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Screening for coronary artery disease could increase the procurement of donor hearts with extended criteria. A protocol for performing reproducible coronary angiography during ex-situ heart perfusion is described herein in a porcine model.


Heart transplantation is the gold standard treatment for advanced heart failure. The procurement of extended criteria donors (ECD) increases due to the current organ shortage. Coronary angiography is recommended in ECD at risk for coronary artery disease but is not systematically performed. These hearts are, therefore, either declined for transplant or procured without screening for coronary artery disease. Coronary angiography during normothermic ex-situ heart perfusion (NESP) could be an interesting approach to enhance the rate of ECD procurement and to reduce the risk of primary graft failure in the absence of coronary angiography in ECD. The present protocol aims to provide material details along with optimal imaging views for coronary angiography during NESP. Reproducible angiographic views were observed, including one dedicated to the right coronary artery, two for the left anterior descending artery, two for the circumflex artery, and a spider view. Continuous lactate extraction was observed in all procedures with a final median concentration of 1.10 mmol/L (0.61-1.75 mmol/L) two hours after coronary angiography, consistent with myocardial viability. The median contrast agent volume used for ex-situ imaging of the isolated perfused heart was 48 mL (38-108 mL). This protocol was reproducible for coronary artery imaging and did not impair myocardial viability during NESP.


Heart transplantation is the gold standard therapy for advanced heart failure1,2. However, this treatment is limited by the current organ shortage, leading to increased allocation of extended criteria donors (ECD), who are more frequently exposed to coronary artery disease (CAD). Coronary angiography is recommended in France to prevent the risk of primary graft failure related to CAD if the donor's age is greater than 55 years or 45 years with two cardiovascular risk factors3. Even though coronary angiography increases the chances of graft acceptance by 9%, this procedure is perform....


All pigs received humane care in compliance with the 'Principles of Laboratory Animal Care' formulated by the National Society for Medical Research and the 'Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals' prepared by the Institute of Laboratory Animal Resources and published by the National Institutes of Health (Eighth Edition, 12910. National Academies Press, Washington, D.C., 2011). This study design was approved by the French Ministry of Research for the use of animals for scientific purposes (protocol APAFiS#23716-2020012112432923v1). Eight large-white male pigs (60 kg, 6 months) were used for the present study. The animals were housed for one we....

Representative Results

The outlined protocol was designed for easy reproducibility in clinical practice. Minimal modifications were made to the available module for Normothermic Ex-situ Heart Perfusion (NESP). The only adjustments were made to connect the module to an extracorporeal life support pump, an oxygenator, and a heater-cooler unit to replace the machine perfusion (MP).

Two test procedures were initially conducted to assess the coronary angiography views used in this protocol. Six coronary angiogra.......


This study describes, for the first time, a protocol for coronary angiography on an isolated beating heart without compromising myocardial metabolic viability during Normothermic Ex-situ Heart Perfusion (NESP). The views were reproducible, allowing for a comprehensive anatomical analysis of the coronary network. The required contrast agent volume was approximately 50 mL and rarely exceeded 100 mL. In comparison, the average volume used for in vivo coronary angiography is twice as much, ranging between 1.......


Authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.


