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This study describes a method to construct aggregates based on the self-assembly of human mesenchymal stem cells and identifies the morphological and histological characteristics for the regenerative treatment of cranial bone defects.


Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), characterized by their self-renewal ability and multilineage differentiation potential, can be derived from various sources and are emerging as promising candidates for regenerative medicine, especially for regeneration of the tooth, bone, cartilage, and skin. The self-assembled approach of MSC aggregation, which notably constructs cell clusters mimicking the developing mesenchymal condensation, allows high-density stem cell delivery along with preserved cell-cell interactions and extracellular matrix (ECM) as the microenvironment niche. This method has been shown to enable efficient cell engraftment and survival, thus promoting the optimized application of exogenous MSCs in tissue engineering and safeguarding clinical organ regeneration. This paper provides a detailed protocol for the construction and characterization of self-assembled aggregates based on umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells (UCMSCs), as well as an example of the cranial bone regenerative application. The implementation of this procedure will help guide the establishment of an efficient MSC transplantation strategy for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine.


Mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) condensation is an essential stage to ensure the normal growth and development of the body in early organogenesis1,2, especially in the formation of bone, cartilage, teeth, and skin1,3,4. In the last few decades, tissue engineering therapies using cultured postnatal MSCs combined with biodegradable scaffolds have made important advances in osteogenic5 and cartilaginous regeneration6. However, the use of scaffolds may have some disadvantages, s....


NOTE: All animal procedures were approved by the Animal Care and Use Committee of the Fourth Military Medical University and performed in accordance with the National Institutes of Health Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals. Cryopreserved human UCMSCs that were obtained from a commercial source were used for the present study (see Table of Materials). The use of human cells was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Fourth Military Medical University. UCMSCs were taken as an example to describe the procedure. The cranial defect was taken as an example for showing the need of repair to describe the implantation procedure. All the experime....


Aggregates can be successfully constructed from UCMSCs according to the experimental workflow (Figure 1). The quality of aggregates must be evaluated prior to use, via morphological observation and histological analysis. The lamellar structure formed should be complete and dense, with the cells interlaced to form a woven pattern by microscopic observation (Figure 2A). Edge curling can be discovered during aggregation; overcurling edges indicate unsucces.......


With the advances of tissue engineering biotechnology, strategies to construct an implantable structure with high plasticity and containing long-term-surviving cells that can achieve optimal regeneration have been the focus of many scientists. There are a variety of current implantation methods of MSCs, such as cell-only methods, scaffolds complemented with cytokines6,24, or the combination of stem cells and scaffolds5. This paper presents.......


The authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose.


This work was supported by grants from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (81930025, 82100969, and 82071075) and the National Key Research and Development Program of China (2022YFA1104400 and 2021YFA1100600). We are grateful for the assistance of the National Experimental Teaching Demonstration Center for Basic Medicine (AMFU).



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
0.25% Trypsin-EDTA (1x)SigmaT4049Cell passage
Automatic Dehydration MachineLEICAASP200sDehydrate aggregate
Centrifuge tubeThermo Nunc339650Centrifugation
Culture dishThermo150466Culture of UCMSCs
EthanolSCR10009218Dehydrate aggregate
Fatal bovine serumSijiqing11011-8611Culture of UCMSCs
ForcepJZJD1080Harvest aggregate
GlutaraldehydeProandy10217-1Fixation of aggregate
Hematoxylin and Eosin Staining KitbeyotimeC0105SHE staining
HexamethyldisilazaneSCR80068416Dry aggregate surface
Hoechst33342Sigma14533Cell nuclei stain
L-glutamineSigmaG5792Culture of UCMSCs
Live/dead Viability/Cytotoxicity Kit InvitrogenL3224Live/dead cell stain
Masson's Staining KitZHCCD069Masson Staining
Minimum Essential Medium Alpha basic (1x)GibcoC12571500BTCulture of UCMSCs
ParaffinLeica39601006Tissue embedding
ParaformaldehydeSaint-BioD16013Fixation of aggregate
PBS (1x)MeilunbioMA0015Resuspend and purify UCMSCs
Penicillin/StreptomycinProcell Life SciencePB180120Culture of UCMSCs
Pentobarbital sodiumSigmaP3761Animal anesthesia
PolysporinPfizerPrevent eye dry
Scanning Electron MicroscopeHitachis-4800SEM observation
ScissorJZY00030Animal surgical incision
Six-well plateThermo140675Culture of UCMSCs
StitchJinhuanF603Close wounds
SutureXy4-0Close wounds
Thermostatic equipmentGrantv-0001-0005Water bath
UCMSCsBai'ao UKK220201Commercially UCMSCs
Vitamin CDiyibioDY40138-25gAggregate inducing
XyleneSCR10023418Dehydrate aggregate


  1. Hall, B. K., Miyake, T. Divide, accumulate, differentiate: cell condensation in skeletal development revisited. The International Journal of Developmental Biology. 39 (6), 881-893 (1995).
  2. Hall, B. K., Miyake, T.

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Mesenchymal Stem CellsSelf renewalMultilineage DifferentiationRegenerative MedicineSelf assembled AggregatesCell cell InteractionsExtracellular MatrixUmbilical Cord Mesenchymal Stem CellsCranial Bone RegenerationTissue EngineeringTransplantation Strategy

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