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Here we present a protocol to perform preclinical positron emission tomography-based radiotherapy in a rat glioblastoma model using algorithms developed in-house to optimize the accuracy and efficiency.


A rat glioblastoma model to mimic chemo-radiation treatment of human glioblastoma in the clinic was previously established. Similar to the clinical treatment, computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) were combined during the treatment-planning process. Positron emission tomography (PET) imaging was subsequently added to implement sub-volume boosting using a micro-irradiation system. However, combining three imaging modalities (CT, MRI, and PET) using a micro-irradiation system proved to be labor-intensive because multimodal imaging, treatment planning, and dose delivery have to be completed sequentially in the preclinical setting. This also results in a workflow that is more prone to human error. Therefore, a user-friendly algorithm to further optimize preclinical multimodal imaging-based radiation treatment planning was implemented. This software tool was used to evaluate the accuracy and efficiency of dose painting radiation therapy with micro-irradiation by using an in silico study design. The new methodology for dose painting radiation therapy is superior to the previously described method in terms of accuracy, time efficiency, and intra- and inter-user variability. It is also an important step towards the implementation of inverse treatment planning on micro-irradiators, where forward planning is still commonly used, in contrast to clinical systems.


Glioblastoma (GB) is a malignant and very aggressive primary brain tumor. GB is a solid heterogeneous tumor typically characterized by infiltrative boundaries, nuclear atypia, and necrosis1. The presence of the blood-brain-barrier and the brain's status as an immune-privileged site makes the discovery of novel targets for chemo- and immunotherapy a daunting task2,3,4. It is noteworthy that the treatment of GB patients has barely changed since the introduction, in 2005, of the Stupp protocol that combines external beam radiation therapy (RT) with co....


The study was approved by the local ethics committee for animal experiments (ECD 18/21). Anesthesia monitoring is performed by acquiring the respiratory rate of the animals using a sensor.

1. F98 GB rat cell model

  1. Culture the F98 GB cells in a monolayer using Dulbecco's Modified Eagle Medium, supplemented with 10% calf serum, 1% penicillin, 1% streptomycin, and 1% L-glutamine, and place them in a CO2 incubator (5% CO2 and 37 °C).
  2. Inoculate the glioma cells into the brain of female Fischer F344 rats (body weight 170 g).
    NOTE: Use sterile instruments and wear sterile gloves at a....

Representative Results

The feasibility of PET- and MRI-guided irradiation in a glioblastoma rat model using the SARRP to mimic the human treatment strategy has been previously described20,21,22. While the animal was fixed on a multimodality bed made in-house, it was possible to create an acceptable radiation treatment plan combining three imaging modalities: PET, MRI, and CT. In these methods, an external software package (see the Table of Mat.......


A rat GB model to mimic the chemo-radiation treatment in the clinic for glioblastoma patients was previously described20. Similar to the clinical method, CT and MRI were combined during the treatment-planning process to obtain more precise irradiation. A multimodality bed to minimize (head) movement was used when the animal was moved from one imaging system to another. Subsequently, PET imaging was added to the treatment-planning process, and PET-based sub-volume boosting could be successfully imp.......


The authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose.


The authors would like to thank Lux Luka Foundation for supporting this work.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
Cell culture
F98 Glioblastoma Cell LineATCCCRL-2397https://www.lgcstandards-atcc.org/products/all/CRL-2397
Dulbeco's Modified Eagle MediumThermo Fisher Scientific22320-030
Cell culture flasksThermo Fisher Scientific17888375 cm²
FBSThermo Fisher Scientific10270106
L-GlutamineThermo Fisher Scientific25030-032200 mM
Penicilline-StreptomycinThermo Fisher Scientific15140-14810,000 U/mL
Phosphate-Buffered Saline (PBS)Thermo Fisher Scientific14040-224
Trypsin-EDTAThermo Fisher Scientific25300-0620.05%
GB Rat Model
Ball-shaped burrForedomA-2281.8 mm
Bone WaxAesculap1029754https://www.aesculapusa.com/en/healthcare-professionals/or-solutions/or-solutions-cranial-closure/hemostatic-bone-wax.html
EthilonEthicon662G/662HFS-2, 4-0, 3/8, 19 mm
Fischer F344/Ico crl RatsCharles River-
Insulin Syringe MicrofineBeckton-Dickinson3209241 mL, 29 G
IR LampPhilipsHP3616/01
Meloxicam (Metacam)Boehringer Ingelheim-2 mg/mL
Micromotor rotary toolForedomK.1090-22
Micropump systemStoelting Co.53312Stoelting Stereotaxic Injector
Stereotactic frameStoelting Co.51600
Xylocaine (1%, with adrenaline 1:200,000)Aspen-1%, with adrenaline 1:200,000
Xylocaine gel (2%)Aspen-2%
Animal Irradiation
Micro-irradiatorX-StrahlSARRPVersion 4.2.0
SoftwareX-StrahlMuriplanPreclinical treatment planning system (PCTPC), version 2.2.2
Small Animal PET
[18F]FETInhouse made-PET tracer; along with Prohance: MRI/PET agent
Small Animal MRI
Micro-MRIBruker BiospinPharmascan 70/16https://www.bruker.com/products/mr/preclinical-mri/pharmascan.html
30 G Needle for IV injectionBeckton-Dickinson305128
PE 10 TubingInstech Laboratories IncBTPE-10BTPE-10, polyethylene tubing 0.011 x 0.024 in (0.28 x 60 mm), non sterile, 30 m (98 ft) spool, Instech laboratories, Inc Plymouth meeting PA USA- (800) 443-4227- http://www.instechlabs.com
Prohance contrast agentBracco Imaging-279.3 mg/mL, gadolinium-contrast agent (along with [18F]FET: MRI/PET agent)
Tx/Rx Rat Brain - Mouse Whole Body VolumecoilBruker Biospin-40 mm diameter
Water-based Heating UnitBruker BiospinMT0125
Insulin Syringe MicrofineBeckton-Dickinson3209241 mL, 29 G
Image Analysis
MATLABMathworks-Version R2019b
PMODPMOD technologies LLCPreclinical and molecular imaging software


  1. Louis, D. N., et al. The 2016 World Health Organization classification of tumors of the central nervous system: a summary. Acta Neuropathologica. 131 (6), 803-820 (2016).
  2. Wadajkar, A. S., et al.

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