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We have developed enhancements and updated methods for the existing monocyte-monolayer assay (MMA), in which macrophages are used to help better predict the clinical relevance of red cell alloantibodies in transfusion medicine and immunology. This assay is named the monocyte-macrophage assay (M-MA).


Derived from monocytes in the bone marrow, macrophages are large, innate immune cells that play a major role in clearing dead cells, debris, tumor cells, and foreign pathogens. The phagocytic capacity of monocytes versus macrophages is a concept that is not well understood. Here, we aim to examine a difference in the phagocytosis of monocytes versus macrophages, specifically M1/M2 macrophages, against various opsonized red cells using a modified and updated version of the established monocyte monolayer assay (MMA). Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) were isolated from donor buffy coats. Using purified monocytes, inflammatory M1 and anti-inflammatory M2 macrophages were produced by in vitro culture and polarization. M1/M2 cells were harvested and used in an MMA-like assay, which we refer to as the M-MA, to decipher clinically significant phagocytosis of various red cell antibodies. A phagocytic index (PI) > 5 was deemed clinically significant phagocytosis with the use of monocytes. A phagocytic index (PI) > 12 was deemed clinically significant phagocytosis with the use of M1/M2 macrophages. M2 macrophages demonstrate an increased ability to phagocytose opsonized RBCs compared to monocytes and M1s. The same weak antibody (anti-S) yields significant phagocytosis with only M2 macrophages (PI=43) but not M1s (PI=2) or monocytes (PI=0), and this was demonstrated repeatedly using various antibodies. The use of M2 macrophages instead of monocytes may allow for more accurate results as these cells are more phagocytic, offering further clinical relevance to the assay. Further studies with different antibodies to red blood cells, including validation of the monocyte-macrophage assay (M-MA) with antibodies having known clinical significance, may show the M-MA more useful to help predict clinically significant red cell alloantibodies and transfusion reactions. This method will advance the field of transfusion medicine and immunology.


Predicting transfusion reactions remains a significant challenge in the field of transfusion medicine. Over the past 4 decades, the monocyte-monolayer assay (MMA), pioneered by Tong and Branch1,2, has served as a valuable in vitro cellular assay for predicting the clinical outcome of hemolysis in blood transfusion patients1. Indeed, this assay has been instrumental in distinguishing between clinically significant and insignificant red blood cell (RBC) antibodies2. While monocytes have traditionally been the standard leukocyte used in this assay, our rese....


This research was performed in compliance with institutional guidelines for conducting ethical research involving human subjects. Ethics approval was granted from the Canadian Blood Services Research Ethics Board (REB), approval CBSREB#2023.008. All steps of this protocol are to be carried out in a biosafety cabinet under sterile conditions.

1. Isolation of PBMCs

  1. Obtain whole human blood from a donor in an ACD tube. Store the blood at room temperature (18 °C–22 °C) for up to 36 h.
  2. Transfer the whole blood ACD tubes to 50 mL centrifuge tubes (a single 50 mL tube for every two ACD tubes). Add ....

Representative Results

The results in Figure 1 are consistent with the literature and indicate a successful polarization of macrophages from their M0 state to their subsequent M1/M2 state. M1 and M2 macrophages were cultured for 8 days (6 days with growth factors and 2 days of polarization), and anti-D or anti-k opsonized RBCs were tested (Figure 2). M2 macrophages demonstrate a high phagocytic index compared to M1s with RBCs opsonized by either anti-D (control) or an.......


To ensure the method’s success, one must adhere to the following critical steps: 1) successful M1/M2 polarization, 2) generation of the macrophage layer and RhD+ control 3) quantification of phagocytic index. While our methods state to use isolated monocytes for the cell culture, PBMCs may be used, but we recommend using purified monocytes. It is known that PBMCs contain various cell types, with these cells secreting multiple different cytokines and mediating factors. This may have an impact on the differentia.......


The authors have nothing to disclose.


This work is supported and funded by the Canadian Blood Services Centre for Innovation in Toronto, ON. Research is performed at the Keenan Research Centre for Biomedical Sciences at St. Michaels Hospital in Toronto, ON.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
1X PBS, pH 7.4, without Ca2+/Mg2+Wisent Bioproducts 311-425-CLStore at 4 degrees or room temperauture 
AccutaseTMSTEMCELL Technologies 7920Cell detachment solution
ACK Lysis Buffer STEMCELL Technologies 07850, 07800Store at 4 degrees
Anti-Human GlobulinNOVACLONE, Immunocor. N/ANOVACLONE Anti-igG for IAT testing 
Anti-Rh(D) (WinRho. SDF CDN)Saol Therapeutics 1003092Any commerical source of Rh immune globin will suffice 
Cell ScraperUofT Medstore83.395cell detachement 
Cell Strainer 70uM nylonFalcon352350filter of cells 
Chamber slide Nunc. Lab-TekTM II with Cover, RS Glass Slide Sterile Thermo Fisher Scientific 154534chamber slides for MMA 
Coverslips VWR48393-08124 x 50 mm
Cytiva Ficoll Paque Plus, density 1.077 g/LThermo Fisher Scientific 17-1440-03sepeation of PBMCS from whole blood; density gradient medium
Elvanol Mounting MediumN/AN/ADulbecco’s PBS (D-PBS) without Ca2+/Mg2+, 15% (w/v) polyvinyl resin, and 30% (v/v) glycerine.
Fresh whole blood (ACD tube) or Buffy coatCanadian Blood ServicesMay rest at room tempruatre for up to 36 hours 
Human Recombinant GM-CSFSTEMCELL Technologies 78015.1Cytokine for polarization of M1 macrophages
Human Recombinant IFN-gammaSTEMCELL Technologies 78020Cytokine for polarization of M1 macrophages
Human Recombinant IL-4STEMCELL Technologies 78045.1Cytokine for polarization of M2 macrophages
Human Recombinant M-CSFSTEMCELL Technologies 78057.1Cytokine for polarization of M2 macrophages
ID-CellStabBio-Rad005650 05740RBC cell storage/stabilization solution 
Isolation Medium N/AN/APBS Ca2+ and Mg2+ free + FBS 2% + 1mM EDTA
Lipopolysaaracide (LPS)Sigma AldrichL3024-5MGCytokine for polarization of M1 macrophages
Methanol (100%)N/AN/AFixing of slides 
Monocyte Isolation Kit STEM-cells EasySep Human Monocyte Enrichment Kit without CD16 Depletion STEMCELL Technologies 19058Isolation of monocytes from PBMCs
Poly-D-ysine UofT Medstore P6407Cell attachment solution 
Rh(D) positive R2R2 RBCsCanadian Blood ServicesN/AAlso commerically avaiable
RPMI-1640Wisent Bioproducts 350-000-CLsupplemented with 10% heat-inactivated FBS,1 mM GlutaMAX supplement, 1 mM HEPES, and 1%penicillin/streptomycin. Store at 4 degrees. 
Trypan Blue solution Thermo Fisher Scientific 15250061Cell counting solution 


  1. Tong, T. N., Branch, D. R. Use of a monocyte monolayer assay to evaluate Fcγ receptor-mediated phagocytosis. J Vis Exp. (119), e55039 (2017).
  2. Tong, T. N., Cen, S., Branch, D. R. The monocyte monolayer assay: Past,....

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MacrophagesPhagocytosisinflammatory macrophagesanti inflammatory macrophagesM1 macrophagesM2 macrophagesanti red blood cell antibodiesprediction of red cell antibody significance

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