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This protocol describes performing a craniectomy using a high-speed pneumatic drill on a 3-month-old Danish Landrace pig. The access is made through the frontal bone and reveals the ventral dura mater and underlying cerebral hemispheres. This procedure allows for access to a large portion of the pig brain.


The use of pigs as an experimental animal model is especially relevant in neuroscience research, as the porcine and human central nervous systems (CNS) share many important functional and architectural properties. Consequently, pigs are expected to have an increasingly important role in future research on various neurological diseases. Here, a method to perform an anterior craniectomy through the porcine frontal bone is described. After a midline incision and subsequent exposure of the porcine frontal bone, anatomical landmarks are used to ensure the optimal location of the craniectomy. By careful and gradual thinning of the frontal bone with a rounded drill, a rectangular opening to the dura mater and underlying cerebral hemispheres is achieved. The presented method requires certain surgical materials, including a pneumatic high-speed drill, and some degree of surgical experience. Potential complications include unintended lesions of the dura mater or dorsal sagittal sinus. However, the method is simple, time-efficient, and offers a high degree of reproducibility for researchers. If performed correctly, the technique exposes a large portion of the unaffected pig brain for various neuromonitoring or analyses.


In general, animal models are used when practical and/or ethical limitations prohibit the use of human patients to examine diseases or test surgical methods. Novel animal models are generally established to provide new knowledge with translational value to human conditions. Rodents are often utilized due to practical and financial considerations, but they have limited translational value to humans, especially due to substantial anatomical differences1. Pigs, however, offer several advantages compared to rodents. Not only do pigs share several key anatomical, physiological, metabolic, and genetic features with humans, but the size of the porcine....


All animal experiments described were performed at Aalborg University Hospital, Denmark, in accordance with existing laws and under the approval of the Danish Animal Experiments Inspectorate (license no. 2020-15-0201-00401). Domestic swine, female, approximately 40 kg and 3 months of age, were used for this study. The details regarding the reagents and equipment used are listed in the Table of Materials.

1. Subject housing

  1. House subjects in groups with 12 h light/dark cycles in approved pens for at least 7 days before the surgical procedure to ensure acclimation.

Reprezentatywne Wyniki

The prone position of the pig's head provides optimal access for the surgeon during the procedure, and the use of stabilizing sandbags reduces the risk of unintended shifts in the pig's head position while drilling.

During this demonstration, the superficial anatomical landmarks of the pig's superior skull (both superior orbital crests and the nuchal crest) (Figure 1 and Figure 3) were used to precisely identify the center.......


The demonstrated procedure involves several critical steps. Firstly, the accurate planning of the craniectomy's location is crucial due to the composition of the porcine skull. Since the thickness of the porcine frontal bone increases at the lateral edges, placing the opening too laterally11 can make it difficult to reach the dura mater during drilling. Additionally, locating the opening correctly within the midline is important to reduce the risk of unintended damage to the underlying dorsal .......


The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.


The authors would like to express our gratitude for the support and technical experience shared by the personnel at the Biomedical Laboratory, Aalborg University Hospital, Denmark.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
10 mL plastic syrringesBecton, Dickinson and Company303219
107 Microdialysis pumpM DialysisP000127 107 Microdialysis Pump
2 mL plastic syrringesBecton, Dickinson and Company300928
25 mm, 18 G needlesBecton, Dickinson and Company304100
Bair Hugger heater3MB5005241003
Bair Hugger heating blanket3MB5005241003
Batery for microdialysis pumpM Dialysis8001788Battery 6V, 106 & MD Pump
DissectorKarl Storz223535Flattended 3 mm dissector
Endotracheal tube size 6.5DVMedDVM-107860Cuffed endotracheal tube
Euthasol VetDechra Veterinary Products A/S380019phentobarbital for euthanazia, 400 mg/mL
Farabeuf RougineMahr SurgicalFlat headed rougine (12 mm)
Foley Catheter 12 FBecton, Dickinson and CompanyD175812ECatherter with in-built thermosensor
Intravenous sheathCoris AvantiAvanti Cordis Femoral Sheath 6 F
Microdialysis brain cathetersM DialysisP000050membrane length 10 mm -shaft 100 mm 4/pkg
Microdialysis syringeM Dialysis8010191 106 Pump Syringe 20/pkg
Microvials for microdialysis samplingM DialysisP000001Microvials 250/pkg
Operating table
Pneumatic high-speed drillMedtronicMedtronic Midas Rex 7 drill
Primus respiratorDrägerRespirator with in-built vaporiser for supplementary Sevofluran anesthesia
Rounded diamond drillMedtronic7BA40D-MN
Self-retaining retractorWorld Precission Instruments501722Weitlander retractor, self-retaining, 14 cm blunt
Sterile SalineFresnius Kabi8055411000 mL
Sterile surgical swaps
Surgical scalpel no 24Swann Morton5.03396E+12Swann Morton Sterile Disposable Scalpel No. 24
Zoletil VetVirbacMedical mixture for induction of anesthesia


  1. Mariager, T., Bjarkam, C., Nielsen, H., Bodilsen, J. Experimental animal models for brain abscess: a systematic review. Br J Neurosurg. , 1-8 (2022).
  2. Bassols, A., et al. The pig as an animal model for human pathologies:....

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Porcine BrainCraniectomyHigh speed Pneumatic DrillNeuroscience ResearchCentral Nervous SystemNeurological DiseasesSurgical TechniqueAnatomical LandmarksDura MaterCerebral HemispheresSurgical MaterialsComplicationsNeuromonitoring

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