This protocol describes a method to simultaneously measure cytosolic, free calcium [Ca2+]i and vessel diameter in contracting lymph vessels in real time and then calculate absolute Ca2+ concentrations as well as contractility/rhythmicity parameters. This protocol can be used to study Ca2+ and contractile dynamics across a variety of experimental conditions.
The lymphatic vasculature, now often referred to as "the third circulation," is located in many vital organ systems. A principal mechanical function of the lymphatic vasculature is to return fluid from extracellular spaces back to the central venous ducts. Lymph transport is mediated by spontaneous rhythmic contractions of lymph vessels (LVs). LV contractions are largely regulated by the cyclic rise and fall of cytosolic, free calcium ([Ca2+]i).
This paper presents a method to concurrently calculate changes in absolute concentrations of [Ca2+]i and vessel contractility/rhythmicity in real time in isolated, pressurized LVs. Using isolated rat mesenteric LVs, we studied changes in [Ca2+]i and contractility/rhythmicity in response to drug addition. Isolated LVs were loaded with the ratiometric Ca2+-sensing indicator Fura-2AM, and video microscopy coupled with edge-detection software was used to capture [Ca2+]i and diameter measurements continuously in real time.
The Fura-2AM signal from each LV was calibrated to the minimum and maximum signal for each vessel and used to calculate absolute [Ca2+]i. Diameter measurements were used to calculate contractile parameters (amplitude, end diastolic diameter, end systolic diameter, calculated flow) and rhythmicity (frequency, contraction time, relaxation time) and correlated with absolute [Ca2+]i measurements.
The lymphatic vasculature is found in many organ systems including the brain, heart, lungs, kidney, and mesentery1,2,3,4,5,6, and operates by propelling fluid (lymph) from the interstitial spaces to the central venous ducts to maintain fluid homeostasis7,8,9,10. It starts with blind-ended lymphatic capillaries within the vascular capillary beds that drain into collecting lymph vessels (LVs). Collecting LVs are made of two layers of cells: a layer of endothelial cells encompassed by a layer of lymphatic muscle cells (LMCs)10,11. Lymph fluid transport is achieved through both extrinsic forces (e.g. new lymph formation, arterial pulsations, central venous pressure fluctuations) and intrinsic forces12.
The intrinsic force for lymph transport is the spontaneous rhythmic contraction of collecting LVs, which is the focus of the majority of studies investigating lymphatic function. This intrinsic lymphatic pump is principally regulated by the cyclic rise and fall of cytosolic, free Ca2+ ([Ca2+]i). Spontaneous depolarization of the plasma membrane in LMCs activates voltage-gated "L-type" Ca2+ (Cav1.x) channels triggering Ca2+ influx and subsequent LV rhythmic contraction8,9,10. This role was demonstrated by blocking Cav1.x with specific agents, like nifedipine, which inhibited LV contractions and caused vessel dilation13,14. The transient rise in [Ca2+]i or "Ca2+ spike" in the LMCs mediated by Cav1.x channels also may mobilize intracellular Ca2+ stores by activating inositol triphosphate (IP3) receptors and ryanodine receptors (RyRs) on the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR)15,16,17,18. Current evidence suggests IP3 receptors contribute more Ca2+ required for normal LV contractions compared to RyRs15,16,19,20,21; however, RyRs may play a role during pathology or in response to pharmaceutical intervention17,18. Additionally, the activation of Ca2+-activated K+ channels22 and ATP-sensitive potassium (KATP) channels23,24 can hyperpolarize the LMC membrane and inhibit spontaneous contractile activity.