We gratefully acknowledge the Fondation Cœur Recherche and ADETEC for their financial support. We would also like to express our gratitude to Marie Lannelongue's lab team for their contributions to this project: Antoine Agathon, Laure Aubrège, Aimée Alméras, Catarina Bastos Dias, Antoine Grussé, Anselme Limousin, and Slimane Idir.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
3T Heater Cooler SystemLiva Nova, Châtillon, FranceIM-00727 AExtracorporeal Heater Cooler device
4-0 polypropylene suturePeters, bobigny, France 20S15Bsutures
5-0 polypropylene suturePeters, bobigny, France 20S10Bsutures
AdenosineEfisciens BV, Rotterdam, Netherlands 9088309Drugs for the ex-vivo perfusion
AdrenalineAguettant, Lyon, France 600040Drugs for the ex-vivo perfusion
ADW softwareGeneral Electric Healthcare, Chicago, Ill, USAADW_IGS730/ M5173653Software used for the coronary angiography visualization
AtracuriumPfizer Holding France, Paris, France 582547Drugs for the induction of the anesthesia
CG4 +Abbott, Chicago, Ill, USA03P85-25Lactates and blood gas cartridge for the blood analyzer machine 
CG8 +Abbott, Chicago, Ill, USA03P88-25Ionogram cartridge for the blood analyzer machine 
DeltaStream Fresenius Medical Care, L’Arbresle, FranceMEH2C4024Extracorporeal blood pump
Discovery IGS 7General Electric Healthcare, Chicago, Ill, USADiscovery IGS7.3 / M5173652Angiography system for hybrid operating room 
DLP Aortic Root CannulaMedtronic Inc. Minneapolis, Minneapolis, USAref. 11012, 12.5 inchAortic Root Cannula
External pacemakerMedtronic Inc. Minneapolis, Minneapolis, USA5392Pacemaker device
Fresinus Agilia injectomatFresenius vial , Brezins, France018010/20640320Syringe driver 
Glucose 5%B.Braun Melsungen AG, Melsungen, Germany3400891780017Drugs for the priming solution
Haemonetics leukocyte filterHaemonetics, Boston, Massachusetts, USARS1VAELeukocyte Filter 
Heart Perfusion Set, Organ Care SystemTransmedics, Andover, MA, USARef#1200Normothermic ex-vivo heart perfusion device, including, the perfusion module, pulmonary artery and aortic cannula
Intellivue MX550Philips Healthcare, Suresnes, FranceNAPermanent monitoring system 
Iomeron 350Bracco imaging, Massy, France3400933794606.00Iomeprol contrast agent product
istat 1Abbott, Chicago, Ill, USA714336-03OBlood Analyzer machine 
Judkins Right 3.5Boston Scientific,  Marlborough, Massachusetts, USAH74934358202 Coronary angiography catheterization probe 
MagnesiumAguettant, Lyon, France 564 780-6Drugs for the cardioplegia
Magnesium SulfateAguettant, Lyon, France 600111Drugs for the cardioplegia
Mannitol 20%Macopharma, Mouvoux, France3400891694567.00Drugs for the cardioplegia
Methylprednisolone Mylan S.A.S, Saint Priest, France 400005623Drugs for the priming solution
MWI software General Electric Healthcare, Chicago, Ill, USANAsoftware used for the Ultrasound echocardiographic machine
Orotracheal probeSmiths medical ASD, Inc., Minneapolis, Minneapolis, USA100/199/070probe for the intubation during anesthesia 
Potassium chloride 10% B.Braun Melsungen AG, Melsungen, Germany3400892691527.00Drugs for the cardioplegia
PropofolZoetis France, Malakoff, France 8083511Drugs for the induction of the anesthesia
Quadrox-I small Adult OxygenatorGetinge, Göteborg, SwedenBE-HMO 50000Extracorporeal blood oxygenator
Ringer solutionB.Braun Melsungen AG, Melsungen, GermanyDKE2323Drugs for the cardioplegia
Sodium BicarbonateLaboratoire Renaudin, itxassou, France3701447Drugs for the cardioplegia
Sodium chlorideAguettant, Lyon, France 606726Drugs for the priming solution
Swan Ganz CatheterMerit Medical, south jordan, utah, USA  5041856Right pressure and cardiac output probe 
Tiletamine Virbac France, Carros, France 3597132126021.00Drugs for the induction of the anesthesia
Two staged Venous Cannula Medtronic Inc. Minneapolis, Minneapolis, USA91240, 32 frenchVenous Cannula
Vivid E95 ultraSound MachineGeneral Electric Healthcare, Chicago, Ill, USANAUltrasound echocardiographic machine
Xylocaïne 2%Aspen, Reuil-malmaison, France 600550Drugs for the cardioplegia
ZolazepamCardinal Health LLC, Waukegan, Illinois, USA31050522EKG detection electrodes 
ZolazepamVirbac France, Carros, France 3597132126021.00Drugs for the induction of the anesthesia


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Coronary AngiographyEx situ Heart PerfusionPorcine ModelHeart TransplantationExtended Criteria DonorsCoronary Artery DiseaseNormothermic Ex situ Heart PerfusionPrimary Graft FailureImaging ViewsMyocardial ViabilityLactate ExtractionContrast Agent VolumeIsolated Perfused Heart

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