08:46 min
August 26th, 2020
August 26th, 2020
This method accurately defines calreticulin mutations in patients with suspected hematologic condition, especially where other diagnostic options are limited or there is an overlap with non-hematologic conditions. The main advantage of the high resolution mirror technique is detecting the common somatic genetic variants in the hotspot region of the calreticulin gene at the acceptable limit of detection and affordable cost. This technique enables rapid and noninvasive diagnosis of myeloproliferative disorders, especially essential thrombocythemia and primary myelofibrosis.
Currently it has no effect on the choice of therapy in these patients. However, this may change in the future. Begin by preparing the qPCR HRM master mix as described in the text manuscript, making enough for three replicates of each DNA sample and control.
Mix the reaction contents by gently tapping and inverting the tube and vortexing for two to three seconds, then briefly spin the tube to collect the scattered droplets. Transfer 19 microliters of the qPCR HRM master mix to each well of the 96 Well Optical Reaction Plate. Pipette one microliter of the negative controls, positive controls and samples into the appropriate wells of the plate for the no template control or NTC at one microliter of sterile RNAs and DNA's free water used for preparing the qPCR HRM master mix instead of DNA.
Seal the reaction plate firmly with the optical adhesive film to prevent evaporation during the run. Then spin it at 780 times G at room temperature for one minute. Check that the liquid is at the bottom of the wells in the reaction plate and run the assay.
Assign the controls and samples to the appropriate wells in the instrument system software and change the default instrument amplification protocol. Program the instrument as described in the text manuscript to perform the dissociation analysis immediately after qPCR. when the run end review and verify the amplification plot.
In the experiment menu of the instrument system software select the amplification plot option. If no data are displayed, click the green analyze button. In the Amplification Plot tab from the plot type dropdown menu, select the plot that displays the amplification data as the fluorescence readings, normalized to the fluorescence from the passive reference as a function of cycle number, In the plot color dropdown menu, select sample.
From the graph type dropdown menu, select the linear amplification graph type, verify that the baseline start and end cycle is set correctly. The end cycle should be set a few cycles before the cycle number where a significant fluorescent signal is detected. From the graph type dropdown menu, select the log 10 amplification graph type show the threshold line on the graph by selecting the threshold option and adjust the threshold.
The threshold line should cross the exponential phase at the qPCR curves. Verify that all sample and positive control Wells have normal amplification curves and that there is no amplification in the NTC Wells. A normal amplification plot shows an exponential increase in florescence that exceeds the threshold between cycles 15 and 35.
In the derivative melt curves review the pre and post melt regions or temperature lines. The pre and post melt regions should be within a flat area where there are no large peaks or slopes in the fluorescent levels. If needed set the start and stop of the pre and post melt temperature lines, approximately 0.5 degrees Celsius apart from each other.
Restart the analysis if the parameters are adjusted by clicking on the analyze button. In the plot settings tab of the difference pot tab, choose one of the wild type control replicates as the reference DNA and restart the analysis by clicking on the analyze button. In the aligned Melt curves tab, confirm that all positive controls have the correct genotype and that the NTC failed to amplify.
From the well table, select a control well to highlight the corresponding melt curve in the analysis plots and confirm that the color of the line corresponds to the correct genotype. In the aligned melt curves tab carefully review the plot displays for the unknown samples and compare them to the plot displays for controls. Select the Wells containing the unknown sample replicates and align the melt curves with the controls in an ordered sequence by selecting the wells containing controls one by one.
Analyze the result for the unknown sample in the Difference Plot tab to verify that the results obtained are consistent. Select the wells containing the unknown sample replicates and align the melt curves with the controls in an ordered sequence, selecting the Wells containing controls one by one. Run qPCR HRM products on a 4%agarose precast gel containing a fluorescent nucleic acid strain.
Run only one positive negative NTC and sample qPCR HRM replicates. Remove the precast gel and the cassette from the package then remove the comb and insert the gel into the apparatus according to the manufacturer's instructions. Dilute a 10 microliter sample to 20 microliters with sterile RNA and DNA free water and load each well with 20 microliters of the diluted sample.
Dilute three microliters of DNA size standard solution to 20 microliters and load it into the marker well. Fill any empty wells with 20 microliters of sterile RNA and DNA's free water. Immediately select the program according to the percentage of the gel being run and set the runtime on the apparatus to 20 minutes.
Start the electrophoresis within one minute of loading the samples. When the electrophoresis is completed, visualize the DNA and the gel by using blue light or UV transillumination. And successfully amplified DNA region of interest with an exponential increase in fluorescents that exceeds the threshold between cycles 15 and 35 and very narrow values of the cycle of quantification in all replicates and controls is a prerequisite for the reliable identification of genetic variance by high resolution melting analysis.
HRM analysis is performed immediately after qPCR, the active melt regions of the samples, the controls and the NTC are used to create their aligned melt curve plots. Correctly set pre and post melt regions are important for properly visualizing and identifying genetic variance in the samples. Aligned melt curves and different pots are shown here.
The unknown samples are tightly aligned with one of the positive controls. Incorrectly set pre and post melt regions or temperature lines result in aligned melt curves and different plots where correct identification of the genetic variance is more difficult. The genetic variant in the sample can be identified by comparing the band pattern of the sample to the controls.
And by combining the HRM and agarose gel electrophoresis. Correct genetic variant identification can only be done for the samples that contain the same genetic variant as one of the controls used in the HRM assay. Samples containing rare calreticulin genetic variants differ in the HRM result and electrophoresis band pattern.
When attempting this protocol, it is important to carefully compare the aligned melt curve plot displays of the known and control samples.
고해상도 용융 분석(HRM)은 유전적 이체 검출을 위한 민감하고 신속한 솔루션입니다. 그것은 이발 곡선의 모양을 변경 하는 heteroduplexes 귀착되는 시퀀스 차이에 따라 달라 집니다. HRM 및 아가로즈 젤 전기전도를 빗질함으로써, 인델과 같은 유전적 변이체의 상이한 유형을 확인할 수 있다.
이 비디오의 챕터
Fluorescence-based Quantitative Real-time PCR (qPCR) and Post-qPCR Analysis by HRM
Agarose Gel Electrophoresis
Results: Detection of the Genetic Variants in the CALR Gene
관련 동영상
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