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Visualization and Quantification of TGFβ/BMP/SMAD Signaling under Different Fluid Shear Stress Conditions using Proximity-Ligation-Assay

Published: September 14th, 2021



1Institute for Chemistry and Biochemistry, Freie Universität Berlin, 2International Max-Planck Research School for Biology and Computation


Transforming Growth Factor β (TGFβ)/Bone Morphogenetic Protein (BMP) signaling is tightly regulated and balanced during the development and homeostasis of the vasculature system Therefore, deregulation in this signaling pathway results in severe vascular pathologies, such as pulmonary artery hypertension, hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia, and atherosclerosis. Endothelial cells (ECs), as the innermost layer of blood vessels, are constantly exposed to fluid shear stress (SS). Abnormal patterns of fluid SS have been shown to enhance TGFβ/BMP signaling, which, together with other stimuli, induce atherogenesis. In relation to this, atheroprone, low laminar SS was found to enhance TGFβ/BMP signaling while atheroprotective, high laminar SS, diminishes this signaling. To efficiently analyze the activation of these pathways, we designed a workflow to investigate the formation of transcription factor complexes under low laminar SS and high laminar SS conditions using a commercially available pneumatic pump system and proximity ligation assay (PLA).

Active TGFβ/BMP-signaling requires the formation of trimeric SMAD complexes consisting of two regulatory SMADs (R-SMAD); SMAD2/3 and SMAD1/5/8 for TGFβ and BMP signaling, respectively) with a common mediator SMAD (co-SMAD; SMAD4). Using PLA targeting different subunits of the trimeric SMAD-complex, i.e., either R-SMAD/co-SMAD or R-SMAD/R-SMAD, the formation of active SMAD transcription factor complexes can be measured quantitatively and spatially using fluorescence microscopy.

The usage of flow slides with 6 small parallel channels, that can be connected in series, allows for the investigation of the transcription factor complex formation and inclusion of necessary controls.

The workflow explained here can be easily adapted for studies targeting the proximity of SMADs to other transcription factors or to transcription factor complexes other than SMADs, in different fluid SS conditions. The workflow presented here shows a quick and effective way to study the fluid SS induced TGFβ/BMP signaling in ECs, both quantitatively and spatially.

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Keywords TGF BMP SMAD Signaling

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