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In This Article

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  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Protocol
  • Representative Results
  • Discussion
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  • Acknowledgements
  • Materials
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This article describes a protocol for creating a microfluidic vagina-on-a-chip (Vagina Chip) culture device that enables the study of human host interactions with a living vaginal microbiome under microaerophilic conditions. This chip can be used as a tool to investigate vaginal diseases as well as to develop and test potential therapeutic countermeasures.


Women's health, and particularly diseases of the female reproductive tract (FRT), have not received the attention they deserve, even though an unhealthy reproductive system may lead to life-threatening diseases, infertility, or adverse outcomes during pregnancy. One barrier in the field is that there has been a dearth of preclinical, experimental models that faithfully mimic the physiology and pathophysiology of the FRT. Current in vitro and animal models do not fully recapitulate the hormonal changes, microaerobic conditions, and interactions with the vaginal microbiome. The advent of Organ-on-a-Chip (Organ Chip) microfluidic culture technology that can mimic tissue-tissue interfaces, vascular perfusion, interstitial fluid flows, and the physical microenvironment of a major subunit of human organs can potentially serve as a solution to this problem. Recently, a human Vagina Chip that supports co-culture of human vaginal microbial consortia with primary human vaginal epithelium that is also interfaced with vaginal stroma and experiences dynamic fluid flow has been developed. This chip replicates the physiological responses of the human vagina to healthy and dysbiotic microbiomes. A detailed protocol for creating human Vagina Chips has been described in this article.


A vaginal microbiome dominated by Lactobacillus spp. that helps to maintain an acidic microenvironment plays an important role in maintaining female reproductive health1. However, at times there can be a change in the composition of microbial communities that comprise the microbiome, which results in an increase in the diversity of vaginal bacteria. These dysbiotic changes, which often result in a switch from a Lactobacillus-dominated state to one dominated by more diverse anaerobic bacterial species (e.g., Gardnerella vaginalis), are associated with various diseases of the reproductive system, such as bacterial ....


This research was performed in compliance with institutional guidelines for the use of human cells. The cells were obtained commercially (see Table of Materials). All steps should be performed aseptically in a biosafety cabinet (BSC). Use only filter (or barrier) pipette tips for this protocol.

1. Culturing human vaginal epithelial cells

  1. Warm 50 mL of vaginal epithelial medium (VEM, see Table of Materials) to 37 °C.
  2. Aliquot 9 mL of VEM to a 15 mL tube. Then, thaw a vial of human vaginal epithelial cells (HVECs), and add it to the tube containing VEM.
  3. Cen....

Representative Results

The human vagina is lined by a stratified epithelium that overlies a fibroblast-rich collagenous stroma. To model this, a tissue interface was created by culturing primary human vaginal epithelium and fibroblasts on opposite sides of a common porous membrane within a two-channel microfluidic Organ Chip device. Formation of the vaginal epithelium is monitored using bright field microscopic imaging, which reveals the formation of a continuous sheet of cells that progressively forms multiple cell layers (


Past in vitro models of the human vagina do not faithfully replicate vaginal tissue structures, fluid flow, and host-pathogen interactions19,22. Animal models are also limited by inter-species variation in microbiome and differences in the estrous or menstrual cycle19,22. This manuscript describes a protocol to create an Organ Chip model of the human vagina that can effectively mimic human respon.......


Donald Ingber is a founder, board member, scientific advisory board chair, and equity holder in Emulate. The other authors declare that they have no competing interests.


