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In This Article

  • Summary
  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Protocol
  • Representative Results
  • Discussion
  • Acknowledgements
  • Materials
  • References
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Intestinal epithelium confers not only nutrient absorption but protection against noxious substances. The apical-most epithelial intercellular junction, i.e., the tight junction, regulates paracellular solute and ion permeability. Here, a protocol for the preparation of mucosal sheets and assessment of the ion selectivity of tight junctions using Ussing chamber technique is described.


The Ussing chamber technique was first invented by the Danish scientist Hans Ussing in 1951 to study the transcellular transport of sodium across frog skin. Since then, this technique has been applied to many different tissues to study the physiological parameters of transport across membranes. The Ussing chamber method is preferable to other methods because native tissue can be used, making it more applicable to what is happening in vivo. However, because native tissue is used, throughput is low, time is limited, and tissue preparation requires skill and training. These chambers have been used to study specific transporter proteins in various tissues, understand disease pathophysiology such as in Cystic Fibrosis, study drug transport and uptake, and especially contributed to the understanding of nutrient transport in the intestine. Given the whole epithelial transport process of a tissue, not only transepithelial pathways, but also paracellular pathways are important. Tight junctions are a key determinant of tissue specific paracellular permeability across the intestine. In this article, the Ussing chamber technique will be used to assess paracellular permselectivity of ions by measuring transepithelial conductance and dilution potentials.


The Ussing chamber method was first developed by the Danish scientist Hans Ussing. Ussing first used it to measure the short-circuit current of sodium transport across frog skin after it was observed that NaCl could be transported across the skin against a steep concentration gradient1. His system consisted of the frog skin mounted between two chambers with access to either side of the skin. Each chamber contained Ringer's solution which was circulated and aerated. Two narrow agar ringer bridges situated near the skin and connected to saturated KCl-calomel electrodes measured the potential difference as read by a potentiator. A second pair ....


All animals used in these experiments were maintained in the animal care facility at the University of Shizuoka and the experiments were conducted according to the guidelines for animal research set out by the University of Shizuoka. All experiments were carried out with approval from the Animal Care and Use Committee at the University of Shizuoka (Permits #205272 and #656-2303).

1. Preparation of NaCl electrodes

NOTE: The electrodes used in these experiments consist .......

Representative Results

The results shown in this paper are results that were part of larger project that has been completed (see ref.4,23,24).

Transepithelial electrical conductance of the small intestine is decreased in Cldn15-/- mice.
The baseline transmucosal conductance (under short circuit conditions) of the middle small intes.......


In this experiment, Ussing chambers were used to measure the baseline electrical parameters and the dilution potential of NaCl in the small intestine of Cldn15-/- and WT mice. It is very important when doing Ussing chamber experiments to verify that the membrane preparation used in the experiments is viable. This is usually done by adding glucose or the adenylate cyclase activator forskolin and seeing whether there is an appropriate rise in Isc (100-300 µA/cm2 in mi.......


This work is supported by 17K00860 (to HH) and 19K20152 (to NI). WH would like to acknowledge the Otsuka Toshimi Scholarship Foundation for their financial support from 2018-2021.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
#3 polyethyl tubingHibikiouter diameter 1.0 mm; inner diameter 0.5 mm
#7 polyethyl tubingHibikiouter diameter 2.3 mm; inner diameter 1.3 mm
10 mL locking syringeTerumoSS-10LZLocking syringes are necessary to prevent the needle from dislodging during filling
19 g needleTerumoNN-1938RPlease use caution when working with needles and dispose of in sharps container
23 g needleTerumoNN-2332RPlease use caution when working with needles and dispose of in sharps container
5 mm punchNANAUse to punch holes in filter paper and parafilm
acupuncture needlesSeirinNSUsed as dissection pins to pin tissue to dissection plate
AgarFujifilm Wako010-15815
Alligator clipsNANAConnects the electrode to the amplifier
CaCl2Fujifilm Wako038-00445
D(-)-MannitolFujifilm Wako133-00845This is used to correct for the osmolality difference in dilution HEPES buffer
D(+)-GlucoseFujifilm Wako049-31165
Dissection kitYou will need, scissors and curved forceps
Dissection platesWe used 10 cm cell culture plates and covered with silicon rubber
DMSOSigma472301-500MLFor making forskolin stock
Electrical recorderTOA ElectronicsPRR-5041Other equivalent electrical recorders are available commercially
Epithelial voltage clamp amplifierNihon KohdenCEZ9100Other equivalent amplifiers are available commerically
filter paper, cut into squaresNANAPunched with a 5 mm punch, used to hold intestinal preparation
fine forcepsFast GeneFG-B50476For blunt dissection of the muscle layer
ForskolinAlomone LabsF-500Make 10 mM stock in DMSO, final concentration will be 10 µM
IndomethacinSigmaI7338-5GMake a 1 mM stock in 21 mM NaHCO3, final concentration is 10 µM
K2HPO4Fujifilm Wako164-04295
KClFujifilm Wako163-03545
KCl/calomel electrodeAsch Japan Co.SCE-100
KH2PO4Kanto chemical32379-00
L(+)-GlutamineFujifilm Wako074-00522
MgCl2Fujifilm Wako135-00165
Mixed Gas (95% O2/5% CO2)Shizuoka Oxygen CompanyUsed for bubbling Ringer solution and chambers when using Ringer solution
NaClFujifilm Wako191-01665
NaCl electrodeNANAHandmade electrodes which require concentrated NaCl and Silver wire
NaHCO3Fujifilm Wako191-01305
O2 GasShizuoka Oxygen CompanyUsed for bubbling chambers when using HEPES buffer
parafilmBemisPM-996Used to help seal Ussing chambers
pH meterDKK-TOA CorpHM-305HEPES buffer needs to be adjusted to pH 7.4 at 37 °C
pH meter electrodeDKK-TOA CorpGST-5311C
silicone rubberShinetsu ChemicalKE-12Used to fill dissection plates
silver wireUsed for making NaCl electrodes
Small jars w/ plastic lidsNANAUse for NaCl electrodes
stereomicroscopeZeissStemi 305A stereomicroscope allows you to see depth, so you can dissect the tissue more easily
Tris (Trizma base)SigmaT1503-1KGMake a 1M solution to adjust pH of HEPES buffers
Ussing chambersSanki Kagaku KougeiThese chambers are custom made continuous perfusion Ussing chambers with a window diameter of 5 mm
Water pump and heating systemTokyo Rikakikai Co. Ltd.NTT-110


  1. Ussing, H. H., Zerahn, K. Active transport of sodium as the source of electric current in the short-circuited isolated frog skin. Acta Physiologica Scandinavica. 23, 110-127 (1951).
  2. Field, M.

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