-X 810Keyence9011800000
Binocular Zoom Stereo MicroscopeVision ScientificVS-1EZ-IFR07
Disposable Petri Dishes (100 mm diameter)VWR25384-088
Dumont #5 Forceps - Biologie/TitaniumFine Science Tools11252-40
Dumont #55 Forceps - Biologie/InoxFine Science Tools11255-20
Dumont #7 curved Forceps - Biologie/TitaniumFine Science Tools11272-40
Eppendorf Centrifuge 5430 REppendorf2231000508
Fine Scissors-sharpFine Science Tools14058-11
McPherson-Vannas Scissors, 8 cmWorld Precision Instruments14124
Metal bead bathLab Armor74309-714
Nutating Mixer, Electrical=115V, 60Hz, Speed=24 rpmVWR82007-202
Silicone coated dissection Petri Dish (90 mm diameter)Living Systems InstrumentationDD-ECON-90-BLK-5PK
Tweezers, economy #5World Precision Instruments501979
Water Jacketed CO2 IncubatorVWR10810-744


  1. Jadhav, A. P., Roesch, K., Cepko, C. L. Development and neurogenic potential of Müller glial cells in the vertebrate retina. Progress in Retinal and Eye Research. 28 (4), 249-262 (2009).
  2. Roesch, K., et al. ....

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