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Here, we present a protocol for the high-efficiency production of transgenic soybean hairy roots.


Soybean (Glycine max) is a valuable crop in agriculture that has thousands of industrial uses. Soybean roots are the primary site of interaction with soil-borne microbes that form symbiosis to fix nitrogen and pathogens, which makes research involving soybean root genetics of prime importance to improve its agricultural production. The genetic transformation of soybean hairy roots (HRs) is mediated by the Agrobacterium rhizogenes strain NCPPB2659 (K599) and is an efficient tool for studying gene function in soybean roots, taking only 2 months from start to finish. Here, we provide a detailed protocol that outlines the method for overexpressing and silencing a gene of interest in soybean HRs. This methodology includes soybean seed sterilization, infection of cotyledons with K599, and the selection and harvesting of genetically transformed HRs for RNA isolation and, if warranted, metabolite analyses. The throughput of the approach is sufficient to simultaneously study several genes or networks and could determine the optimal engineering strategies prior to committing to long-term stable transformation approaches.


Soybean (Glycine max) is among the most valuable crops in agriculture. It has thousands of commercial and industrial uses, such as food, animal feed, oil, and as a source of raw materials for manufacturing1. Its ability to form a symbiotic relationship with nitrogen-fixing soil microorganisms, namely rhizobia, further elevates the importance of studying soybean genetics2. For instance, fine-tuning nitrogen fixation properties in soybean roots can lead to the reduction of carbon emissions and greatly reduce requirements for nitrogen fertilizer3. Thus, understanding the genetics that contro....


NOTE: It is recommended that all of the proceeding steps be conducted under sterile conditions.

1. Soybean seed sterilization

  1. In a biosafety cabinet, place 16-20 round Williams 82 soybean seeds in pristine condition (i.e., no cracks or blemishes) in a 50 mL centrifuge tube.
  2. Add 30 mL of 70% isopropyl alcohol, gently shake for 30 s, and then decant the alcohol.
  3. Gently shake the seeds with 30 mL of 10% bleach for 10 s and allow the seeds to sit in the solution for 5 min at room temperature (RT, 25 °C). After 5 min, drain the bleach.
  4. Repeat the shaking three times with 30 mL of st....

Reprezentatywne Wyniki

The representative results are from the published data19,20. The colony PCR (cPCR) results of the transformed K599 Agrobacterium are shown in Figure 1. As indicated by the positive colonies in Figure 1, the gene of interest was detected by cPCR (Figure 1A). However, one-third to one-half of the colonies were negative for the VirD2 gene screening (


During the past decade, the soybean HR method has been developed as a powerful tool to study genes involved in nitrogen fixation22,23, biotic and abiotic stress tolerance24,25, and metabolite biosynthetic pathways26,27. The knowledge of how plants produce metabolites has a plethora of benefits for agricultural production and the pharmaceutical ind.......


The authors have nothing to disclose.


This research was funded by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) grant number RGPIN-2020-06111 and by a generous donation from Brad Lace. We would like to thank Wayne Parrott (University of Georgia) for the K599 Agrobacterium and the preliminary protocol, and the Nakagawa & Hachiya lab (Shimane University) for the pGWB2, pGWB6, and pANDA35HK empty vectors.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
DMSOFisher bioreagents195679
Isopropyl alcoholFisher chemical206462
LB powderFisher bioreagents200318
MS powderCaisson labs2210001
Na2HPO4Fisher bioreagents194171
NaClFisher chemical192946
Petri dishesFisherbrand08-757-11100 mm x 25 mm
REDExtract-N-Amp PCR KitSigmaR4775
TimentinCaisson labs12222002
VitaminsCaisson labs2211010


  1. Li, S., et al. Optimization of Agrobacterium-mediated transformation in soybean. Frontiers in Plant Science. 8, 246 (2017).
  2. Elhady, A., Hallmann, J., Heuer, H. Symbiosis of ....

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SoybeanHairy Root TransformationGene Function AnalysisCRISPR Cas9RNA InterferenceTranscriptomicsProteomicsImagingTi PlasmidAgrobacterium RhizogenesPhytoalexinTranscription FactorMulti gene EngineeringMetabolitesAgriculture

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