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Here, we present two protocols for embedding cell-free protein synthesis reactions in macro-scale hydrogel matrices without the need for an external liquid phase.


Synthetic gene networks provide a platform for scientists and engineers to design and build novel systems with functionality encoded at a genetic level. While the dominant paradigm for the deployment of gene networks is within a cellular chassis, synthetic gene networks may also be deployed in cell-free environments. Promising applications of cell-free gene networks include biosensors, as these devices have been demonstrated against biotic (Ebola, Zika, and SARS-CoV-2 viruses) and abiotic (heavy metals, sulfides, pesticides, and other organic contaminants) targets. Cell-free systems are typically deployed in liquid form within a reaction vessel. Being able to embed such reactions in a physical matrix, however, may facilitate their broader application in a wider set of environments. To this end, methods for embedding cell-free protein synthesis (CFPS) reactions in a variety of hydrogel matrices have been developed. One of the key properties of hydrogels conducive to this work is the high-water reconstitution capacity of hydrogel materials. Additionally, hydrogels possess physical and chemical characteristics that are functionally beneficial. Hydrogels can be freeze-dried for storage and rehydrated for use later. Two step-by-step protocols for the inclusion and assay of CFPS reactions in hydrogels are presented. First, a CFPS system can be incorporated into a hydrogel via rehydration with a cell lysate. The system within the hydrogel can then be induced or expressed constitutively for complete protein expression through the hydrogel. Second, cell lysate can be introduced to a hydrogel at the point of polymerization, and the entire system can be freeze-dried and rehydrated at a later point with an aqueous solution containing the inducer for the expression system encoded within the hydrogel. These methods have the potential to allow for cell-free gene networks that confer sensory capabilities to hydrogel materials, with the potential for deployment beyond the laboratory.


Synthetic biology integrates diverse engineering disciplines to design and engineer biologically based parts, devices, and systems that can perform functions that are not found in nature. Most synthetic biology approaches are still bound to living cells. By contrast, cell-free synthetic biology systems facilitate unprecedented levels of control and freedom in design, enabling increased flexibility and a shortened time for engineering biological systems while eliminating many of the constraints of traditional cell-based gene expression methods1,2,3. CFPS is being used in an in....


1. Cell lysate buffer and media preparation

  1. Preparation of 2x YT+P agar and medium
    1. Prepare 2x YT+P agar by measuring out 16 g/L tryptone, 10 g/L yeast extract, 5 g/L NaCl, 40 mL/L 1 M K2HPO4, 22 mL/L 1 M KH2PO4, and 15 g/L agar. For the 2x YT+P broth, follow the previous composition but omit the agar.
    2. Sterilize by autoclaving the 2x YT+P.
  2. Preparation of the S30A buffer
    1. Prepare the S30A buffer with 5.88 g/L Mg-glutamate, 12.195 g/L K-glutamate, and 25 mL/L 2 M Tris, adjusted to pH 7.7 with acetic acid.
    2. Store the S30A buffer at 4....

Reprezentatywne Wyniki

This protocol details two methods for embedding CFPS reactions into hydrogel matrices, with Figure 1 presenting a schematic overview of the two approaches. Both methods are amenable to freeze-drying and long-term storage. Method A is the most utilized methodology for two reasons. First, it has been shown to be the most applicable method for working with a range of hydrogel materials11. Second, Method A allows for the parallel testing of genetic constructs. Method.......


Outlined here are two protocols for the incorporation of E. coli cell lysate-based CFPS reactions into agarose hydrogels. These methods allow for simultaneous gene expression throughout the material. The protocol can be adapted for other CFPS systems and has been successfully conducted with commercially available CFPS kits in addition to the laboratory-prepared cell lysates detailed here. Importantly, the protocol allows for gene expression in the absence of an external liquid phase. This means that the system i.......




The authors greatly acknowledge the support of the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council awards BB/V017551/1 (S.K., T.P.H.) and BB/W01095X/1 (A.L., T.P.H.), and the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council - Defence Science and Technology Laboratories award EP/N026683/1 (C.J.W., A.M.B., T.P.H.). Data supporting this publication are openly available at: 10.25405/data.ncl.22232452. For the purpose of open access, the author has applied a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license to any Author Accepted Manuscript version arising.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
3-PGASanta Cruz Biotechnologysc-214793B
Acetic AcidSigma-AldrichA6283
AgarThermo Fisher ScientificA10752.22
AgaroseSevern Biotech30-15-50
Amino Acid Sampler KitVWRBTRABR1401801
Coenzyme A (CoA)Sigma-AldrichC4282-100MG
CTPAlfa AesarJ14121.MC
DTTThermo Fisher ScientificR0862
Folinic AcidSigma-AldrichF7878-100MG
Potassium Hydroxide (KOH)Sigma-Aldrich757551-5G
Potassium Phosphate Dibasic (K2HPO4)Sigma-AldrichP3786-500G
Potassium Phosphate Monobasic (KH2PO4)Sigma-AldrichRDD037-500G
Protease Inhibitor cocktailSigma-AldrichP2714-1BTL
Qubit Protein concentration kitThermo Fisher ScientificA50668
Rossetta 2 DE 3 E.coliSigma-Aldrich71397-3
Sodium Chloride (NaCl)Sigma-AldrichS9888-500G
TryptoneThermo Fisher Scientific211705
UTPAlfa AesarJ23160.MC
Yeast ExtractSigma-AldrichY1625-1KG
1.5 mL microcentrifuge tubesSigma-AldrichHS4323-500EA
10K MWCO dialysis cassettesThermo Fisher Scientific66381
15 mL centrifuge tubeSarstedt62.554.502
50 mL centrifuge bottlesSarstedt62.547.254
500 mL centrifuge bottlesThermo Fisher Scientific3120-9500
Alpha 1-2 LD Plus freeze-dryerChristpart no. 101521, 101522, 101527
Benchtop CentrifugeThermo Fisher ScientificH-X3R
Black 384 well microtitre platesFischer Scientific66
CuvettesThermo Fisher Scientific222S
Elga Purelab ChorusElga#####
Eppendorf Microcentrifuge 5425REppendorfEP00532
High Speed CentrifugeBeckman CoulterB34183
JMP licenseSAS Institute15
Magnetic StirrerFischer Scientific15353518
Photospectrometer (Biophotometer)Eppendorf16713
Pipettes and tipsGilson#####
Precision BalanceSartorius16384738
Qubit 2.0 FluorometerThermo Fisher ScientificQ32866
Shaking IncubatorThermo Fisher ScientificSHKE8000
Sonic Dismembrator (Sonicator)Thermo Fisher Scientific12893543
Static IncubatorSanyoMIR-162
Syringe and needlesThermo Fisher Scientific66490
Thermo max Q8000 (Shaking Incubator)Thermo Fisher ScientificSHKE8000
Varioskan Lux platereaderThermo Fisher ScientificVLBL00GD1
Vortex Genie 2Cole-parmerOU-04724-05
VWR PHenomenal pH 1100 L, ph/mv/°c meterVWR662-1657


  1. Lu, Y. Cell-free synthetic biology: Engineering in an open world. Synthetic and System Biotechnology. 2 (1), 23-27 (2017).
  2. Perez, J. G., Stark, J. C., Jewett, M. C. Cell-free synthetic biology: Engineering beyond the cell.

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Cell free Protein SynthesisHydrogelMolecular BiologySynthetic Gene NetworksBiosensorsCell free SystemsEmbeddingMaterial FunctionalitySpatial OrganizationDiagnostic Devices

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