Chapter 17


Sound Waves
Sound Waves
Sound waves can be thought of as fluctuations in the pressure of a medium through which they propagate. Since the pressure also makes the medium's ...
Sound as Pressure Waves
Sound as Pressure Waves
Sound waves, which are longitudinal waves, can be modeled as the displacement amplitude varying as a function of the spatial and temporal coordinates. As ...
Perception of Sound Waves
Perception of Sound Waves
The human ear is not equally sensitive to all frequencies in the audible range. It may perceive sound waves with the same pressure but different ...
Speed of Sound in Solids and Liquids
Speed of Sound in Solids and Liquids
Most solids and liquids are incompressible—their densities remain constant throughout. In the presence of an external force, the molecules tend to ...
Speed of Sound in Gases
Speed of Sound in Gases
The speed of sound in a gaseous medium depends on various factors. Since gases constitute molecules that are free to move, they are highly compressible. ...
Deriving the Speed of Sound in a Liquid
Deriving the Speed of Sound in a Liquid
As with waves on a string, the speed of sound or a mechanical wave in a fluid depends on the fluid's elastic modulus and inertia. The two relevant ...
Sound Intensity
Sound Intensity
The loudness of a sound source is related to how energetically the source is vibrating, consequently making the molecules of the propagation medium ...
Sound Intensity Level
Sound Intensity Level
Humans perceive sound by hearing. The human ear helps sound waves reach the brain, which then interprets the waves and creates the perception of hearing. ...
Intensity and Pressure of Sound Waves
Intensity and Pressure of Sound Waves
The intensity of sound waves can be related to displacement and pressure amplitudes by using their wave expressions and the definition of intensity. The ...
Sound Waves: Interference
Sound Waves: Interference
Sound waves can be modeled either as longitudinal waves, wherein the molecules of the medium oscillate around an equilibrium position, or as pressure ...
Interference: Path Lengths
Interference: Path Lengths
Consider two sources of sound, that may or may not be in phase, emitting waves at a single frequency, and consider the frequencies to be the same. Two ...
Sound Waves: Resonance
Sound Waves: Resonance
Resonance is produced depending on the boundary conditions imposed on a wave. Resonance can be produced in a string under tension with symmetrical ...
The study of music provides many examples of the superposition of waves and the constructive and destructive interference that occurs. Very few examples ...
Doppler Effect - I
Doppler Effect - I
The Doppler effect and Doppler shift were named after the Austrian physicist and mathematician Christian Johann Doppler in 1842, who conducted experiments ...
Doppler Effect - II
Doppler Effect - II
The Doppler effect has several practical, real-world applications. For instance, meteorologists use Doppler radars to interpret weather events based on ...
Shock Waves
Shock Waves
While deriving the Doppler formula for the observed frequency of a sound wave, it is assumed that the speed of sound in the medium is greater than the ...
The human ear cannot distinguish between two sources of sound if they happen to reach within a specific time interval, typically 0.1 seconds apart. More ...
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