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  • Protocol
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The present protocol describes an assay to assess the capacity for fatty acid oxidation in cultures of primary bone cells or relevant cell lines.


Bone formation by differentiating osteoblasts is expected to require significant energetic input as these specialized cells must synthesize large extracellular matrix proteins that compose bone tissue and then concentrate the ions necessary for its mineralization. Data on the metabolic requirements of bone formation are emerging rapidly. While much remains to be learned, it is expected that derangements in the intermediary metabolism contribute to skeletal disease. Here, a protocol is outlined to assess the capacity of osteoblastic cells to oxidize 14C-labeled fatty acids to 14CO2 and acid-soluble metabolites. Fatty acids represent a rich-energy reserve that can be taken up from the circulation after feeding or after their liberation from adipose tissue stores. The assay, performed in T-25 tissue culture flasks, is helpful for the study of gene gain or loss-of-function on fatty acid utilization and the effect of anabolic signals in the form of growth factors or morphogens necessary for the maintenance of bone mass. Details on the ability to adapt the protocol to assess the oxidation of glucose or amino acids like glutamine are also provided.


The osteoblast, derived from progenitor cells present in the bone marrow and the periosteum, is responsible for synthesizing and secretion of the mineralized, collagen-rich matrix that composes bone tissue. To fulfill this energetically expensive endeavor and contribute to the lifelong maintenance of skeletal integrity, these specialized cells maintain an abundant rough endoplasmic reticulum essential for synthesizing extracellular matrix proteins1,2 and numerous high membrane-potential mitochondria to harvest the requisite chemical energy from fuel substrates3,


This protocol uses the conversion of [1-14C]-oleic acid to 14CO2 as an indicator of fatty acid oxidation capacity. The local Radiation Safety office approved the protocol for using radioactive materials before initiating the experiments. All radiation procedures were performed behind a plexiglass shield using appropriate personal protective equipment. Local Animal Care and Use Committee approved the protocol prior to using primary cells.

1. Fatty acid oxidation in cultured osteoblasts

  1. Sub-culture the primary calvarial osteoblasts12 or an osteoblastic ....

Representative Results

Enzymatic activity of both carnitine palmitoyltransferase-1 (Cpt1) and carnitine palmitoyltransferase-2 (Cpt2) are required for mitochondrial long-chain fatty acid oxidation. Cpt1 is the rate-limiting enzyme in the metabolic pathway, but three isoforms (Cpt-1a, Cpt-1b, and Cpt-1c) are encoded in mammalian genomes, and the genetic disruption of one isoform can lead to compensation upregulation of another isoform13. By contrast, Cpt2 is encoded by a single gene. In the experiment illustrated in


The procedure described above allows for the direct assessment of fatty acid oxidation as the measured outputs are 14CO2 collected on the NaOH soaked filter paper and acid-soluble metabolites collected after the acidification of the culture with perchloric acid. Commercially available assay kits that use fluorescently labeled lipid molecules or lipid analogs can measure lipid uptake, but they do not determine catabolism for energy generation. Other measures of catabolism, such as 13C-meta.......


The authors declare no competing interests.


This work was supported by a Merit Review Award from the Biomedical Laboratory Research and Development Service of the Veterans Affairs Office of Research and Development (BX003724) and a grant from the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (DK099134).



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
[1-14C]-Oleic acidPerkin ElmerNEC317050UC
15 x 30 mm rubber sleeve stoppersVWR89097-542
1 mL syringeBD precision309628
25 G needle (25 G x 1 1/2 in)BD precision305127
Ascorbic AcidSigma AldrichA4403
BCA Protein Assay KitThermo Fisher23225Other kits are also suitable
Beckman Scintillation Counter, or equivalentBeckman CoulterLS6000SC
Beta-glycerol phosphateSigma AldrichG6626
Bovine Serum AlbuminSigma Aldrich126609
CarnitineSigma AldrichC0283
Cellular lysis bufferThe protocol is amenable to typical lysis buffers (i.e. RIPA)
Dissecting forcepsAvailable from multiple sources
DNA quantification KitAvailable from multiple sources
Dulbecco’s Phosphate-Buffered SalineCorning20-030-CV
Fetal Bovine SerumAvailable from multiple sources
Microcentrifuge tubes, 1.5 mLAvailable from multiple sources
Minimum Essensial Medium, Alpha modificationCorning10-022-CV
Perchloric AcidSigma Aldrich50439
Polypropylene center wellsVWR72760-048
Sodium hydroxideSigma AldrichS5881
T-25 canted neck tissue culture flaskCorning430639
Tissue Culture Incubator
Trypsin (0.25%)-EDTAGibco25200056
Ultima Gold (Scintillation solution)PerkinElmer6013329
Whatman Chromatography paperSigma AldrichWHA3030917


  1. Cameron, D. A. The fine structure of osteoblasts in the metaphysis of the tibia of the young rat. Journal of Biophysical and Biochemical Cytology. 9, 583-595 (1961).
  2. Dudley, H. R., Spiro, D. The fine structure of bone cells.

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Fatty Acid OxidationBone CellsOsteoblastsEnergy Metabolism14C labeled Fatty Acids14CO2Acid soluble MetabolitesGlucose OxidationGlutamine OxidationSkeletal DiseaseBone FormationGene FunctionGrowth FactorsMorphogensBone Mass

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