There are many other ion channels and proteins that may regulate Ca2+ dynamics in collecting LVs. Utilizing methods to study changes in Ca2+ and vessel contractility in response to pharmacological agents in real time is important to understand these potential regulators. An earlier method using Fura-2 to measure relative changes in LV [Ca2+]i has been described25. Because the dissociation constant for Fura-2 and Ca2+ is known26, it is possible to calculate actual concentrations of Ca2+, which broadens the application of this method and provides additional insight into Ca2+ signaling, membrane excitability, and contractility mechanisms27, as well as allowing for baseline comparisons between experimental groups. This latter approach has been used in cardiomyocytes28, and therefore, can be adapted to LVs. This paper presents an improved method that combines these two approaches to measure and calculate changes in absolute [Ca2+]i as well as vessel contractility/rhythmicity continuously in real time in isolated, pressurized LVs. We also provide representative results for LVs treated with nifedipine.
Nine to 13-week-old male Sprague-Dawley rats were purchased from a commercial vendor. After arrival, all rats were housed and maintained at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS) Division of Lab Animal Medicine (DLAM) facility on a standard laboratory diet and exposed to 12 h of light:dark cycle at 25 oC. All procedures were carried out as per the approved animal use protocol #4127 by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) of UAMS.
1. Dissection and cannulation of mesenteric LVs
NOTE: It is important to set up the perfusion chamber prior to the isolation of the mesenteric LVs to make sure there is no interruption of flow or leak that would disrupt the experiment.
2. Measurement of absolute concentrations of [Ca2+]i in LVs
3. Measurement of LV contractility and rhythmicity
Contractility of LVs and corresponding alterations in cytosolic, free Ca2+ ([Ca2+]i) were assessed in isolated rat mesenteric LVs upon exposure to varying concentrations of nifedipine (NIF; 0.1-100 nM) (Figure 6). The parameters, including Ca2+ spike amplitude, baseline Ca2+, and peak Ca2+, exhibited a concentration-dependent reduction with the incremental addition of NIF to the perfusion chamber (Figure 7A). Concurrently, contractile parameters such as contraction amplitude and calculated flow also demonstrated a stepwise decrease (Figure 7B). There was a small increase in EDD diameter with NIF (Figure 7B). Ca2+ spike frequency and contraction frequency appear to be an all-or-none response. However, this effect occurred at 10 nM for one LV, while all LVs had ceased contractions by 100 nM. Thus, the combined data generate graphs that resemble a graded concentration response. This effect is consistent with earlier publications that used NIF on LVs in other preparations (wire and pressure myography13,14). Manhattan plots show the individual LV responses for measures of rhythmicity, including interval, contraction time, and relaxation time (Figure 7C). This type of data representation allows the researcher to tease out these all-or-none responses or variability in contraction rhythms to provide additional insight into underlying mechanisms. Ultimately, the decreases in contraction amplitude and frequency resulted in a reduction in calculated flow through these isolated LVs, which serves as a surrogate indicator for in vivo function. Overall, the decline in LV contractility correlated with the reduction in [Ca2+]i. Our findings provide direct evidence that within the 100 nM range, NIF effectively halted contractions and [Ca2+]i oscillations in LVs by antagonizing Cav1.x channels present in lymph muscle cells (LMCs).
