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We present a protocol for reconstituting membrane proteins and encapsulating enzymes and other water-soluble components in lipid vesicles of sub-micrometer and micrometer size.


We present a method to incorporate into vesicles complex protein networks, involving integral membrane proteins, enzymes, and fluorescence-based sensors, using purified components. This method is relevant for the design and construction of bioreactors and the study of complex out-of-equilibrium metabolic reaction networks. We start by reconstituting (multiple) membrane proteins into large unilamellar vesicles (LUVs) according to a previously developed protocol. We then encapsulate a mixture of purified enzymes, metabolites, and fluorescence-based sensors (fluorescent proteins or dyes) via freeze-thaw-extrusion and remove non-incorporated components by centrifugation and/or size-exclusion chromatography. The performance of the metabolic networks is measured in real time by monitoring the ATP/ADP ratio, metabolite concentration, internal pH, or other parameters by fluorescence readout. Our membrane protein-containing vesicles of 100-400 nm diameter can be converted into giant-unilamellar vesicles (GUVs), using existing but optimized procedures. The approach enables the inclusion of soluble components (enzymes, metabolites, sensors) into micrometer-size vesicles, thus upscaling the volume of the bioreactors by orders of magnitude. The metabolic network containing GUVs are trapped in microfluidic devices for analysis by optical microscopy.


The field of bottom-up synthetic biology focuses on constructing (minimal) cells1,2 and metabolic bioreactors for biotechnological3,4 or biomedical purposes5,6,7,8. The construction of synthetic cells provides a unique platform that allows researchers to study (membrane) proteins in well-defined conditions mimicking those of native environments, enabling the discovery of emergent properties and concealed biochemical ....


1. General preparation

  1. Chemicals
    1. Dissolve lipids (in powder form) to 25 mg/mL in CHCl3 for making preformed liposomes.
      NOTE: It is preferable to prepare fresh lipid stocks, but the stock solutions can also be stored at -20 °C for a few weeks. Working with lipids in powder form is more accurate than using lipids already solubilized in CHCl3. CHCl3 should be handled using glass pipettes and/or syringes and stored in glass containers as CHCl3 dissolves plastics.
    2. Dissolve small molecules (nucleotides, amino acids, fluorescence probes) for the encapsulation procedur....

Temsili Sonuçlar

The reconstitution of solubilized membrane proteins in liposomes requires the destabilization of preformed vesicles. The addition of low amounts of Triton X-100 initially results in an increase of absorbance at 540 nm (A540) due to an increase in light scattering by the swelling of the vesicles (Figure 4). The maximum A540 value is the point where the liposomes are saturated with detergent (Rsat), after which any further addition of Triton X-100 will.......


We present a protocol for the synthesis of (membrane) protein containing sub-micrometer size lipid vesicles (proteoLUVs), and the conversion of proteoLUVs into giant-unilamellar vesicles (proteoGUVs). The protocol should be applicable for the reconstitution of other membrane proteins13,19,30,40 and the encapsulation of metabolic networks other than the L-arginine breakdown and glycerol 3-phosph.......


The authors declare no competing financial interest.


The authors thank Aditya Iyer for the cloning of the pBAD-PercevalHR gene and Gea Schuurman-Wolters for aiding with protein production and purification. The research was funded by the NWO Gravitation program "Building a Synthetic Cell" (BaSyC).



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
AgaroseSigma AldrichA9414-25g
Amicon cut-off filterSigma AldrichMilipore centrifugal filter units Amicon Ultra 
CHCl3Macron Fine ChemicalsMFCD00000826
DDMGlyconD97002 -C
Diethyl EtherBiosolve52805
DTTFormedium DTT005
EtOHJ.T.Baker AvantorMFCD00003568
ExtruderAvestin IncLF-1
FluorimeterJascoSpectrofluorometer FP-8300
Gravity flow columnBio-Rad732-1010
Hamilton syringe 100 µLHamilton7656-01
Hamilton syringe 1000 µLHamilton81320
Handheld LCP dispenserArt Robbins Instruments620-411-00
Handheld SonicatorHielscher Ultrasound TechnologyUP50H
KimwipeKimtech Science7552
Large Falcon tube centrifugeEppendorfCentrifuge 5810 R
Light microscopeLeicaDM LS2
LSM Laser Scanning Confocal MicroscopeZeissLSM 710 ConfoCor 3
Microfluidic chipHomemade PDMS basedDOI: https://doi.org/10.1039/C8LC01275J
Nanodrop SpectrometerIsogen Life ScienceND-1000 spectrophotometer NanoDrop
Needles for GUVsHenke-Ject14-1457527 G x 3/4'' 0.4 x 20 mm
Needles for microfluidicsHenke-Ject14-1553818 G x 1 1/2'' 1.2 x 40 mm
Ni2+ SepharoseCytiva17526802
Osmolality meterGonotec SalmenkippOsmomat 3000 basic freezing point osmometer
PlasmacleanerPlasma EtchPE-Avenger
Polycarbonate filterCytiva WhatmanNuclepor Track-Etch Membrane Product: 104171040.4 µm
Polycarbonate ultracentrifuge tubeBeckman Coulter355647
PyranineAcros OrganicsH1529-1G
Quartz cuvette (black)Hellma Analytics108B-10-40
Sephadex G-75 resin GE Healthcare17-0050-01
SonicatorSonics Sonics & Materials INCSonics vibra cell
Syringe filterSarstedtFiltropur S plus 0.20.2 µm
Syringe pumpHarvard ApparatusA-42467
Tabletop centrifugeEppendorfcentrifuge 5418
Teflon spacerHomemade Teflon based45 x 26 x 1.5 or 45 x 26 x 3 or 20 x 20 x 3 mm
TrisPanReac AppliChemA1086.1000
Triton X-100Sigma AldrichT8787-100 ml
UltracentrifugeBeckman CoulterOptima Max-E
UV lampSpectrolineENB-280C/FE
UV/VIS SpectrometerJascoV730 spectrophotometer
Widefield fluorescence microscopeZeissAxioObserver
β-CaseinSigma AldrichC5890-500g


  1. Hirschi, S., Ward, T. R., Meier, W. P., Müller, D. J., Fotiadis, D. Synthetic biology: bottom-up assembly of molecular systems. Chem Rev. 122 (21), 16294-16328 (2022).
  2. Ivanov, I., et al. Bottom-up synthesis o....

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Out of equilibrium Metabolic NetworksMembrane Protein ReconstitutionLarge Unilamellar Vesicles LUVsGiant Unilamellar Vesicles GUVsBioreactorsFluorescence based SensorsEnzyme EncapsulationMetabolite Encapsulation

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