08:41 min
June 1st, 2017
June 1st, 2017
The overall goal of this methodology is to rapidly quantify abdominal pigmentation in the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster. This method can help answer key questions in the field of evolutionary biology such as identifying the genetic loci that underlie in turn in trust-specific variation morphology and understanding the development and evolution of morphological phenotypes. The main advantage of this technique is that it allows users to non-destructively measure various aspects of abdominal pigmentation including the spread and depth of pigmentation.
Though this method can provide insight into Drosophila melanogaster's abdominal pigmentation, it can also be applied to other Drosophila species and easily adapted to measure pigmentation patterns in other insects and animal taxa. Prior to imaging, the flies can be stored in 70%ethanol to maintain their pigmentation. Visualization requires a mounting pad.
Load a 60 millimeter Petri dish with about 10 milliliters of 1.25%agar in water. Under a microscope, use fine forceps to dig a 20 millimeter long, two millimeter wide, one millimeter deep trench into the gel. Several trenches can be made in one dish.
Then embed flies into the trench with the surface for analysis sitting just above the gel surface. In this case, the dorsal side is of interest. Now, fill the dish with 70%ethanol until the flies are completely submerged.
This reduces reflections off the cuticle that can obscure the pigmentation pattern. Now, start the imaging software and digital camera connected to the microscope. For a light source, cold light from a double gooseneck device is ample.
In the image analysis software, set the image type to 8-bit. Then in the image capture software, toggle the Live setting to open a view window of the camera. Set the image type to Grayscale.
Now, set the light source to its maximum intensity and position the lights about 120 millimeters from the stage. Set the microscope to 60 times magnification so the field of view is three millimeters wide. Then place the two millimeter stage micrometer into the field of view and focus on it.
Returning to the software, adjust the exposure time to view the micrometer using the field found in the exposure box. Then set the scale. Open the straight line tool and draw the length of two millimeters along the stage micrometer.
Then input that length under the Set Scale option. The window should then display the scale in pixels per micron. Take note of the scale and OK the adjustments.
Now, return to the image capture software and use the Stop and Snap commands to capture an image of the stage micrometer. Then return to the image analysis software and save the image as a Tiff file. Now, focus on the dorsal midline of a mounted fly.
The midline should be positioned straight up for the best imaging results. Push aside the wings and any other obtruding structures and adjust the lighting to best illuminate the cuticle. Next, set the exposure in the image capture software using the pixel value histogram as a guide to capture the full pixel range of the image without saturation, thereby maximizing contrast.
Retain this exposure and lighting throughout the experiment. Now, before capturing an image, ensure that the abdominal segments of interest are in view. Then capture an image and save the image with the sample ID number in the filename.
Use the format described in the written protocol. This analysis makes use of a macro provided by the authors. The image series to analysis should all be contained within the same file folder.
Now, start the macro and follow the prompted commands. First, identify the location of the stored files. Then identify the location for where the analysis data should be stored.
Next, input the number of characters that were used in the filenames so the software reads the image series correctly. The next prompt is for the width of the region of interest. Here, input the number of pixels along the anterior-posterior strip that needs to be analyzed.
Now, at the prompt, make a choice to analyze the first image of the series. The other options are to analyze the next image in the series or to exit the analysis. The line tool gets automatically selected.
Use it to identify the midline on the image by drawing a line along it in the anterior to posterior direction. Next, follow the macro prompts to identify the posterior edge of Tergite4 using the line tool. The line tool is made available to draw the line from the posterior midline edge to the right lateral edge so that the center of the line is just posterior to the posterior edge of the pigment band.
Then define the anterior edge of Tergite4 using the line tool. Draw a line from the anterior midline edge to the right lateral edge. The middle of the line defined by a white square should sit at the anterior edge of the lightly pigmented cuticle.
With this information, the macro now generates a pigmentation profile. However, the profile might be inaccurate if bristles or other blemishes cross the strip along which the profile is measured. To correct for this, select the Live preview on the histogram window and adjust the line such that the profile is smooth.
For the image analysis strip to accurately capture the various aspects of pigmentation, it is vital to identify an analysis region that will have minimal noise caused by image or specimen irregularities. Now proceed to analyze Tergite3 in the same image and then move on to the next image. The described procedure was used to explore a known change in abdominal pigmentation caused by rearing temperature.
The third and fourth tergites were examined several times under various lightings and exposures. Various aspects of the pigmentation were explored. And specifically, it was found that the pigmentation bands were wider when flies were reared at cooler temperatures.
The calculated values were then compared to general subjective measures made on the same flies by five different observers. In the assessment of 45 female flies, the average observed ranking of the width of the fourth abdominal pigmentation band was tightly correlated with the macro's automated measurement. The same pigmentation band was also manually measured using imaging software.
These results were also strongly correlated with measurements generated using the macro. The software was then tested to measure pigmentation in female ebony mutants which are well-known to have increased pigmentation in the third and fourth pigment bands. The method was also used to measure the fifth and sixth abdominal bands of wild type females.
The automated technique always provided useful measurements of the pigment density and band size. After watching this video, you should have a good understanding of how to quickly and precisely quantify abdominal pigmentation in Drosophila. Mastering the technique mostly requires the depth use of forceps.
Once mastered, the imaging portion of this technique can be done at a rate of 50 specimens per hour. Extracting the pigmentation measures from these images can be done at a pace of 70 images per hour.
Bu çalışma, dijital görüntü analizi kullanarak Drosophila melanogaster'in karın pigmentasyonunu hızlı ve hassas bir şekilde ölçmek için bir yöntem sunmaktadır. Bu yöntem, fenotip edinimi ile veri analizi arasındaki usulleri düzene sokar ve numune montajı, görüntü toplama, piksel değeri çıkarımı ve kalitenin ölçülmesini içerir.
Bu videodaki bölümler
Results: Testing the Methodology
Visualizing the Specimen
Image Analysis
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