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Here, we present an assessment protocol of a heterotopically implanted heart after normothermic ex situ preservation in the rat model.


Heart transplantation is the most effective therapy for end-stage heart failure. Despite the improvements in therapeutic approaches and interventions, the number of heart failure patients waiting for transplantation is still increasing. The normothermic ex situ preservation technique has been established as a comparable method to the conventional static cold storage technique. The main advantage of this technique is that donor hearts can be preserved for up to 12 h in a physiologic condition. Moreover, this technique allows resuscitation of the donor hearts after circulatory death and applies required pharmacologic interventions to improve donor function after implantation. Numerous animal models have been established to improve normothermic ex situ preservation techniques and eliminate preservation-related complications. Although large animal models are easy to handle compared to small animal models, it is costly and challenging. We present a rat model of normothermic ex situ donor heart preservation followed by heterotopic abdominal transplantation. This model is relatively cheap and can be accomplished by a single experimenter.


Heart transplantation remains the sole viable therapy for refractory heart failure1,2,3,4. Despite a steady rise in the number of patients in need of heart transplantation, a proportional increase in the availability of donor organs has not been observed5. To address this issue, novel approaches for preserving donor hearts have been developed with the goal of improving the challenges and increasing the availability of donors6,7,8


The ethical committee of the Laboratory Animal Research Center of Chonnam National University Hospital (approval no. CNU IACUC - H - 2022-36) approved all the animal experiments. Male Sprague-Dawley rats (350-450 g), used in this study received care in compliance with the guidelines for the care and use of the laboratory animals. The rats were housed in temperature-controlled rooms with a 12 h light-dark cycle, with standard food and water available.

1. Preparation

NOTE: A single experimenter can conduct all experimental procedures.

  1. Assemble the Langendorff apparatus, including the ox....

Representative Results

Figure 1 illustrates the experimental design used in a small animal model. Figure 2 displays the modified Langendorff perfusion apparatus, which includes a small animal oxygenator. The order of anastomosis for heterotopic abdominal implantation is presented in Figure 3.

Figure 4 shows the parameters used to assess the viability of the heart during ex situ perfusion, .......


Our focus in establishing this model was to replicate normothermic human heart transplantation. Non-ejecting models are the commonly preferred technique for preserving the donor heart in an ex situ environment16. While ejecting models offer many advantages in assessing cardiac function during ex situ perfusion17, they are not suitable for heterotopic transplantation models. In heterotopic transplantation, the implanted donor heart needs to overcome systoli.......


The authors have no conflicts of interest.


This work was supported by a grant B2021-0991 from the Chonnam National University Hospital Biomedical Research Institute and NRF-2020R1F1A1073921 from the National Research Foundation of Korea



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
AES active evacuation systemSmiths medicalPC-6769-51AUtilize CO2 and excess isoflurane
Anesthesia machineSmiths medicalPC-8801-01AMixes isoflurane and oxyegn and delivers to animal
B20 patient monitorGE medical systemsB20to observe mean aortic pressure and temperature
Homeothermic Monitoring SystemHarvard apparatus55-7020To monitor and maintain animal's temperature
Micro-1 Rat oxygenatorDongguan Kewei medical instrumentsMicro-MOFor gas exchange in the langendorff circuit
Micropuncture introducer SetCOOK medicalG48007for delivering cardioplegic solution to the arch through the abdominal aorta
MicroscopeAmscopeMU1403For zooming surgical field (Recipient)
Surgical loupeSurgiTelL2S09For zooming surgical field (Donor)
Syringe pumpAMP allSP-8800To deliver cardioplegic solution
Transonic flow sensorTransonicME3PXL-M5Perfusion circuit flow sensor
Transonic tubing flow moduleTransonicTS410flow acquiring system
Watson - Marlow pumpsHarvard apparatus010.6131.DAOPeristaltic pump used for recirculate perfusate
WBC-1510AJEIO TECHE03056DHeating bath
Sprague-Dawley ratsSamtako Bio Korea Co., Ltd., Osan City Korea
BioHAnce Gel Eye DropsSENTRIX Animal carewet ointments for eye
CefazolinJW pharmaceuticalFor prophilaxis
CustodiolDR, FRANZ KOHLER CHEMIE GMBHFor heart harvesting
DiclofenacMyungmoon Pharm. Co. LtdFor pain control
HeparinJW pharmaceuticalAnticoagulant
InsulinJW pharmaceuticalhormon therapy
SalineJW pharmaceuticalFor hydration therapy


  1. Langmuur, S. J. J., et al. Normothermic ex-situ heart perfusion with the organ care system for cardiac transplantation: A meta-analysis. Transplantation. 106 (9), 1745-1753 (2022).
  2. Ardehali, A., et al.

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Rat ModelNormothermic Ex situ PerfusionHeterotopic Heart TransplantationMicrosurgeryLangendorff ApparatusCardioplegic SolutionAortic ArchDonor Heart Preservation

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