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  • Summary
  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Protocol
  • Representative Results
  • Discussion
  • Acknowledgements
  • Materials
  • References
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This protocol describes a dynamic culture system to produce controlled size aggregates of human pluripotent stem cells and further stimulate differentiation in cerebellar organoids under chemically-defined and feeder-free conditions using a single-use bioreactor.


The cerebellum plays a critical role in the maintenance of balance and motor coordination, and a functional defect in different cerebellar neurons can trigger cerebellar dysfunction. Most of the current knowledge about disease-related neuronal phenotypes is based on postmortem tissues, which makes understanding of disease progression and development difficult. Animal models and immortalized cell lines have also been used as models for neurodegenerative disorders. However, they do not fully recapitulate human disease. Human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) have great potential for disease modeling and provide a valuable source for regenerative approaches. In recent years, the generation of cerebral organoids from patient-derived iPSCs improved the prospects for neurodegenerative disease modeling. However, protocols that produce large numbers of organoids and a high yield of mature neurons in 3D culture systems are lacking. The protocol presented is a new approach for reproducible and scalable generation of human iPSC-derived organoids under chemically-defined conditions using scalable single-use bioreactors, in which organoids acquire cerebellar identity. The generated organoids are characterized by the expression of specific markers at both mRNA and protein level. The analysis of specific groups of proteins allows the detection of different cerebellar cell populations, whose localization is important for the evaluation of organoid structure. Organoid cryosectioning and further immunostaining of organoid slices are used to evaluate the presence of specific cerebellar cell populations and their spatial organization.


The emergence of human pluripotent stem cells (PSCs) represents a excellent tool for regenerative medicine and disease modeling, because these cells can be differentiated into most cell lineages of the human body1,2. Since their discovery, PSC differentiation using diverse approaches has been reported to model different diseases, including neurodegenerative disorders3,4,5,6.

Recently, there have been reports of 3D cultures derived from PSCs resembling huma....


1. Passaging and maintenance of human iPSCs in monolayer culture

  1. Preparation of plates
    1. Thaw the basement membrane matrix (see Table of Materials) stock at 4 °C and prepare 60 μL aliquots. Freeze the aliquots at -20 °C.
    2. To coat the wells of a 6 well plate, thaw one aliquot of the basement membrane matrix on ice. Once thawed add 60 µL to 6 mL of DMEM-F12. Gently resuspend by pipetting up and down.
    3. Add 1 mL of diluted basement membrane matrix.......

Representative Results

The protocol was initiated by promoting cell aggregation using the 0.1 L bioreactors (Figure 1A). Single cell inoculation of the iPSCs was performed, with 250,000 cells/mL seeded in 60 mL of medium with an agitation speed of 27 rpm. This was defined as day 0. After 24 h, the cells efficiently formed spheroid-shaped aggregates (day 1, Figure 1B), and the morphology was well-maintained until day 5, with a gradual increase in size, demonstrating a high degree of ho.......


The need for large cell numbers as well as defined culture conditions to generate specific cell types for drug screening and regenerative medicine applications has been driving the development of scalable culture systems. In recent years, several groups have reported the scalable generation of neural progenitors and functional neurons32,33,34, providing significant advances in the development of new models for neurodegenerative .......


This work was supported by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT), Portugal (UIDB/04565/2020 through Programa Operacional Regional de Lisboa 2020, Project N. 007317, PD/BD/105773/2014 to T.P.S and PD/BD/128376/2017 to D.E.S.N.), projects co-funded by FEDER (POR Lisboa 2020—Programa Operacional Regional de Lisboa PORTUGAL 2020) and FCT through grant PAC-PRECISE LISBOA-01-0145-FEDER-016394 and CEREBEX Generation of Cerebellar Organoids for Ataxia Research grant LISBOA-01-0145-FEDER-029298. Funding was also received from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme, under the Grant Agreement number 739572—The Di....


NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
3MM paperWHA3030861Merck
AccutaseA6964 - 500mLSigmacell detachment medium
Anti-BARHL1 AntibodyHPA004809Atlas Antibodies
Anti-Calbindin D-28k AntibodyCB28Millipore
Anti-MAP2 AntibodyM4403Sigma
Anti-N-Cadherin Antibody610921BD Transduction
Anti-NESTIN AntibodyMAB1259-SPR&D
Anti-OLIG2 AntibodyMABN50Millipore
Anti-PAX6 AntibodyPRB-278PCovance
Anti-SOX2 AntibodyMAB2018R&D
Anti-TBR1 AntibodyAB2261Millipore
Anti-TBR2 Antibodyab183991Abcam
Anti-TUJ1 Antibody801213Biolegend
BrainPhys Neuronal Medium N2-A & SM1 Kit5793 - 500mLStem cell tecnhnologies
Chemically defined lipid concentrate11905031ThermoFisher
Coverslips 24x60mm631-1575VWR
Crystallization-purified BSA5470Sigma
Dibutyryl cAMPSC- 201567B -500mgFrilabo
Fetal bovine serumA3840001ThermoFisher
Gelatin from bovine skinG9391Sigma
Glass Copling JarE94ThermoFisher
Glutamax I10566-016ThermoFisher
Ham’s F1221765029ThermoFisher
Human Episomal iPSC LineA18945ThermoFisheriPSC6.2
iPS DF6-9-9T.BWiCell
L-Ascorbic acidA-92902Sigma
Matrigel354230Corningbasement membrane matrix
Mowiol475904Milliporemounting medium
mTeSR185850 -500mlStem cell technologies
N2 supplement17502048ThermoFisher
PBS-0.1 Single-Use VesselSKU: IA-0.1-D-001PBS Biotech
PBS-MINI MagDrive Base UnitSKU: IA-UNI-B-501PBS Biotech
Recombinant human BDNF450-02Peprotech
Recombinant human bFGF/FGF2100-18BPeprotech
Recombinant human FGF19100-32Peprotech
Recombinant human GDNF450-10Peprotech
Recombinant human SDF1300-28APeprotech
ROCK inhibitor Y-2763272302Stem cell technologies
SuperFrost Microscope slides12372098ThermoFisheradhesion microscope slides
Tissue-Tek O.C.T. Compound25608-930VWR
Tris-HCL 1MT3038-1LSigma
Triton X-1009002-93-1Sigma
UltraPure 0.5M EDTA, pH 8.015575020ThermoFisher


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