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Development of a Surgical Technique for Subretinal Implants in Rats

Published: December 2nd, 2022



1USC Roski Eye Institute, Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern California, 2USC Dr. Allen and Charlotte Ginsburg Institute for Biomedical Therapeutics, University of Southern California, 3Department of Pathology, Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern California, 4Regenerative Patch Technologies LLC, 5Eye center, Beijing Tsinghua Changgung Hospital, School of Clinical Medicine, Tsinghua University


Retinal degeneration, such as age-related macular degeneration (AMD), is a leading cause of blindness worldwide. A myriad of approaches have been undertaken to develop regenerative medicine-based therapies for AMD, including stem cell-based therapies. Rodents as animal models for retinal degeneration are a foundation for translational research, due to the broad spectrum of strains that develop retinal degeneration diseases at different stages. However, mimicking human therapeutic delivery of subretinal implants in rodents is challenging, due to anatomical differences such as lens size and vitreous volume. This surgical protocol aims to provide a guided method for transplanting implants into the subretinal space in rats. A user-friendly comprehensive description of the critical steps has been included. This protocol has been developed as a cost-efficient surgical procedure for reproducibility across different preclinical studies in rats. Proper miniaturization of a human-sized implant is required prior to conducting the surgical experiment, which includes adjustments to the dimensions of the implant. An external approach is used instead of an intravitreal procedure to deliver the implant to the subretinal space. Using a small sharp needle, a scleral incision is performed in the temporal superior quadrant, followed by paracentesis to reduce intraocular pressure, thereby minimizing resistance during the surgical implantation. Next, a balanced salt solution (BSS) injection through the incision is carried out to achieve focal retinal detachment (RD). Lastly, insertion and visualization of the implant into the subretinal space are conducted. Post-operative assessment of the subretinal placement of the implant includes imaging by spectral domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT). Imaging follow-ups ascertain the subretinal stability of the implant, before the eyes are harvested and fixated for histological analysis.

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Keywords Retinal Degeneration

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