This research was sponsored by funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (INV-035977) and the Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering at Harvard University. We also thank Gwenn E. Merry, Wyss Institute, for editing this manuscript. The diagram in Figure 1 has been created with BioRender.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
0.22 µm SteriflipMillipore SCGP00525To degas media
2 channel chipEmulateBRK-S1-WER-24Part of the two-channel Chip kit
200 μL barrier tips (or filter tips)Thomas Scientific, SHARP1159M40Tips used for chip seeding
Activation Reagent 1 (or ER-1 powder) EmulateChip S1 Basic Research kit-24PKPart of the two-channel Chip kit; Storage temperature -20 °C  
Activation Reagent 2 (or ER-2 solution) EmulateChip S1 Basic Research kit-24PKPart of the two-channel Chip kit; Storage temperature 4 °C
AdenineSigma Aldrich A2786Component of the Differentiation media
Brucella blood agar platesVWR International Inc. 89405-032with Hemin and Vitamin K; For the enumeration of Gardnerella vaginalis
Ca2+ and Mg2+ free DPBS (DPBS (-/-)ScienCell303For washing cells
Calcium ChlorideSigma Aldrich C5670Component of the Differentiation media
Calcium chloride (anhyd.) Sigma Aldrich 499609Component of HBSS (LB/+G)
Collagen I Corning354236For the coating solution for HVEC
Collagen IV Sigma Aldrich C7521For the coating solution for HVEC
Collagenase IVGibco17104019For the dissociation of cells from the Vagina Chips
Complete fibroblast medium ScienCell2301Media for the culture of HUF
Complete vaginal epithelium mediumLifelineLL-0068Media for the culture of HVEC
D-Glucose (dextrose) Sigma Aldrich 158968Component of HBSS (LB/+G)
DMEM (Low Glucose) Thermofisher12320-032Component of the Differentiation media
Dynamic Flow Module (or Zoë)EmulateZoë-CM1Regulates the flow rate of the chips
Ham's F12Thermofisher11765-054Component of the Differentiation media
Heat inactivated FBS Thermofisher 10438018Component of the Differentiation media
Human uterine fibroblastsScienCell7040HUF
Human vaginal epithelial cellsLifelineFC-0083HVEC
HydrocortisoneSigma Aldrich H0396Component of the Differentiation media
ITESLonza17-839ZComponent of the Differentiation media
L-glutamineThermofisher25030081Component of the Differentiation media
Magnesium chloride hexahydrateSigma Aldrich M2393Component of HBSS (LB/+G)
Magnesium sulfate heptahydrateSigma Aldrich M1880Component of HBSS (LB/+G)
MRS agar platesVWR International Inc. 89407-214For enumeration of Lactobacillus
O-phosphorylethanolamineSigma Aldrich P0503Component of the Differentiation media
Pen/StrepThermofisher 15070063Component of the Differentiation media
pH stripsFischer-Scientific13-640-520For measurement of pH 
Pods (1/chip) EmulateBRK-S1-WER-24Part of the two-channel Chip kit
Poly-L-lysineScienCell403For the coating solution for HUFs
Potassium chloride Sigma Aldrich P3911Component of HBSS (LB/+G)
Potassium phosphate monobasicSigma Aldrich P0662Component of HBSS (LB/+G)
Sterile 80% glycerol MP Biomedicals 113055034For freezing bacterial samples
TriiodothyronineSigma Aldrich  T6397Component of the Differentiation media
Trypan Blue Solution (0.4%) Sigma Aldrich T8154For counting live/dead cells
TrypLE ExpressThermofisher 12605010For the dissociation of cells from the Vagina Chips
Trypsin Neutralizing Solution (TNS) ScienCell113For neutralization of Trypsin
Trypsin/EDTA Solutiom (0.25%)ScienCell103For cell dissociation 
β-estradiol Sigma Aldrich E2257Hormone for differentiation media


  1. Smith, S. B., Ravel, J. The vaginal microbiota, host defence and reproductive physiology. J Physiol. 595 (2), 451-463 (2017).
  2. Van De Wijgert, J., Jespers, V. The global health impact of vaginal dysbiosis. Re....

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Vaginal MicrobiomeVagina on a chipOrgan Chip TechnologyFemale Reproductive TractVaginal DysbiosisPreclinical ModelMicrobiome based TherapeuticsWomen s HealthVaginal EpitheliumVaginal StromaDynamic Fluid FlowPhysiological Microenvironment

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