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A method for metabolomic analysis of barley is presented. The method entails fractionation and derivatization of metabolites and analysis thereof by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS). Metabolomic analysis can be used to determine the effect of intercropping and drought stress on the grain.


Climate change increases drought risk to agriculture and impacts both food nutrient content and overall food security. Metabolomics is one way to observe and quantify the impacts of drought on grain and other agricultural products. The identified metabolites may allow for the identification of the biochemical response that allows the plant to tolerate stressful environments. The methodology presented herein allowed for the total metabolomic analysis of barley flour using gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS).

Barley flour metabolite extracts were fractionated into four fractions based on polarity. To allow for analysis by GC/MS, metabolites were derivatized to increase volatility and metabolite separation: fatty acids esters were derivatized into fatty acid methyl esters; sugars were oximated into their straight chain form; and metabolites with hydroxyl groups were converted to their corresponding silyl ethers. The derivatized samples were injected into the GC/MS and the generated mass spectra were used for metabolite identification by comparing the generated spectra to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Tandem Mass Spectra library. The method described here can also be used to examine the total metabolome for other plants, furthering our understanding of the biochemical responses of stressed plants.


Barley is the fourth most produced grain worldwide1. With climate change increasing the frequency and intensity of droughts, the productivity of this crop is expected to drop significantly as severe drought stress can decrease the grain yield by nearly an order of magnitude2. Agronomic practices that diversify the landscape are hypothesized to increase the resilience -- the tendency to maintain yields and soil properties of cultivated land. Intercropping, the cultivation of two crops simultaneously in the same field, is one such practice, especially when nitrogen-fixing pulse crops, like lentils or ....


1. Preparation of standards (Figure 2)

Figure 2: Chemical structures for the four internal standards used in this method. These four standards are used for the semiquantitation of metabolites in the different barley fractions. Please click here to view a larger version of this....


The developed protocol successfully derivatizes and resolves the many metabolites present in the barley flour. Each peak on the chromatogram is associated with a compound identified from its mass spectra. The three most prominent peaks in Fraction 1 of the sample were octadecadienoic acid methyl ester, hexadecanoic acid methyl ester, and octadecenoic acid. The three most prominent peaks in Fraction 2 of the sample were TMS-derivatized palmitic acid, octadecanoic acid, and n-hexa.......


We disclose a successful method for the extraction of metabolites from barley grain for metabolic analysis. Several steps in this extraction protocol require particular attention to achieve satisfactory results. In addition, care also needs to be taken during the analysis stage, especially given the number and different properties of the derivatized products.

In order for the metabolite derivatizations to be effective, it is necessary to exclude moisture from solvents and reaction vessels. For.......


The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.


Funding was provided by the USDA ARS Pulse Crop Health Initiative and the Idaho Barley Commission.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
4-chloro-L-phenylalanineAlfa Aesar1547032997%
Anhydrous acetonitrileSigma360457ACS (Dried over 3Å molecular sieves)
Anhydrous PyridineSigmaPX201299.8%
Anhydrous Sodium SulfateEMDSX0760-1ACS
Barley flour Grown at the Aberdeen Research and Extension Center, University of Idaho
Deionized Water
Hydrochloric AcidEMDHX0603-3ACS
ISQ 7000 mass spectrometerThermoFisher
Long Pastuer pipet
Methoxylamine hydrochlorideThermoA19188.0698%
Methyl tert-butyl etherVWRBDH1139-4LGACS
N-trimethylsilyimidazoleAlfa AesarA1251297%
Rotary Evaporator
Sodium MethoxideMerck8.06538.000597%
SPE ColumnAgilent12113010
SPE Solvent Resevoir CartridgeAgilent12131014
TG-SQC column
Trace 1300 gas chromatographThermoFisher
Vacuum Manifold


  1. Verstegen, H., Köneke, O., Korzun, V., von Broock, R., Kumlehn, J., Stein, N. The world importance of barley and challenges to further improvements. Biotechnological approaches to barley improvement. Biotechnology in Agriculture and Forestry. 69, 3-19 (2014).
  2. . Agribusiness handbook: Barley malt beer Available from: https://www.fao.org/4/i1003e/i100....

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Metabolomic AnalysisBarleyGas ChromatographyMass SpectrometryDrought RiskFood SecurityMetabolitesBiochemical ResponseDerivatizationFatty Acids EstersSugarsSilyl EthersNIST Tandem Mass Spectra LibraryPlant Stress Response

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