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The Updegraff method is the most widely used method for the cellulose estimation. The main purpose of this demonstration is to provide a detailed Updegraff protocol for estimation of cellulose content in plant biomass samples.


Cellulose is the most abundant polymer on Earth generated by photosynthesis and the main load-bearing component of cell walls. The cell wall plays a significant role in plant growth and development by providing strength, rigidity, rate and direction of cell growth, cell shape maintenance, and protection from biotic and abiotic stressors. The cell wall is primarily composed of cellulose, lignin, hemicellulose and pectin. Recently plant cell walls have been targeted for the second-generation biofuel and bioenergy production. Specifically, the cellulose component of the plant cell wall is used for the production of cellulosic ethanol. Estimation of cellulose content of biomass is critical for fundamental and applied cell wall research. The Updegraff method is simple, robust, and the most widely used method for the estimation of crystalline cellulose content of plant biomass. The alcohol insoluble crude cell wall fraction upon treatment with Updegraff reagent eliminates the hemicellulose and lignin fractions. Later, the Updegraff reagent resistant cellulose fraction is subjected to sulfuric acid treatment to hydrolyze the cellulose homopolymer into monomeric glucose units. A regression line is developed using various concentrations of glucose and used to estimate the amount of the glucose released upon cellulose hydrolysis in the experimental samples. Finally, the cellulose content is estimated based on the amount of glucose monomers by colorimetric anthrone assay.


Cellulose is the primary load-bearing component of cell walls, which is present in both primary and secondary cell walls. The cell wall is an extracellular matrix that surrounds plant cells and is primarily composed of cellulose, lignin, hemicellulose, pectin, and matrix proteins. Approximately one third of plants biomass is cellulose1 and it plays significant roles in plant growth and development by providing strength, rigidity, rate and direction of cell growth, cell shape maintenance, and protection from biotic and abiotic stressors. Cotton fiber contains 95% cellulose2 content, while trees contain 40% to 50% of cellu....


1. Experimental preparation

  1. Grind dried plant material into a fine powder.
  2. Protein Solubilization Buffer (PSB): Prepare stock solutions of 1 M Tris (pH 8.8), 0.5 M ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) (pH 8.0) and autoclave them. Make fresh PSB buffer from these stock solutions with final concentrations of 50 mM Tris, 0.5 mM EDTA and 10% sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) in sterile water.
  3. Prepare 100 mL of 70% ethanol (v/v): 70 mL of 100% ethanol and 30 mL of sterile water.
  4. Prepare .......

Representative Results

Cotton plants grown in the green house were selected for this study. Two different experimental lines of cotton were selected for comparative analysis of cellulose content. For each experimental line, the root tissue was collected from three biological replicates. A total of 500 mg of tissue was homogenized and 20 mg of it was used for crude cell wall extraction. Later, 5 mg of crude cell wall extract was used for Updegraff reagent treatment to remove hemicellulose and lignin from cellulose. The purified cellulose was hy.......


Cotton fibers are natural fibers produced from the cottonseed. Cotton fiber is a single cell with ~95% cellulose content2 with high crystalline cellulose content with extensive applications in textile industry31. As, cotton fiber contains ~95% cellulose, we have used cotton root tissues for demonstration of the estimation of crystalline cellulose content. Cotton root tissues are moderately rich in crystalline cellulose content and represents a commonly available plant bioma.......


We thank the Department of Plant & Soil Science and Cotton Inc. for their partial support of this study.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
AcetoneFisher ChemicalA18-500Used in the protocol
AnthroneSigma Aldrich90-44-8For colorimetric assay
CentrifugeEppendorf5424For centrifugation
ChloroformMallinckrodt67-66-3Used in the protocol
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA)Sigma Aldrich6381-92-6Used in the protocol
EthanolMillipore SigmaEM-EX0276-4SUsed in the protocol
Filter paperWhatman1004-090Positive control
Glacial acetic acidSigmaSKU A6283Used in the protocol
Heat block/ ThermoMixer F1.5Eppendorf13527550For controlled temperatures
IncubatorFisherbrand150152633Used for drying plant sample
Measuring ScaleMettler Toledo30243386For specific quantities
Methanol 100 %Fisher ChemicalA412-500Used in the protocol
Microplate (96 well)Evergreen Scientific222-8030-01FFor anthrone assay
Nitric acidSigma Aldrich695041Used in the protocol
Polypropylene Microvials (2 mL) / screw capped tubesBioSpec Products10831For high temperatures
Spectrophotometer(Multimode Detector)Beckmancoulter DTX8801000814For measuring absorbances
Spex SamplePrep 6870 Freezer / MillSpex Sample Prep68-701-15For grinding plant tissues into fine powder
Sulphuric acidJ.T.Baker02-004-382Used in the protocol
Sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)Sigma Aldrich151-21-3Used in the PSB buffer
Tubes (2 mL)Fisher Scientific05-408-138Used in the protocol
Tris HydrochlorideSigma Aldrich 1185-53-1Used in the PSB buffer
Ultrapure distilled waterInvitrogen10977Used in the protocol
Vacuum dryer (vacufuge plus)Eppendorf22820001For drying samples
Vortex mixerFisherbrand14-955-151For mixing
WaterbathThermoscientificTSGP02PM05For temperature controlled conditions at specific steps
Weighing PaperFisher Scientific09-898-12AUsed in the protocol


  1. Somerville, C. Cellulose synthesis in higher plants. Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology. 22, 53-78 (2006).
  2. Balasubramanian, V. K., Rai, K. M., Thu, S. W., Hii, M. M., Mendu, V.

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Crystalline CelluloseUpdegraff MethodPlant BiomassCellulose Content EstimationCell Wall ExtractionHemicellulose And Lignin RemovalAcid HydrolysisGlucose MonomersAnthrone Assay

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