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Monitoring Fine and Associative Motor Learning in Mice Using the Erasmus Ladder

Published: December 15th, 2023



1Instituto de Neurociencias, Sant Joan d’Alacant, Spain - Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas and Universidad Miguel Hernández

* These authors contributed equally


Behavior is shaped by actions, and actions necessitate motor skills such as strength, coordination, and learning. None of the behaviors essential for sustaining life would be possible without the ability to transition from one position to another. Unfortunately, motor skills can be compromised in a wide array of diseases. Therefore, investigating the mechanisms of motor functions at the cellular, molecular, and circuit levels, as well as understanding the symptoms, causes, and progression of motor disorders, is crucial for developing effective treatments. Mouse models are frequently employed for this purpose.

This article describes a protocol that allows the monitoring of various aspects of motor performance and learning in mice using an automated tool called the Erasmus Ladder. The assay involves two phases: an initial phase where mice are trained to navigate a horizontal ladder built of irregular rungs ("fine motor learning"), and a second phase where an obstacle is presented in the path of the moving animal. The perturbation can be unexpected ("challenged motor learning") or preceded by an auditory tone ("associative motor learning"). The task is easy to conduct and is fully supported by automated software.

This report shows how different readouts from the test, when analyzed with sensitive statistical methods, allow fine monitoring of mouse motor skills using a small cohort of mice. We propose that the method will be highly sensitive to evaluate motor adaptations driven by environmental modifications as well as early-stage subtle motor deficits in mutant mice with compromised motor functions.

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