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This protocol reports a unique method of using a streaming cytometer and multiple antibodies for simultaneous assessment of multiple mitochondrial functional parameters, including changes in mitochondrial volume, amounts of the mitochondrial respiratory chain (MRC) complex subunits, and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) replication.


Mitochondrial dysfunction is a common primary or secondary contributor to many types of neurodegeneration, and changes in mitochondrial mass, mitochondrial respiratory chain (MRC) complexes, and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) copy number often feature in these processes. Human brain organoids derived from human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) recapitulate the brain's three-dimensional (3D) cytoarchitectural arrangement and offer the possibility to study disease mechanisms and screen new therapeutics in a complex human system. Here, we report a unique flow cytometry-based approach to measure multiple mitochondrial parameters in iPSC-derived cortical organoids. This report details a protocol for generating cortical brain organoids from iPSCs, single-cell dissociation of generated organoids, fixation, staining, and subsequent flow cytometric analysis to assess multiple mitochondrial parameters. Double staining with antibodies against the MRC complex subunit NADH: Ubiquinone Oxidoreductase Subunit B10 (NDUFB10) or mitochondrial transcription factor A (TFAM) together with voltage-dependent anion-selective channel 1 (VDAC 1) permits assessment of the amount of these proteins per mitochondrion. Since the quantity of TFAM corresponds to the amount of mtDNA, it provides an indirect estimation of the number of mtDNA copies per mitochondrial content. This entire procedure can be completed within a span of 2-3 h. Crucially, it allows for the concurrent quantification of multiple mitochondrial parameters, including both total and specific levels relative to the mitochondrial mass.


Mitochondria are essential cellular organelles and the major site of the adenosine triphosphate (ATP) production. In addition to providing energy for cells, mitochondria also participate in multiple cellular processes, including cell information transmission, cell differentiation, and apoptosis, and have the ability to regulate cell growth and cell cycle. Changes in mitochondrial function have been identified in various neurodegenerative diseases, including Parkinson's disease (PD)1,2, Alzheimer's disease (AD)3, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)4. M....


1. Differentiation of iPSCs into cortical organoids

  1. Preparation of matrix-coated plates
    1. Thaw the vial of commercially available basement membrane matrix on ice overnight. Dilute into 1:100 in cold Advanced Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's Medium/Ham's F12 DMEM/F12 (1% final concentration). Make aliquots and store them at -20 Β°C (see Table of Materials).
    2. Thaw the membrane matrix solution at 4 Β°C (keep it cold) and coat the required number of wells (1 mL for one well in a 6-well plate). Incubate at 37 Β°C for 1 h.
    3. Take the plate from the incubator and let it reach room t....


Figure 1Β provides a diagrammatic representation of the differentiation process and the strategies used for flow cytometric analysis. Human iPSCs were cultured in non-adherent 96-well plates to form EBs and then transferred to non-adherent 6-well plates to obtain fully grown cortical organoids. The cellular composition of organoids was validated using confocal microscopy after immunostaining with neuronal16 and glial markers17. Organoids we.......


A protocol is presented for generating cortical brain organoids from human iPSCs and for performing the flow cytometric analysis of mitochondrial parameters in single cells isolated from these organoids. The cellular composition of the organoids was verified by confocal microscopy with immunohistochemical staining for neuronal and glial cell markers. The flow cytometry-based strategy co-staining with anti-NDUFB10, VDAC 1, and TFAM has been shown to allow the measurement of specific levels of complex I and mtDNA relative .......


The authors have nothing to disclose.


We extend our sincere gratitude to Gareth John Sullivan from the Institute of Basic Medical Sciences at the University of Oslo, Norway, for generously providing us with the AG05836 (RRID:CVCL_2B58) cell line. We kindly thank the Molecular Imaging Centre, Flow Cytometry Core Facility at the University of Bergen in Norway. This work was supported by the following funding: K.L was partly supported by the University of Bergen Meltzers HΓΈyskolefonds (project number:103517133) and Gerda Meyer Nyquist Guldbrandson og Gerdt Meyer Nyquists legat (project number: 103816102). L.A.B was supported by the Norwegian Research Council (project number: 229652), Rakel og Otto Kr.Br....


NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
Antibodies using in flow cytometry
anti-DUFB10 Alexa Fluor 405NOVUS biologicalsNBP2-72915AF405
anti-VDAC1 Alexa Fluor 647Santa cruz technologysc-390996
anti-TFAM Alexa Fluor 488Abcamab198308
L/D fixable near-IR dead cell stain kitLife technologiesL10119
Antibodies using in immunofluorence staining
anti-SOX2Β Abcamab97959
anti-Alexa Flour 488Thermo Fisher ScientificA28175
anti-Alexa Flour 594Thermo Fisher ScientificA-21442
Commercial cells
AG05836 (RRID:CVCL_2B58)Provided by Gareth John Sullivan from the Institute of Basic Medical Sciences at the University of Oslo, Norway
Essential 8 Medium (iPSC culture medium)
Essential 8 Basal MediumΒ Thermo Fisher ScientificA1516901
Essential 8 Supplement (50x) 2% (v/v)Thermo Fisher ScientificA1517101
Store at 4 Β°C and warm up to RT before use.
Heracell 150i CO2 IncubatorsFisher Scientific, USA
Orbital shakers - SSM1, SSL1Stuart Equipment, UK
CCD Microscope Camera Leica DFC3000 GLeica Microsystems, Germany
Water Bath Jb Academy Basic Jba5 JBA5 Grant InstrumentsGrant Instruments, USA
Fluid aspiration system BVC controlVacuubrand, Germany
Leica TCS SP8 STED confocal microscopeLeica Microsystems, Germany
50 mL falcon tubeSigma-AldrichCLS430828
BD LSR FortessaBD Biosciences, USA
Flowjo Sampler AnalysisFlowJo LLC, USA
10 mL pipetteSigma-AldrichSIAL1100
1, 10, 100, 1000 mL pipetteSigma-Aldrich
40 Β΅m Cell starinerSigma-AldrichCLS431750
ultra-low attachment 96-well plateS-BIOMS-9096UZ
Countess II automated cell counterThermo Fisher Scientific
Neural differentiation mediumΒ  (NDM+)
DMEM/F12Life technologies11330032
Neurobasal mediumLife technologies2110349
Insulin 0.025% (v/v)Roche11376497001
MEM-NEAA 0.5% (v/v)Life technologies11140050
Glutamax supplement 1% (v/v)Life technologies35050
Penicilin/Streptomycin 1% (v/v)Life technologiesΒ 15140-122
N2 supplement 0.5% (v/v)Life technologies17502-048
B27 supplement 1% (v/v)Life technologies17504-044
Ξ²-Mercaptoethanol 50 Β΅MSigma-aldrichM3148
BDNF 20 ng/mLPeprotech450-02
Ascorbic acid 200 Β΅MSigma-AldrichΒ A92902
Store at 4Β° C for upto 2 weeks
Neural differentiation medium minus viatmin A (NDM-)
DMEM/F12Life technologies11330032
Neurobasal mediumLife technologies2110349
Insulin 0.025% (v/v)Roche11376497001
MEM-NEAA 0.5% (v/v)Life technologies11140050
Glutamax supplement 1% (v/v)Life technologies35050
Penicilin/Streptomycin 1% (v/v)Life technologies (recheck)15140-122
N2 supplement 0.5% (v/v)Life technologies17502-048
B27 supplement W/O vit. A 1% (v/v)Life technologies12587010
Ξ²-Mercaptoethanol 50 Β΅MSigma-aldrichM3148
Store at 4Β° C for upto 8 days
Neural Induction Medium (NIM)
DMEM/F12Life technologies11330032
Knockout serum replacement 15% (v/v)Life technologies10828028
MEM-NEAA 1% (v/v)Life technologies11140050
Glutamax supplement 1% (v/v)Life technologies35050
Ξ²-Mercaptoethanol 100 Β΅MSigma-AldrichM3148
LDN-193189 100 nMStemgent/Reprocell04-0074
SB431542 10 Β΅MTocris1614
XAV939 2 Β΅MSigma-AldrichX3004
Store at 4Β° C for upto 10 days
Neutralisation medium
IMDMLife technologies21980032
FBS 10%Sigma-Aldrich12103C
Other reagents
DPBS (Ca2+/Mg2+ free)Thermo Fisher Scientific14190250
Bovine Serum AlbuminEuropa BioproductsEQBAH62-1000
AccutaseLife technologiesA11105-01
GeltrexLife technologiesA1413302
EDTALife technologies15575038
Advanced DMEM / F12Life technologies12634010
Neural tissue dissociation kitMiltenyi biotec130-092-628
Y-27632 dihydrochloride Rock InhibitorBiotechne Tocris1254
Fluoromount-Gβ„’ Mounting MediumSouthernBiotech0100-20
PFAThermo Fisher Scientific28908


  1. Bindoff, L. A., Birch-Machin, M., Cartlidge, N. E., Parker, W. D., Turnbull, D. M. Mitochondrial function in Parkinson's disease. The Lancet. 2 (8653), 49 (1989).
  2. Gonzalez-Rodriguez, P., et al. Disruption of mitochondrial complex I indu....

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