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Design and Implementation of a Rat Ex Vivo Lung Perfusion Model

Published: May 26th, 2023



1Anesthesiology, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, 2Anesthesiology, University of Greifswald, 3Department of Physiology and Cell Biology, University of South Alabama, 4Department of Medicine, University of South Alabama, 5Center for Lung Biology, University of South Alabama, 6Anesthesiology, Tennessee Valley Healthcare System Veterans Affairs Medical Center, 7Pharmacology, Vanderbilt University

* These authors contributed equally


Ex vivo lung preparations are a useful model that can be translated to many different fields of research, complementing corresponding in vivo and in vitro models. Laboratories wishing to use isolated lungs need to be aware of important steps and inherent challenges to establish a setup that is affordable, reliable, and that can be easily adapted to fit the topic of interest. This paper describes a DIY (do it yourself) model for ex vivo rat lung ventilation and perfusion to study drug and gas effects on pulmonary vascular tone, independent of changes in cardiac output. Creating this model includes a) the design and construction of the apparatus, and b) the lung isolation procedure. This model results in a setup that is more cost-effective than commercial alternatives and yet modular enough to adapt to changes in specific research questions. Various obstacles had to be resolved to ensure a consistent model that is capable of being used for a variety of different research topics. Once established, this model has proven to be highly adaptable to different questions and can easily be altered for different fields of study.

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