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This protocol describes a set of methods to identify the cell-type specific functional connectivity of long-range inputs from distant brain regions using optogenetic stimulations in ex vivo brain slices.
Knowledge of cell-type specific synaptic connectivity is a crucial prerequisite for understanding brain-wide neuronal circuits. The functional investigation of long-range connections requires targeted recordings of single neurons combined with the specific stimulation of identified distant inputs. This is often difficult to achieve with conventional and electrical stimulation techniques, because axons from converging upstream brain areas may intermingle in the target region. The stereotaxic targeting of a specific brain region for virus-mediated expression of light-sensitive ion channels allows selective stimulation of axons originating from that region with light. Intracerebral stereotaxic injections can be used in well-delimited structures, such as the anterior thalamic nuclei, in addition to other subcortical or cortical areas throughout the brain.
Described here is a set of techniques for precise stereotaxic injection of viral vectors expressing channelrhodopsin in the mouse brain, followed by photostimulation of axon terminals in the brain slice preparation. These protocols are simple and widely applicable. In combination with whole-cell patch clamp recording from a postsynaptically connected neuron, photostimulation of axons allows the detection of functional synaptic connections, pharmacological characterization, and evaluation of their strength. In addition, biocytin filling of the recorded neuron can be used for post-hoc morphological identification of the postsynaptic neuron.
Defining connectivity between brain regions is necessary to understand neural circuits. Classical anatomical tracing methods allow establishing interregional connectivity, and lesion studies help to understand the hierarchical organization of information flow. For example, brain circuits for spatial orientation and head direction signaling involve the directional flow of information from the thalamus to the presubiculum. This has been demonstrated by lesion studies of antero-dorsal thalamic nuclei (ADN) that degrade the head direction signal in the downstream dorsal presubiculum, as well as the parahippocampal grid cell signal1,
All procedures were performed in accordance with the European Community Council Directive (2010/63/EU) and approved by the ethics committee of Paris Descartes University. The experimenter must obtain authorization for the procedure to comply with local regulations.
1. Planning of the experiment
The procedure presented here was used to express a blue light-sensitive channelrhodopsin (Chronos) fused to GFP in the antero-dorsal nucleus of the thalamus (ADN), by stereotaxic injection of anterograde adeno-associated virus. The stereotaxic coordinates were determined according to a mouse brain atlas and tested by injecting 200 nL of fluorescent tracer fluoro-ruby. The animal was sacrificed 10 min after the injection, and the brain was extracted and fixated overnight. Coronal brain sections were prepared to examine th.......
In vivo viral injection to express light-sensitive opsins in a defined brain area is a choice method for the optogenetic analysis of long-range functional connectivity10,11,17,18. Stereotaxic injections offer the possibility to precisely target a specific area of the brain. The coexpression of an opsin with a fluorescent reporter conveniently allows evaluation of the successful expression and c.......
We thank Bertrand Mathon, Mérie Nassar, Li-Wen Huang, and Jean Simonnet for their help in the development of previous versions of the stereotaxic injection protocol and Marin Manuel and Patrice Jegouzo for technical help. This work was supported by the French Ministry for Education and Research (L. R., L. S.), Centre National des Etudes Spatiales (M. B.), and Agence Nationale de la Recherche Grant
Name | Company | Catalog Number | Comments |
0.5 mm bur | Harvard Apparatus | 724962 | |
10 µL Hamilton syringe | Hamilton | 1701 RN - 7653-01 | |
10X PBS solution | Thermofisher Scientific | AM9624 | text |
36% PFA | Sigma-Aldrich | F8775 | |
