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Biplanar videoradiography (BVR) is an advanced imaging technique for understanding the three-dimensional movement of skeletal bones and implants. Combining density-based image volumes and videoradiographs of the distal upper extremity, BVR is used to study the in vivo motion of the wrist and distal radioulnar joint, as well as joint arthroplasties.


Accurate measurement of skeletal kinematics in vivo is essential for understanding normal joint function, the influence of pathology, disease progression, and the effects of treatments. Measurement systems that use skin surface markers to infer skeletal motion have provided important insight into normal and pathological kinematics, however, accurate arthrokinematics cannot be attained using these systems, especially during dynamic activities. In the past two decades, biplanar videoradiography (BVR) systems have enabled many researchers to directly study the skeletal kinematics of the joints during activities of daily living. To implement BVR systems for the distal upper extremity, videoradiographs of the distal radius and the hand are acquired from two calibrated X-ray sources while a subject performs a designated task. Three-dimensional (3D) rigid-body positions are computed from the videoradiographs via a best-fit registrations of 3D model projections ontoΒ to each BVR view. The 3D models are density-based image volumes of the specific bone derived from independently acquired computed-tomography data. Utilizing graphics processor units and high-performance computing systems, this model-based tracking approach is shown to be fast and accurate in evaluating the wrist and distal radioulnar joint biomechanics. In this study, we first summarized the previous studies that have established the submillimeter and subdegree agreement of BVR with an in vitroΒ optical motion capture system in evaluating the wrist and distal radioulnar joint kinematics. Furthermore, we used BVR to compute the center of rotation behavior of the wrist joint, to evaluate the articulation pattern of the components of the implant upon one another, and to assess the dynamic change of ulnar variance during pronosupination of the forearm. In the future, carpal bones may be captured in greater detail with the addition of flat panel X-ray detectors, more X-ray sources (i.e., multiplanar videoradiography), or advanced computer vision algorithms.


Accurate measurement of skeletal kinematics in vivo is essential for understanding healthy and replaced joint function, the influence of pathology, disease progression, and the effects of treatments. Quantifying skeletal kinematics noninvasively at the joint surface (arthrokinematics) is crucial to understand joint pathologies and diseases, such as osteoarthritis, but it is technically challenging. Previously, techniques that use skin surface markers to infer skeletal motion have provided important insight into healthy and pathological kinematics.Β However, accurate arthrokinematics cannot be attained using these techniques, especially during dynamic acti....


This study was approved by the Institutional Review Board (IRB) of Lifespan - Rhode Island Hospital, an AAHRPP accredited IRB. A total of 16 patients provided signed informed consent according to institutional guidelines.

1. Data acquisition

  1. Computed Tomography (CT)
    1. Prepare the specimens or subjectsΒ for the CT.
      NOTE: For the accuracy evaluation14,15, 6 intact forearms from four intact cadaver specimens (70.5 Β± 12.3 yrs., 4 rights, 2 females) and 1 forearm (49 yrs., right, female) with a total wrist arthroplasty were used. Fo....


The selection of 2D-to-3D image registration software for model-based trackingΒ depends in part on access to graphics processor unit (GPU) and high-performance computing (HPC) systems. These programs have different pipelines, and as of now, there is no common methodology among the programs. In this study, we use Autoscoper, an open-source 2D-to-3D image registration program developed at Brown University25. The choice of open-source makes it possible for the investigators to modify and automate.......


Biplanar videoradiography (BVR) is an image-based method that can be used to measure bone and implant motion in the wrist and distal radioulnar joint with submillimeter and subdegree accuracy. In the studies we described here, BVR was used to identify an accurate pattern of projected COR for a healthy wrist as well as TWA contact patterns. Such findings may inform the design of next generation total wrist replacements and can provide in vivo data for validation of computational of models. Using BVR, the nonlinea.......


We have no conflict of interest to declare.


The authors want to thank Josephine Kalshoven, and Lauren Parola for revising the protocol. The authors also want to thank Erika Tavares and Rohit Badida for their help throughout the data acquisition, and Kalpit Shah, Arnold-Peter Weiss, and Scott Wolfe for their help in data interpretation. This study was possible with support from the National Institutes of Health P30GM122732 (COBRE Bio-engineering Core) and a grant from the American Foundation for Surgery of the Hand (AFSH).



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
3D Surface ScannerArtec 3DArtec Space SpiderTMLuxembourg
AutoscoperBrown Universityhttps://simtk.org/projects/autoscoperhttps://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbiomech.2019.05.040
CT ScannerGeneral Electric (GE)Lightspeed 16Milwaukee, WI, USA
Geomagic Wrap 3D3DSystemsVersion 2017Rock Hill, SC, USA
Graphics Processing Unit (GPU)NvidiaGeForce GTX 1080CUDA-enabled GPU
High-speed Video CamerasPhantomVersion 10Vision Research, Wayne, NJ, USA
Image IntensifierDunlee40 cm diameterAurora, IL, USA
ImageJOpen-source (Brown University)https://imagej.net/Fijihttps://doi.org/10.1038/nmeth.2019
MatlabThe MathWorks, Inc.R2017a to R2020aNatick, MA, USA
MimicsMaterialiseVersion 19.0 to 22.0Leuven, Belgium
Motion Capture CamerasQualisysOqus 5+Β Gothenburg, Sweden
Pulsed X-ray GeneratorsEMD TechnologiesEPS 45–80Saint-Eustache, Quebec, QC, Canada
Undistortion GridMcMaster-Carr9255T641Steel Perforated Sheet Staggered Holes, 0.048" Thk, 0.125" Hole Dia, 36" X 40"
Wrist Implant (In-vitro Study)Integra LifeSciencesUniversal 2Plainsboro, NJ, USA
Wrist Implant (In-vivo Study)Integra LifeSciencesFreedomPlainsboro, NJ, USA
WristVizOpen-source (Brown University)https://github.com/DavidLaidlaw/WristVisualizer/tree/masterOpen-source software
X-ray TubesVarian Medical SystemsModel G-1086Palo Alto, CA, USA
XMALabOpen-source (Brown University)https://www.xromm.org/xmalab/https://doi.org/10.1242/jeb.145383


  1. Leardini, A., Chiari, L., Croce, U. D., Cappozzo, A. Human movement analysis using stereophotogrammetry: Part 3. Soft tissue artifact assessment and compensation. Gait & Posture. 21 (2), 212-225 (2005).
  2. Miranda, D. L., Rainbow, M. J., Crisco, J. J., Fleming, B. C.

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Biplanar VideoradiographyWrist JointDistal Radioulnar JointSkeletal KinematicsJoint BiomechanicsIn Vivo Measurement3D Model based TrackingCenter Of RotationUlnar VariancePronosupination

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