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本文介绍了一种用于创建微流体阴道芯片(Vagina Chip)培养装置的方案,该装置能够在微需氧条件下研究人类宿主与活体阴道微生物组的相互作用。该芯片可以用作研究阴道疾病的工具,以及开发和测试潜在的治疗对策。
妇女的健康,特别是女性生殖道疾病(FRT)没有得到应有的重视,尽管不健康的生殖系统可能导致危及生命的疾病、不孕症或怀孕期间的不良后果。该领域的一个障碍是,缺乏忠实模仿FRT的生理学和病理生理学的临床前实验模型。 目前的 体外 和动物模型不能完全概括荷尔蒙变化、微需氧条件以及与阴道微生物组的相互作用。Organ-on-a-Chip(器官芯片)微流控培养技术的出现,可以模拟组织-组织界面、血管灌注、间质液流动以及人体器官主要亚基的物理微环境,有可能解决这个问题。最近,已经开发出一种人类阴道芯片,该芯片支持人类阴道微生物联盟与原代人类阴道上皮共培养,该联盟也与阴道基质接触并体验动态流体流动。该芯片复制了人类阴道对健康和生态失调微生物组的生理反应。本文描述了创建人类阴道芯片的详细协议。
以乳酸杆菌属为主的阴道微生物组有助于维持酸性微环境,在维持女性生殖健康方面发挥着重要作用1.然而,有时构成微生物组的微生物群落的组成可能会发生变化,从而导致阴道细菌的多样性增加。这些菌群失调的变化通常导致从乳酸菌为主的状态转变为以更多样化的厌氧菌物种(例如阴道加德纳菌)为主的状态,与生殖系统的各种疾病有关,例如细菌性阴道病、萎缩性阴道炎、尿路感染、外阴阴道念珠菌病、尿道炎和绒毛膜羊膜炎 2,3,4,5 .这些疾病反过来又增加了女性患性传播疾病和盆腔炎的机会6,7,8,9。它们还对孕妇造成早产和流产的更高风险 10,11,12 并且还与不孕症有关
这项研究是按照使用人类细胞的机构指南进行的。这些细胞是通过商业方式获得的(参见 材料表)。所有步骤都应在生物安全柜 (BSC) 中无菌进行。对于此协议,仅使用过滤器(或屏障)移液器吸头。
1. 培养人阴道上皮细胞
2. 培养人子宫成纤维细胞
人类阴道内衬有分层的上皮,该上皮覆盖着富含成纤维细胞的胶原基质。为了对此进行建模,通过在双通道微流控器官芯片装置内培养普通多孔膜相对两侧的原代人阴道上皮细胞和成纤维细胞来创建组织界面。使用明场显微成像监测阴道上皮的形成,该成像揭示了连续细胞片的形成,该细胞片逐渐形成多个细胞层(图2A)。先前的报告证实,当从横截面29 ?.......
.......Donald Ingber 是 Emulate 的创始人、董事会成员、科学顾问委员会主席和股权持有人。其他作者声明他们没有竞争利益。
这项研究得到了比尔和梅琳达·盖茨基金会(INV-035977)和哈佛大学Wyss生物启发工程研究所的资助。我们还要感谢 Wyss Institute 的 Gwenn E. Merry 编辑这份手稿。 图 1 中的图表是使用 BioRender 创建的。
....Name | Company | Catalog Number | Comments |
0.22 µm Steriflip | Millipore | SCGP00525 | To degas media |
2 channel chip | Emulate | BRK-S1-WER-24 | Part of the two-channel Chip kit |
200 μL barrier tips (or filter tips) | Thomas Scientific, SHARP | 1159M40 | Tips used for chip seeding |
Activation Reagent 1 (or ER-1 powder) | Emulate | Chip S1 Basic Research kit-24PK | Part of the two-channel Chip kit; Storage temperature -20 °C |
Activation Reagent 2 (or ER-2 solution) | Emulate | Chip S1 Basic Research kit-24PK | Part of the two-channel Chip kit; Storage temperature 4 °C |
Adenine | Sigma Aldrich | A2786 | Component of the Differentiation media |
Brucella blood agar plates | VWR International Inc. | 89405-032 | with Hemin and Vitamin K; For the enumeration of Gardnerella vaginalis |
Ca2+ and Mg2+ free DPBS (DPBS (-/-) | ScienCell | 303 | For washing cells |
Calcium Chloride | Sigma Aldrich | C5670 | Component of the Differentiation media |
Calcium chloride (anhyd.) | Sigma Aldrich | 499609 | Component of HBSS (LB/+G) |
Collagen I | Corning | 354236 | For the coating solution for HVEC |
Collagen IV | Sigma Aldrich | C7521 | For the coating solution for HVEC |
Collagenase IV | Gibco | 17104019 | For the dissociation of cells from the Vagina Chips |
Complete fibroblast medium | ScienCell | 2301 | Media for the culture of HUF |
Complete vaginal epithelium medium | Lifeline | LL-0068 | Media for the culture of HVEC |
D-Glucose (dextrose) | Sigma Aldrich | 158968 | Component of HBSS (LB/+G) |
DMEM (Low Glucose) | Thermofisher | 12320-032 | Component of the Differentiation media |
Dynamic Flow Module (or Zoë) | Emulate | Zoë-CM1 | Regulates the flow rate of the chips |
Ham's F12 | Thermofisher | 11765-054 | Component of the Differentiation media |
Heat inactivated FBS | Thermofisher | 10438018 | Component of the Differentiation media |
Human uterine fibroblasts | ScienCell | 7040 | HUF |
Human vaginal epithelial cells | Lifeline | FC-0083 | HVEC |
Hydrocortisone | Sigma Aldrich | H0396 | Component of the Differentiation media |
ITES | Lonza | 17-839Z | Component of the Differentiation media |
L-glutamine | Thermofisher | 25030081 | Component of the Differentiation media |
Magnesium chloride hexahydrate | Sigma Aldrich | M2393 | Component of HBSS (LB/+G) |
Magnesium sulfate heptahydrate | Sigma Aldrich | M1880 | Component of HBSS (LB/+G) |
MRS agar plates | VWR International Inc. | 89407-214 | For enumeration of Lactobacillus |
O-phosphorylethanolamine | Sigma Aldrich | P0503 | Component of the Differentiation media |
Pen/Strep | Thermofisher | 15070063 | Component of the Differentiation media |
pH strips | Fischer-Scientific | 13-640-520 | For measurement of pH |
Pods (1/chip) | Emulate | BRK-S1-WER-24 | Part of the two-channel Chip kit |
Poly-L-lysine | ScienCell | 403 | For the coating solution for HUFs |
Potassium chloride | Sigma Aldrich | P3911 | Component of HBSS (LB/+G) |
Potassium phosphate monobasic | Sigma Aldrich | P0662 | Component of HBSS (LB/+G) |
Sterile 80% glycerol | MP Biomedicals | 113055034 | For freezing bacterial samples |
Triiodothyronine | Sigma Aldrich | T6397 | Component of the Differentiation media |
Trypan Blue Solution (0.4%) | Sigma Aldrich | T8154 | For counting live/dead cells |
TrypLE Express | Thermofisher | 12605010 | For the dissociation of cells from the Vagina Chips |
Trypsin Neutralizing Solution (TNS) | ScienCell | 113 | For neutralization of Trypsin |
Trypsin/EDTA Solutiom (0.25%) | ScienCell | 103 | For cell dissociation |
β-estradiol | Sigma Aldrich | E2257 | Hormone for differentiation media |
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