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This study presents the two-dimensional (2D) scratch wound migration assay and the three-dimensional (3D) spheroid sprouting assay, along with their respective downstream analysis methods, including RNA extraction and immunocytochemistry, as suitable assays to study angiogenesis in vitro.


Angiogenesis plays a crucial role in both physiological and pathological processes within the body including tumor growth or neovascular eye disease. A detailed understanding of the underlying molecular mechanisms and reliable screening models are essential for targeting diseases effectively and developing new therapeutic options. Several in vitro assays have been developed to model angiogenesis, capitalizing on the opportunities a controlled environment provides to elucidate angiogenic drivers at a molecular level and screen for therapeutic targets.

This study presents workflows for investigating angiogenesis in vitro using human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs). We detail a scratch wound migration assay utilizing a live cell imaging system measuring endothelial cell migration in a 2D setting and the spheroid sprouting assay assessing endothelial cell sprouting in a 3D setting provided by a collagen matrix. Additionally, we outline strategies for sample preparation to enable further molecular analyses such as transcriptomics, particularly in the 3D setting, including RNA extraction as well as immunocytochemistry. Altogether, this framework offers scientists a reliable and versatile toolset to pursue their scientific inquiries in in vitro angiogenesis assays.


Angiogenesis, which refers to the formation of new blood vessels from pre-existing ones1, is a crucial process during physiological development and pathologic conditions. It is indispensable for providing energy to highly metabolically active tissues such as the retina2 or the developing central nervous system3 and during the healing of damaged tissue4. Abnormal angiogenesis, on the other hand, is the basis for numerous diseases. Solid tumors, such as colorectal cancer or non-small cell lung cancer, facilitate their growth and the necessary energy supply by promoting angiog....


1. HUVEC cell culture

NOTE: Perform all following steps under sterile working conditions (sterile working bench).

  1. Expanding HUVECs
    1. For both angiogenesis assays, use pooled human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) or human microvascular endothelial cells (HMVECs).
    2. Cultivate the cells until they reach 90% confluence in an uncoated T75 flask with endothelial cell growth medium (EGM) before performing a split. Perform medium change 3 times a week.
      NOTE: To expedite growth, the medium can be changed daily. Do not use HUVECs beyond the sixth passage. The study received the most co....

Reprezentatywne Wyniki

For the migration assay, it is crucial to thoroughly examine the images captured at the t = 0 h time point to ensure the presence of a fully formed cell monolayer is accurately detected by the system (Figure 1B). Additionally, the clarity and straightness of the scratch border should be confirmed (Figure 1B). The cell-free area ought to be largely free of debris. At the end of the assay, a group stimulated with, for example, 25 ng/mL VEGF as a positive control s.......


In this report, we presented a spectrum of techniques with functional and molecular readouts to study angiogenesis in vitro.

The migration assay represents a well-established technique used across all fields of wet laboratory work. We chose the commercially available live-cell imaging approach to take advantage of the 96-well format suitable for screening and dose-response experiments, the standardized and reproducible wound size created by the WoundMaker tool, the opportunity to ob.......


The authors declare no conflict of interest in this project.


The authors thank Sophie Krüger and Gabriele Prinz for their excellent technical support. We thank Sebastian Maier for developing the ImageJ plugin to quantify spheroid sprouts and the Lighthouse Core Facility, Zentrum für Translationale Zellforschung (ZTZ), Department of Medicine I, University Hospital Freiburg for the use of the IncuCyte system. The graphics were created with biorender.com. This work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft [Bu3135/3-1 + Bu3135/3-2 to F.B], the Medizinische Fakultät der Albert-Ludwigs- Universität Freiburg [Berta-Ottenstein-Program for Clinician Scientists and Advanced Clinician Scientists to F.B.], t....


NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
10x Medium 199Sigma-AldrichM0650
Alexa Fluor 647-conjugated AffiniPure F(ab)‘2-FragmentJackson IR 115-606-072
Axio Vert. A1Zeiss
CapturePro Optical Systems
Collagen Type 1 rat tailCorning354236
Collagenase DRoche 11088858001
Endothelial Cell Basal MediumLonzaCC-3156EBM
Endothelial Cell Growth MediumLonzaCC-3162EGM
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid Serva11290.02EDTA
Fetal bovine serumBio&SELLS 0615FBS
Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells, pooledLonzaC2519AHUVEC
IncuCyte ImageLock 96-well plates Sartorius4379
Incucyte S3 Live-Cell Analysis SystemSartorius
Microvascular Endothelial Cell Medium with 10% FBSPB-MH-100-4090-GFPPELOBiotech
NaOHCarl RothP031.2
Phalloidin-Fluorescein Isothiocyanate Labeled (0.5 mg/mL Methanol)Sigma-AldrichP5282-.1MGPhalloidin-FITC
Phosphate-buffered salineThermo Fisher Scientfic14190-094PBS
Primary Human Retinal Microvascular Endothelial CellsCell SystemsACBRI 181
ProLong Glass Antifade Mountant with NucBlueInvitrogen by ThermoFisher Scientific2260939
QIAzol Lysis ReagentQIAGEN79306
recombinant human Vascular Endothelial Growth FactorPeproTech100-20VEGF
Squared petri dishGreiner688102
VEGF-R2 (monoclonal)ThermoFisher Scientific Inc.B.309.4


  1. Risau, W. Mechanisms of angiogenesis. Nature. 386 (6626), 671-674 (1997).
  2. Gariano, R. F., Gardner, T. W. Retinal angiogenesis in development and disease. Nature. 438 (7070), 960-966 (2005).
  3. Mancuso, M. R., Kuhnert, F., Kuo,....

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AngiogenesisScratch Wound Migration AssaySpheroid Sprouting AssayHUVEC2D3DEndothelial Cell MigrationEndothelial Cell SproutingTranscriptomicsImmunocytochemistry

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