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A Package of Established Analytical Tools to Investigate the Solid-State Alteration of Lipid-Based Excipients

Published: August 9th, 2022



1Research Center Pharmaceutical Engineering, GmbH, 2Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Department of Pharmaceutical Technology and Biopharmacy, University of Graz


Lipid-based excipients (LBEs) are low-toxic, biocompatible, and natural-based, and their application supports the sustainability of pharmaceutical manufacturing. However, the major challenge is their unstable solid-state, affecting the stability of the pharmaceutical product. Critical physical properties of lipids for their processing-such as melt temperature and viscosity, rheology, etc.-are related to their molecular structure and their crystallinity. Additives, as well as thermal and mechanical stress involved in the manufacturing process, affect the solid-state of lipids and thus the performance of pharmaceutical products thereof. Therefore, understanding the alteration in the solid-state is crucial. In this work, the combination of powder x-ray diffraction and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) is introduced as the gold standard for the characterization of lipids' solid state. X-ray diffraction is the most efficient method to screen polymorphism and crystal growth. The polymorphic arrangement and the lamella length are characterized in the wide- and small-angle regions of x-ray diffraction, respectively. The small-angle x-ray scattering (SAXS) region can be further used to investigate crystal growth. Phase transition and separation can be indicated. DSC is used to screen the thermal behavior of lipids, estimate the miscibility of additives and/or active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) in the lipid matrix, and provide phase diagrams. Four case studies are presented in which LBEs are either used as a coating material or as an encapsulation matrix to provide lipid-coated multiparticulate systems and lipid nanosuspensions, respectively. The lipid solid-state and its potential alteration during storage are investigated and correlated to the alteration in the API release. Qualitative microscopical methods such as polarized light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy are complementary tools to investigate micro-level crystallization. Further analytical methods should be added based on the selected manufacturing process. The structure-function-processability relationship should be understood carefully to design robust and stable lipid-based pharmaceutical products.

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Keywords Differential Scanning Calorimetry

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