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  • Introduction
  • Protocol
  • Representative Results
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Here, we describe a simple technique intended for the efficient generation of genetically modified mice called CRISPR RNP Electroporation of Zygotes (CRISPR-EZ). This method delivers editing reagents by electroporation into embryos at an efficiency approaching 100%. This protocol is effective for point mutations, small genomic insertions, and deletions in mammalian embryos.


With exceptional efficiency, accuracy, and ease, the CRISPR/Cas9 system has significantly improved genome editing in cell culture and lab animal experiments. When generating animal models, the electroporation of zygotes offers higher efficiency, simplicity, cost, and throughput as an alternative to the gold standard method of microinjection. Electroporation is also gentler, with higher viability, and reliably delivers Cas9/single-guide RNA (sgRNA) ribonucleoproteins (RNPs) into the zygotes of common laboratory mouse strains (e.g., C57BL/6J and C57BL/6N) that approaches 100% delivery efficiency. This technique enables insertion/deletion (indels) mutations, point mutations, the deletion of whole genes or exons, and small insertions in the range of 100-200 bp to insert LoxP or short tags like FLAG, HA, or V5. While constantly being improved, here we present the current state of CRISPR-EZ in a protocol that includes sgRNA production through in vitro transcription, embryo processing, RNP assembly, electroporation, and the genotyping of preimplantation embryos. A graduate-level researcher with minimal experience manipulating embryos can obtain genetically edited embryos in less than 1 week using this protocol. Here, we offer a straightforward, low-cost, efficient, high-capacity method that could be used with mouse embryos.


Genome editing in live mice has been considerably simplified and has become accessible and more affordable since the emergence of CRISPR editing1,2,3. Initial animal editing attempts used microinjection to deliver CRISPR Cas9 mRNA/sgRNA into pronuclear-stage embryos4,5,6. While microinjection is quite effective, the amount of practice required to fully master it might not be appropriate for trainees and students and also requires expensive equipment that a modestly funded lab is unab....


All animal care and use throughout this protocol adhered to Animal Welfare Act policies the ILAR Guide for Care and Use of Laboratory Animals and followed guidelines from the AVMA for euthanasia and the University of Pennsylvania Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) guidelines and policies. The animal care and use protocol was reviewed and approved by the University of Pennsylvania IACUC for this project. As a matter of compliance and caution, please seek out all necessary authorizations prior to attemptin.......

Representative Results

This method generates more than 100 µg of sgRNA (20 µL at >6,000 ng/L concentration) for efficient Cas9/sgRNA RNP assembly. The routine superovulation method described here typically produces 10-20 viable embryos per plugged female. Due to handling errors and typical losses associated with embryo manipulation, an expected 80% of embryos are fertilized, viable, and in excellent condition after electroporation. To aid researchers in executing a successful experiment, we have provided an example strategy to ta.......


Presented here is a straightforward and highly efficient mouse genome editing technology. Electroporation can be used to generate modified embryos in 1-2 weeks (Figure 1) and can produce edited mice within 6 weeks9. Compared to contemporaneously developed electroporation-based protocols that deliver RNPs7,10,11,12,


A.J.M. created the original concept that led to the development of CRISPR-EZ and produced the figures. C.K.D. compiled and adapted the internal and published protocols for this current manuscript. A.J.M. is supported by NIH (R00HD096108).



