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Porcine corneal ex vivo organ culture and epithelial wound healing provide an economical, ethical, reproducible, and quantitative means for testing the ocular toxicity of chemicals. They also aid in elucidating mechanisms underlying the regulation of epithelialization and tissue repair, and in evaluating therapeutics for treating diabetic keratopathy and delayed wound healing.


Due to its anatomical and physiological similarities to the human eye, the porcine eye serves as a robust model for biomedical research and ocular toxicity assessment. An air/liquid corneal culture system using porcine eyes was developed, and ex vivo epithelial wound healing was utilized as a critical parameter for these studies. Fresh pig corneas were processed for organ culture, with or without epithelial wounding. The corneas were cultured in a humidified 5% CO2 incubator at 37 °C in MEM, with or without testing agents. Corneal permeability and wound healing rates were measured, and epithelial cells and/or whole corneas can be processed for immunohistochemistry, western blotting, and qPCR for molecular and cellular analyses. This study describes a detailed protocol and presents two studies using this ex vivo system. The data show that porcine corneal organ culture, combined with epithelial wound healing, is a suitable ex vivo model for chemical toxicity testing, studying diabetic keratopathy, and identifying potential therapies.


While cell models possess limited clonal populations and fail to reproduce an organism's in vivo architecture, organ culture or explant offers insights into organ function, development, disease mechanisms, and potential therapies while providing ethical and physiological advantages over other experimental models1,2. In addition to reducing the number of animals needed, culturing explants control and sensibly manipulate the surrounding conditions, which is ideal for a detailed exploration of factors controlling cell proliferation, migration, wound response, and cellular differentiation in ....


Since fresh pig corneas are a byproduct of the food industry, the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee did not need to approve their use for research. Unlike human corneas used in research, there are no biohazard concerns, and unused parts of pig eyes can be disposed of as regular garbage. The reagents and equipment used for this study are listed in the Table of Materials.

1. Preparation for organ culture

  1. Add penicillin-streptomycin to the Minimum essential medium (MEM) as supplements before use.
  2. Prepare high-glucose culture media by adding 3.6 g of D-glucose to 1 L of supplemen....

Reprezentatywne Wyniki

Cataract surgery is one of the most frequently performed procedures globally, and eye drops play a crucial role in post-surgery care. Applying eye drops after cataract surgery helps prevent complications such as eye infections, inflammation, and macular edema. NSAID (NS) eye drops, including ketorolac, bromfenac, and nepafenac, have commonly been used to treat pain and swelling of the eye before, during, and after cataract surgery. The long-term use of these eye drops that contain various amounts of preservatives, such a.......


Cultured bovine and mostly porcine corneas have been used to assess the toxicities of cosmetic chemicals, glaucoma medications, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs21,26. Pig corneas have also been used as an ex vivo model of human diabetic keratopathy. Unlike rabbit eyes, the pig eye resembles the human eye anatomically, physiologically, and biomechanically27, hence, being used for xenotransplantation into h.......




We thank Drs. Keping Xu (M.D. and O.D.) and Jia Yin (M.D. and Ph.D.) for their contributions to the development of bovine and porcine corneal organ culture and Ray Guo and Andy Wu of Troy High School for the artwork of Figure 1. Dr. Yu's lab research was funded by NIH grants (R01 EY010869, R01EY035785, P30 EY04068) and by Research to Prevent Blindness at Kresge Eye Institute.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
1.7 mL tubesAxygenAXYMCT175SP
Agarose Thermo ScientificR0491
Bromfenac (Prolensa) 0.09% 
CameraCanonPowerShot A620
Cell Culture DishCorning430165
D-glucose Sigma50-99-7
Dissecting microscope ZeissStemi 2000c
Ketorolac (Acular) 0.45%Kresge Clinic
Minimum essential medium (MEM) GibcoA1048901
Nepafenac (Ilevro) 0.1% 
Penicillin-streptomycin Gibco15070063
Phosphate buffered salineSigmaP4417
Pig eyes Bernthal Packing Inc.
Pipet tipsVWR76322-164
Porcine corneasBernthal Packing , Inc. Frankenmuth, MI 
Povidone-Iodine Betadine
Q-Tips cotton swabsQ-Tips
Razor bladeElectron Microscopy Sciences72002-01
Razor blade holder Stotz
Scalpel HandleBard-Parker#3
Silicon mold
Tissue culter enclosureLabconco5100000
Water bath VWR1235


  1. Post, A., et al. Elucidating the role of graft compliance mismatch on intimal hyperplasia using an ex vivo organ culture model. Acta Biomater. 8, 84-94 (2019).
  2. Verma, A., Verma, M., Singh, A. A....

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Corneal organ culturetoxicity testdiabetic keratopathywound healing

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