470 nm LED | Cairn Research | P1105/470/LED DC/59022m | use with matched excitation filter 470/40x and emission filter for GFP |
AAV5.Syn.Chronos-GFP.WPRE.bGH | Penn Vector Core | AV-5-PV3446 | lot V6026R, qTiter GC/ml 4.912e12, ddTiter GC/ml 2.456e13 |
All chemicals | Sigma | ||
Bath temperature controler | Luigs & Neumann | SM7 | Set at 34°C |
beveled metal needle | Hamilton | 7803-05 | 33 gauge, 13mm, point style 4-20° |
Big scissors | Dahle Allround | 50038 | |
Biocytin | Sigma | B4261 | final 1-3 mg/ml |
Borosilicate Capillaries | Havard Apparatus | GC150-10 | 1.5 mm outer, 0.86 inner diameter |
Brown Flaming electrode puller | Sutter Instruments | P-87 | |
BupH Phosphate Buffered Saline pack | Thermofisher Scientific | 28372 | |
butterfly needle for perfusion | Braun | Venofix A | 24G |
CCD Camera | Andor | DL-604M | |
Confocal Microscope | Zeiss | LSM710 | 20X |
curved forceps | FST | 11011-17 | |
CY5 configuration (confocal) | Helium-Neon 633nm (5,0 mW) laser; Mirror: MBS 488/561/633 | ||
CY5 configuration (epifluo) | Nikon/Chroma | Fluorescent light (Intensilight); Excitation filter: BP645/30; Dichroic mirror: 89100 BS ; Emission filter: BP705/72 | |
DAPI | Sigma | D9542 | |
DAPI configuration (epifluo) | Nikon/Chroma | Fluorescent light (Intensilight); Cube: Semrock Set DAPI-5060C-000-ZERO (Excitation: BP 377/50; Mirror: BS 409; Emission: BP 447/60) | |
Digidata 1440A | Axon Instruments | ||
Digital handheld optical meter | ThorLabs | PM100D | Parametered on 475 nm |
Double egde stainless steel razor blades | Electron Microscopy Sciences | 72000 | Use half of the blade in the slicer |
Dual Fluorescent Protein Flashlight | Nightsea | DFP-1 | excitation, 440-460 nm; emission filter on glasses, 500 nm longpass. |
EGTA | Sigma | E4368 | final 0,2 mM |
Epifluorescence Microscope | Nikon | Eclipse TE-2000E | 10 or 20X |
Filter paper | Whatman | ||
Fluoro-Ruby 10% | Millipore | AG335 | disolve 10 mg in 100 µl of distilled water ; inject 150 to 300 nl |
GFP configuration (epifluo) | Nikon/Chroma | Fluorescent light (Intensilight); Cube: Filter Set Nikon B-2E/C FITC (Excitation: BP 465-495; Mirror: BS 505; Emission: BP 515-555) | |
Heatingplate | Physitemp | HP4M | |
Heparin choay 5000 U.I./ml | Sanofi | 5 ml vial | |
HEPES | Sigma | H3375 | final 10 mM |
High speed rotary micromotor kit | Foredom | K.1070 | maximum drill speed 38,000 rpm |
Internal solution compounds : | |||
Isolated Pulse Stimulator | A-M Systems | 2100 | |
KCl | Sigma | P4504 | final 1,2 mM |
Ketamine 1000 | Virbac | ||
Ketofen 10% | Merial | 100 mg/ml : dilute 1 µl in 1ml total (0,1%) | |
Laocaine (lidocaine) | MSD | 16,22 mg/ml : dilute 1 ml in 4 ml total (around 4%) | |
LED hi power spot for surgery | Photonic (via Phymep) | 10044 | |
LED Power Supply | Cairn Research | OptoLED Light Source | |
Manipulators | Luigs & Neumann | SM-7 | |
Mg-ATP 2H20 | Sigma | A9187 | final 4 mM |
MgCl2 | Sigma | 63069 | final 2 mM |
Micro temperature controler | Physitemp | MTC-1 | |
Milk powder | Carnation | ||
MultiClamp 700B | Axon Instruments | ||
Na Phosphocreatine | Sigma | P7936 | final 10 mM |
Na3-GTP 2H20 | Sigma | G9002 | final 0.4 mM |
needle holder/hemostat | FST | 13005-14 | |
pClamp acquisition software | Axon Instruments | ||
Peristaltic pump | Gilson | Minipuls 3 | 14-16 on the display for 2-3 ml/min |
Potassium gluconate (K-gluconate) | Sigma | G4500 | Final 135 mM |
ProLong Gold antifade mounting medium | Thermofisher Scientific | P36390 | |
Rompun 2% (xylazine) | Bayer | ||
small scissors | FST | 14060-09 | |
Sodium chloride 0.9% | Virbac | dilute 8.5 mL in 10 ml total | |
Stereomicroscope VISISCOPE SZT | VWR | 630-1584 | |
Stereotaxic frame with digital display | Kopf | Model 940 | Small animal stereotaxic instrument |
Streptavidin-Cy3 conjugate | Life technologies | 434315 | |
Streptavidin-Cy5 conjugate | Thermofisher Scientific | S32357 | |
Superglue3 Loctite | Dutscher | 999227 | 1g tube |
Suture filament Ethilon II 4-0 polyamid | Ethicon | F3210 | |
Syringe pump | kdScientific | Legato 130 - 788130 | Use Infuse and Withdraw modes |
Tissue slicer | Leica | VT1200S | speed 0.07, amplitude 1. |
tubing | Gilson | F117942, F117946 | Yellow/Black, Purple/Black |
upright microscope | Olympus | BX51W1 | |
Versi-dry bench absorbant paper | Nalgene |
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