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
0.1-cm-gap electroporation cuvetteBio-Radcat. no. 1652089Electroporation
26-G, 1/2-inch needleBDcat. no. 305111Superovulation
3–8-month-old male mice and 3- to 5-week-old female miceJAXcat. no. 000664Superovulation
35-mm Tissue culture dishGreiner Bio-One,cat. no. 627-160Embryo Culture
60-mm Tissue culture dishGreiner Bio-One,cat. no. 628-160Embryo Processing
6x loading dyeThermo Fisher Scientificcat. no. R0611sgRNA Synthesis and Genotyping
Acidic Tyrode's (AT) solution, embryo culture gradeSigma-Aldrich,cat. no. T1788Embryo Processing
BSA, embryo culture gradeSigma-Aldrichcat. no. A3311Embryo Processing and Culture
Cas9 proteinAlt-R S.p. Cas9 nuclease 3NLScat. no. 1074181Electroporation
DNase I, RNase-freeNew England BioLabs,cat. no. M0303sgRNA Synthesis
DPBS(calcium and magnesium free)Gibcocat. no. 14190-144Embryo Processing
EcoRINEBcat. no. R3101SGenotyping
EDTA, anhydrousSigma-Aldrichcat. no. EDS-100GRNP Buffer
EthanolKopteccat. no. V1016sgRNA Synthesis
Gelatin (powder) type B, laboratory gradeFisher,cat. no. G7-500Lysis Buffer
Glycerol, molecular-biology gradeFishercat. no. BP229RNP Buffer
Taq PolymerasePromegacat. no. M712Genotyping
HEPES, cell culture gradeSigma-Aldrichcat. no. H4034RNP Buffer
HinfI (10,000 U/mL)NEBcat. no. R0155SGenotyping
HiScribe T7 High Yield RNA Synthesis KitNew England BioLabs,cat. no. E2040sgRNA Synthesis
Human chorion gonadotropin, lyophilized (hCG)Milliporecat. no. 230734Superovulation
Hyaluronidase/M2Milliporecat. no. MR-051-FEmbryo Processing
KSOMaa Evolve medium (potassium-supplemented simplex-optimized medium plus amino acids)Zenith Biotechcat. no. ZEKS-050Embryo Culture
LE agarose, analytical gradeBioExpresscat. no. E-3120-500sgRNA Synthesis and Genotyping
M2 mediumZenith Biotechcat. no. ZFM2-050Embryo Processing
Magnesium chloride, anhydrous (MgCl2)Sigma-Aldrichcat. no. M8266RNP and Lysis Buffer
Mineral OilMilliporecat. no. ES-005CEmbryo Culture
Nonidet P-40,substitute (NP-40)Sigma-Aldrichcat. no. 74385Lysis Buffer
Nuclease-free water, molecular-biology gradeAmbioncat. no. AM9937sgRNA Synthesis and Genotyping
Oligos for sgRNA synthesis, donor oligo and PCR primers for genotypingIntegrated DNA Technologiescustom orderssgRNA Design
Reduced serum mediumThermo Fisher Scientificcat. no. 31985062Embryo Culture
High-fidelity DNA polymeraseNew England BioLabs,cat. no. M0530sgRNA Synthesis
Potassium chloridemolecular-biology grade (KCl)Sigma-Aldrichcat. no. P9333RNP and Lysis Buffer
Pregnant mare serum gonadotropin lyophilizd ((PMSG)ProspecBiocat. no. HOR-272Superovulation
Proteinase K, molecular-biology gradeFishercat. no. BP1700-100Lysis Buffer
RNase-free 1.5-mL microcentrifuge tubeVWRcat. no. 20170-333sgRNA Synthesis and Genotyping
RNase-free eight-well PCR strip tubesVWRcat. no. 82006-606sgRNA Synthesis and Genotyping
Magnetic purification beadsGE Healthcarecat. no. 65152105050250sgRNA Synthesis
Tris (2-carboxyethyl) phosphine hydrochloride (TCEP)Sigma-Aldrichcat. no. C4706RNP Buffer
Tris-HCl solution, pH 8.5 molecular-biology gradeTeknovacat. no. T1085Lysis Buffer
Tween 20 molecular-biology gradeSigma-Aldrichcat. no. P7949-500Lysis Buffer


  1. Cong, L., et al. Multiplex genome engineering using CRISPR/Cas systems. Science. 339 (6121), 819-823 (2013).
  2. Xu, H., et al. Sequence determinants of improved CRISPR sgRNA design. Genome Research. 25....

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