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  • Introduction
  • Protocol
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This protocol describes an approach to facilitate precise knock-in edits in zebrafish embryos using CRISPR-Cas9 technology. A phenotyping pipeline is presented to demonstrate the applicability of these techniques to model a Long QT Syndrome-associated gene variant.


Clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR) in animal models enable precise genetic manipulation for the study of physiological phenomena. Zebrafish have been used as an effective genetic model to study numerous questions related to heritable disease, development, and toxicology at the whole-organ and -organism level. Due to the well-annotated and mapped zebrafish genome, numerous tools for gene editing have been developed. However, the efficacy of generating and ease of detecting precise knock-in edits using CRISPR is a limiting factor. Described here is a CRISPR-Cas9-based knock-in approach with the simple detection of precise edits in a gene responsible for cardiac repolarization and associated with the electrical disorder, Long QT Syndrome (LQTS). This two-single-guide RNA (sgRNA) approach excises and replaces the target sequence and links a genetically encoded reporter gene. The utility of this approach is demonstrated by describing non-invasive phenotypic measurements of cardiac electrical function in wild-type and gene-edited zebrafish larvae. This approach enables the efficient study of disease-associated variants in a whole organism. Furthermore, this strategy offers possibilities for the insertion of exogenous sequences of choice, such as reporter genes, orthologs, or gene editors.


CRISPR-based gene editing strategies in animal models enable the study of genetically heritable disease, development, and toxicology at the whole-organism level1,2,3. Zebrafish provide a powerful model that is closer in numerous physiological aspects to humans than murine or human-derived cell models4. An extensive array of genetic tools and strategies have been used in zebrafish for both forward5 and reverse genetic screening6. Comprehensive genetic mapping and annotation in zebrafi....


Studies using zebrafish were conducted in agreement with the policies and procedures of the Simon Fraser University Animal Care Committee and the Canadian Council of Animal Care and were completed under protocol # 1264K-18.

1. Design of CRISPR components for precise edits

  1. To design the two-sgRNA guides that will be used to excise the sequence containing the KI target site, first identify the zebrafish ortholog for the gene of interest.
    NOTE: Figure 2 provides a summary overview of the steps to engineer precise edits using the two-sgRNA CRISPR-Cas9 approach.
  2. Next, us....

Representative Results

The successful use of this two-sgRNA exon replacement CRISPR approach is highlighted by the introduction and simple detection of a precise edit to engineer the LQTS-associated variant, R56Q, in the zkcnh6a gene in zebrafish. Figure 6 shows a representative 3 dpf larvae injected at the one-cell embryo stage with CRISPR components as described above. Figure 6A shows the presence of the YFP mVenus reporter gene expression in the eye lens as a positive repo.......


The engineering of precise gene edits using CRISPR-Cas9 is challenged by the low efficiencies of HDR mechanisms and their efficient detection. Here, a CRISPR-Cas9-based two-sgRNA exon replacement approach is described that produces precise edits in zebrafish with straightforward visual detection of positive edits. The efficacy of this approach is demonstrated by generating precise edits in the zkcnh6a gene. This paper shows how cardiac function in gene-edited zebrafish larvae may be assessed using non-invasive p.......


The authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose.


This research was supported by a Canadian Institutes of Health Research Project grant (T.W.C.) and Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada Discovery grants (T.W.C.).



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
CRISPORTEFOR Infrastructure
ENSEMBLEuropean Bioinformatics Institute
ImageJNational Institutes of Health (NIH)
Micro-ManagerOpen Source (Github)
NEBiocalculatorNew England Biolabs (NEB)
24-well PlateVWR
25 mm Petri DishVWR
Blackfly USB3 CameraTeledyne FLIR
C1000 Thermal CyclerBio-Rad
Centrifuge 5415CEppendorf
EZNA Gel Extraction KitOmega Biotek
MAXIscript T7 Transcription KitInvitrogen
MaxQ 5000 IncubatorBarnstead Lab Line
Miniprep KitQiagen
mMessage mMachine T7 Ultra Transcription KitInvitrogen
ND1000 SpectrophotometerNanodrop
PCR Purification KitQiagen
PLI 100A PicoinjectorHarvard Apparatus
PowerPac Basic Power SupplyBio-Rad
Stemi 305 SteroscopeZeiss
Wide Mini Sub Cell GT Electrophoresis SystemBio-Rad
ZebTec Zebrafish Housing SystemTecniplast
Gene SynthesisGenewiz
Sanger SequencingGenewiz
10β Competent CellsNEB
10X PCR BufferQiagen
100 mM Nucleotide MixtureABM
BamHI Endonuclease w/ bufferNEB
BsaI Endonuclease w/ bufferNEB
DR274 Plasmid (XL1 Blue bacterial agar stab)Addgene
EcoRI Endonuclease w/ bufferNEB
HindIII Endonuclease w/ bufferNEB
Methylene BlueSigma
MLM3613 Plasmid (XL1 Blue bacterial agar stab)Addgene
MS-222 (Tricaine)Sigma
pKHR5 Plasmid (DH5α bacterial agar stab)Addgene
PmeI Endonuclease w/ bufferNEB
SalI Endonuclease w/ bufferNEB
Sodium HydroxideSigma
T4 Ligase w/ bufferSigma
Taq PolymeraseQiagen
TE BufferSigma
Tris HydrochlorideSigma
XhoI Endonuclease w/ bufferNEB
Annealing Buffer (pH 7.5-8.0)10 mM TrisSigma
50 mM NaClSigma
1 mM EDTASigma
E3 Media (pH 7.2)5 mM NaClSigma
0.17 mM KClSigma
0.33 mM CaCl2Sigma
0.33 mM MgSO4Sigma
Injection Buffer (pH 7.5)20 mM HEPESSigma
150 mM KClSigma


  1. Zarei, A., Razban, V., Hosseini, S. E., Tabei, S. M. B. Creating cell and animal models of human disease by genome editing using CRISPR/Cas9. The Journal of Gene Medicine. 21 (4), 3082 (2019).
  2. Lee, H., Yoon, D. E., Kim, K. Genom....

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CRISPR Cas9Knock inZebrafishLong QT SyndromeSgRNA DesignHDR TemplateSanger SequencingPhenotyping

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