Standard Immunostaining Procedure of Thinly Sliced Brain Sections on Slides
Alternate Processing of Lineage-Traced Brains by iDISCO Brain Clearing and Whole Mount Imaging
Imaging of Stained Slides or Cleared Brains
Results: Lineage Tracing of Adult mTert-rtTA::oTet-Cre::Rosa-mTmG Mouse Brains
Marking stem cells and their progeny with an inducible transgenic lineage tracing mouse line allows for spatial and temporal analysis of activation, proliferation, migration, and/or differentiation of adult stem cells in the brain in vivo. Lineage
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The ability to permanently mark stem cells and their progeny with a fluorophore using an inducible transgenic lineage tracing mouse line allows for spatial and temporal analysis of activation, proliferation, migration, and/or differentiation in vivo. Lineage tracing can reveal novel information about lineage commitment, response to intervention(s), and multipotency.