Our research is focused on the study of cell biomechanics of circulating cells, such as human red blood cells. We leverage electrokinetics, microfluidics, and material science to understand the mechanical origins of damage in cell membranes, as well as the mechanisms underlying the shortened lifespan of blood cells in certain diseases. Fatigue study of biological cells is challenging.
It request application of cyclic loads to cell membranes and tracking the deformation in individual cells. Using amplitude sheet key for ASK to modulate electrode deformation behavior of red blood cells, we could quantify how cell deformability changes aligned with the loading cycles. We demonstrated for the first time that red blood cells'membranes can be degraded by cyclic stretching alone.
Our protocol utilizes dielectrophoresis to move cells to the electrode edges for electrode deformation measurement. It does not require any stabilization technique and can be used for cell suspension directly. Using interdigitated microelectrodes allows us to measure tens of cells in a single field of view.