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  • Protocol
  • Representative Results
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The goal of this protocol is to demonstrate a porcine exsanguination cardiac arrest model and a specifically built selective aortic arch perfusion circuit for translational research.


Hemorrhage constitutes the majority of potentially preventable deaths from trauma. There is growing interest in endovascular resuscitation techniques such as selective aortic arch perfusion (SAAP) for patients in cardiac arrest. This involves active perfusion of the coronary circulation via a thoracic aortic balloon catheter and is approaching clinical application. However, the technique is complex and requires refinement in animal models before human use can be considered. This paper describes a large animal model of exsanguination cardiac arrest treated with a bespoke SAAP system.

Swine were anesthetized, instrumented and a splenectomy was performed before a controlled, logarithmic exsanguination was initiated. Animals were heparinized and the shed blood collected in a reservoir. Once cardiac arrest was observed, the blood was pumped through an extra-corporeal circuit into an oxygenator and then delivered through a 10 Fr balloon catheter placed in the thoracic aorta.

This resulted in the return of a spontaneous circulation (ROSC) as demonstrated by ECG and aortic root pressure waveform. This model and accompanying SAAP system allow for standardized and reproducible recovery from exsanguination cardiac arrest.


Hemorrhage accounts for the majority of potentially preventable trauma deaths1. In the terminal stages of exsanguination, coronary perfusion is reduced, leading to cardiac arrest and death. Current strategies – intravenous transfusion and cardiac massage – are ineffective as they do not address the failure of coronary perfusion.

SAAP is a catheter-based resuscitation technique that aims to address this problem by the infusion of oxygenated resuscitation fluid and drugs directly to proximal aorta, perfusing the coronary and cerebral circulation. Limited swine studies have demonstrated promising outcomes in....


This study was conducted at the Medical School Teaching Facility (MSTF, University of Maryland, Baltimore, MD, USA), which is accredited by the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science. The study protocol was approved by the local Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee.

1. Animal selection and housing

  1. Use adult male swine (Sus Scrofa) weighing 60-80 kg.
  2. Following arrival to the animal facility, house the animals one per cage but with ability to interact with animals in the neighboring cages.
  3. House the animals for a minimum of 48 hours to assure acclimatization. Allow the animals free access to ....

Representative Results

Aortic root blood pressure was 83/58 mmHg at baseline and gradually decreased to 0-10 mmHg during the exsanguination. Following onset of pulseless electrical activity (PEA), SAAP was performed, during which, the systolic blood pressure rapidly increased to 120 mmHg for the duration of SAAP (Figure 4). Following cessation of SAAP and aortic balloon deflation BSP dropped to about 60 mmHg however it gradually increased again during the post- SAAP period to baseline levels with a couple of spike.......


Adequate perfusate oxygenation is a critical capability of SAAP12. We use a filter that is integrated with a reservoir. The filter is connected to an oxygen cylinder via standard oxygen tubing. The oxygen flow is delivered to the oxygenator at 6 L/min. The centrifugal pump incorporated in the circuit propels the blood, which is filtered through the oxygenator. Adequate oxygenation can be confirmed by performing a blood gas analysis of a sample from the perfusion limb of the circuit. A blood gas sa.......


JJ Morrison is a clinical advisory board member of Prytime Medical Inc. All other authors have nothing to disclose.


The views expressed in this article are those of the author(s) and do not reflect the official policy of the Department of Army/Navy/Air Force, Department of Defense, or U.S. Government.

Funding for this study was received by University of Maryland, School of Medicine.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
3/8” ID tubingSaint-GobainE-3603This tubing is used throughout the circuit.
1/4" TubingTygonE-36032" segment for a connector between Exsanguination tubing and ECMO cannula
2-way stopcocksHarvard Apparatus72-2650standard stopcock
3-wayHarvard Apparatus72-2658Standard stopcock
Barbed ConnectorsHarvard Apparatus72-1587Y connectors
Barbed ConnectorsHarvard Apparatus72-1575Straight connectors
Blood ReservoirLivaNova50715This is sold together with the oxygenator
Cable tiesCommercial ElectricGT-200STStandard cable ties.
Centrifugal pump BVP-ZISMATECISM 446Centrifugal Pump used for recirculation of blood
Controlled Peristaltic Dispensing PumpNew Era Pump SystemsNE-9000BPeristaltic pump for Exsanguination
ECMO CannulaMedtronic96570-015Exsanguination cannula
Gas tubingAirLife1302Standard oxygen tubing
Oxygen sourceAirGasOX USP300Standard oxygen tank with flowmeter
OxygenatorLivaNova50715This is sold together with the reservoir
Peristaltic pump 1 MCPISMATECISM 405SAAP peristaltic pump
SAAP cathetern/an/aProprietary catheter designed by Dr. Manning
Venous catheterTeleflexCDC-29903-1A9 French single lumen catheter


  1. Kauvar, D. S., Lefering, R., Wade, C. E. Impact of Hemorrhage on Trauma Outcome: An Overview of Epidemiology, Clinical Presentations, and Therapeutic Considerations. Journal of Trauma-Injury Infection. 60 (6), 3-11 (2006).
  2. Manning, J. E., et al.

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Selective Aortic Arch PerfusionSAAPExsanguination Cardiac ArrestHemorrhageEndovascular ResuscitationLarge Animal ModelPorcine ModelExtracorporeal CircuitOxygenatorBalloon CatheterReturn Of Spontaneous Circulation ROSC

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