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  • Protocol
  • Representative Results
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We present a method for the flexible chemical and multimodal stimulation and recording of simultaneous neural activity from many Caenorhabditis elegans worms. This method uses microfluidics, open-source hardware and software, and supervised automated data analysis to enable the measurement of neuronal phenomena such as adaptation, temporal inhibition, and stimulus crosstalk.


Fluorescent genetically encoded calcium indicators have contributed greatly to our understanding of neural dynamics from the level of individual neurons to entire brain circuits. However, neural responses may vary due to prior experience, internal states, or stochastic factors, thus generating the need for methods that can assess neural function across many individuals at once. Whereas most recording techniques examine a single animal at a time, we describe the use of wide-field microscopy to scale up neuronal recordings to dozens of Caenorhabditis elegans or other sub-millimeter-scale organisms at once. Open-source hardware and software allow great flexibility in programming fully automated experiments that control the intensity and timing of various stimulus types, including chemical, optical, mechanical, thermal, and electromagnetic stimuli. In particular, microfluidic flow devices provide precise, repeatable, and quantitative control of chemosensory stimuli with sub-second time resolution. The NeuroTracker semi-automated data analysis pipeline then extracts individual and population-wide neural responses to uncover functional changes in neural excitability and dynamics. This paper presents examples of measuring neuronal adaptation, temporal inhibition, and stimulus crosstalk. These techniques increase the precision and repeatability of stimulation, allow the exploration of population variability, and are generalizable to other dynamic fluorescent signals in small biosystems from cells and organoids to whole organisms and plants.


Calcium imaging techniques have allowed the noninvasive recording of in vivo neural dynamics in real time using fluorescence microscopy and genetically encoded calcium indicators expressed in target cells1,2,3. These sensors typically use a green fluorescent protein (GFP), such as the GFP-calmodulin-M13 peptide (GCaMP) family, to increase the fluorescence intensity upon neuronal activation and elevated intracellular calcium levels. Calcium imaging has been especially powerful in the nematode C. elegans for examining how neurons and neural circuits function i....


1. Neural imaging equipment

NOTE: See Lawler and Albrecht15 for detailed instructions on building the imaging and stimulation system, which controls the microscope illumination timing, image acquisition, and stimulus delivery (Figure 1). An inexpensive Arduino Nano stimulus controller actuates the fluidic valves through digital signals to a valve controller and controls the optogenetic illumination through analog voltage signals to an LED controller. Other stimuli, such as vibration motors and thermal heaters, can be controlled using digital or analog signals. The stimulus....

Representative Results

We present several examples of stimulus patterns that assess different neural phenomena, including temporal inhibition, adaptation, and disinhibition. Temporal inhibition is the momentary suppression of a neural response to a second stimulus presentation occurring shortly after the initial presentation14. To test this phenomenon, in a paired-pulse experiment, eight patterns consisting of two 1 s odorant pulses separated by an interval ranging from 0 s to 20 s were presented (


In this protocol, we describe an open-access microscopy system for the assessment of neural activity phenomena using the temporally precise delivery of different stimulus patterns. The microfluidic platform delivers repeatable stimuli while keeping tens of animals in the microscope field of view. Few commercial microscopy software packages allow for the easy programming of various stimulus timing patterns, and those that do often require the manual entry of each pattern or proprietary file formats. In contrast, experimen.......


The authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose.


We thank Fox Avery for testing these protocols and reviewing the manuscript and Eric Hall for programming assistance. Funding for the methods presented herein was provided in part by the National Science Foundation 1724026 (D.R.A.).



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
Bacterial strains
E. coli (OP50)Caenorhabditis Genetics Center (CGC)Cat# OP50
Experimental models: Organisms/strains
C. elegans strains expressing GCaMP (and optionally, Chrimson) in desired neuronsCaenorhabditis Genetics Center (CGC) or corresponding authors of published workNZ1091, for example
Chemicals, Treatments, and Worm Preparation Supplies
2,3-ButanedioneSigma-AldrichCat# B85307diacetyl, example chemical stimulus
Calcium chloride, CaCl2Sigma-AldrichCat# C3881
Fluorescein, Sodium saltSigma-AldrichCat# F6377
Glass water repellantRain-XCat #800002250glass hydrophobic treatment (single-use)
Magnesium chloride, MgCl2Sigma-AldrichCat# M2393
Nematode Growth Medium (NGM) agarGeneseeCat #: 20-273NGM
Petri dishes (60 mm)TritechCat #T3305
Poly(dimethyl siloxane) (PDMS): Sylgard 184Dow ChemicalCat# 1673921
Potassium phosphate monobasicSigma-AldrichCat# P5655
Potassium phosphate dibasicSigma-AldrichCat# P8281
Sodium chloride, NaClSigma-AldrichCat# S7653
(tridecafluoro-1,1,2,2-tetrahydrooctyl)trichlorosilane (TFOCS)GelestCAS# 78560-45-9glass hydrophobic treatment (durable)
Software and algorithms
Arduino IDEArduinohttps://www.arduino.cc/en/software
Microscope control softwareAlbrecht Labhttps://github.com/albrechtLab/MicroscopeControl
Neurotracker data analysis softwareAlbrecht Labhttps://github.com/albrechtLab/Neurotracker
Automated Microscope and Stimulation System
Axio Observer.A1 inverted microscope set up for epifluorescence (GFP filter cubes, 5× objective or similar)ZeissCat #491237-0012-000
Excelitas X-cite XYLIS LED illuminatorExcelitasCat #XYLIS
Orca Flash 4.0 Digital sCMOS cameraHamamatsuCat #C11440-22CU
Arduino nanoArduinoCat #A000005
3-way Miniature Diapragm Isolation Valve (LQX12)ParkerCat #LQX12-3W24FF48-000Valve 1: Control
2-way normally-closed (NC) Pinch ValveBio-Chem Valve IncCat #075P2-S432Valve 2: Outflow
3-way Pinch ValveNResearchCat #161P091Valve 3: Stimulus selection
Optogenetic stimulation LED and controller (615 nm)MightexCat #PLS-0625-030-S and #SLA-1200-2
ValveLink 8.2 digital/manual valve controllerAutoMate ScientificCat #01-18
Wires and connectorsvariousSee Fig. 2 of Cell STARS Protocol (Lawler, 2021)
Microfluidic Device Preparation
Dremel variable speed rotary cutter 4000 DremelCat #F0134000ABSet speed to 5k RPM for cutting glass
Dremel drill press rotary tool workstationDremelCat #220-01
Diamond drill bitDremelCat #7134
Glass slide, 1 mm thickVWRCat #75799-268
Glass scribe (Diamond scriber)Ted PellaCat #54468
Luer 3-way stopcockCole-ParmerCat #EW-30600-07
Luer 23 G blunt needleVWRCat #89134-100
Microfluidic deviceCorresponing author or fabricate from CAD files associated with this articleN/A
Microfluidic device clampWarner Instruments (or machine shop)P-2
Microfluidic tubing, 0.02″ IDCole-ParmerCat #EW-06419-01
Tube 19 G, 0.5″New England Small TubeCat #NE-1027-12


  1. Akerboom, J., et al. Genetically encoded calcium indicators for multi-color neural activity imaging and combination with optogenetics. Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience. 6, 2 (2013).
  2. Badura, A., Sun, X. R., Giovannucci, A., Lynch, L. A., Wang, S. S. -. H.

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