Figure 1: Image of the isolated vessel chamber setup. Vessel perfusion studies used an isolated vessel chamber equipped with a thermoregulator. Gravity was used to control pressure via a PSS reservoir. Pressure was monitored by transducers connected to both inflow (P1) and outflow (P2) cannulas. Abbreviation: PSS = physiological salt solution. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 2: Preparation of knot at-a-glance. (A) Double loop preparation under the dissection microscope using a single filament of 3-ply silk suture thread, (B) grabbing the loose end and pulling it through both loops, (C) pulling the knot from both ends to keep a small opening, and (D) cutting the excess filament from either side and the blue box showing a ready to use complete double overhand knot. Scale bar = 1.5 mm. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 3: Schematic of experimental workflow for data acquisition. A healthy rat was anesthetized with 5% isoflurane induction and decapitation was performed to remove trunk blood. A midline incision was performed to expose and isolate the mesentery. The isolated mesentery was spread out in ice-cold PSS solution and a LV was dissected free from fat for cannulation in an isolated vessel perfusion chamber. The bath was placed on the stage of the inverted microscope using a 20x objective lens. The vessel was excited alternatively with 340 and 380 nm wavelength light and the emission fluorescent spectra were collected using a CCD camera at 510 nm. The computer connected to the microscope generated the contractile and Ca2+ traces using fluorescence capture and edge detection imaging software. Scale bar = 1 mm. Abbreviations: PSS = physiological salt solution; LV = lymph vessel; CCD = charge-coupled device. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 4: Representative LV contractile trace. (A) Example recording of changes in diameter of cannulated LVs loaded with Ca2+ imaging indicator Fura 2 AM in PSS and (B) a zoomed-in trace to show all the parameters related to vessel contractility: EDD, ESD, AMP, and frequency. These values were used to calculate rhythmicity and flow. Abbreviations: PSS = physiological salt solution; LV = lymph vessel; EDD = end-diastolic diameter; ESD = end-systolic diameter; AMP = amplitude. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 5: Representative LV Ca2+ imaging trace. (A) Example recording of changes in absolute [Ca2+]i in cannulated LVs loaded with Fura-2 in PSS and (B) a zoomed-in trace to show all the parameters (Peak, Amplitude, and Baseline) related to [Ca2+]i (not background-corrected). Abbreviation: PSS = physiological salt solution. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 6: LV contractility and Ca2+ imaging at a glance. Representative traces corresponding to (A) diameter, (B) 340/380 ratio, and (C) absolute [Ca2+]i of PSS baseline, nifedipine, a Cav1.x (Ca2+) channel antagonist, concentration response, including Rmin and Rmax. Abbreviations: PSS = physiological salt solution; LV = lymph vessel; NIF = nifedipine; Rmin = minimum Fura-2 fluorescence signal; Rmax = maximum Fura-2 fluorescence signal. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 7: Ca2+ oscillation and corresponding contractility blocked by nifedipine in LVs. (A) Ca2+ (n = 3) and (B) contractile (n = 3) parameters decreased in a concentration-dependent manner with the addition of nifedipine, a voltage-dependent Cav1.x (Ca2+) channel antagonist. (C) Representative Manhattan plots show mean time Interval (Δt) between contractions and contraction and relaxation times. Data presented as mean ± SEM. Abbreviations: PSS = physiological salt solution; LV = lymph vessel; NIF = nifedipine; EDD = end-diastolic diameter; AMP = amplitude. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Due to the fragile and diminutive nature of LVs, it is imperative to exercise the utmost care during both dissection and cannulation processes. Even minor damage to the vessel could lead to the development of a non-viable LV or give rise to abnormalities in [Ca2+]i transients. Consistency in excitation settings is equally crucial throughout the entire experimental series to ensure comparability in [Ca2+]i measurements between control and treated groups. Failing to maintain uniform settings poses a substantial risk of over- or underestimating [Ca2+]i across vessels within an experimental series. Similarly, it is equally important to accurately identify and monitor the same vessel region throughout each experiment.
The use of the ratiometric indicator Fura-2AM normalizes fluorescence variations caused by uneven tissue thickness, fluorophore distribution/leakage, or photobleaching, issues common with single wavelength dyes.31 This enables the continuous monitoring described in this protocol. However, since Fura-2 works by chelating Ca2+, it is possible to overload the LVs and reduce the [Ca2+]i available for contraction or drug response. In these cases, Ca2+ spikes may still be observed while rhythmic contractions are absent. Varying LV length also may contribute to this phenomenon. While these Ca2+ measurements likely may still be valid, it may be necessary to reduce the concentration of Fura-2AM in replicated setups to successfully achieve both Ca2+ and diameter measurements. Our results only include LVs for which both Ca2+ spikes and rhythmic contractions were present at baseline.
Measuring Rmin and Rmax are critical steps in calculating absolute [Ca2+]i. Because Rmin should be the Fura-2 ratio in the absence of Ca2+, a high concentration of EGTA has been added to the Ca2+-free PSS to ensure the chelation of any residual Ca2+. Initial studies were conducted with EDTA in the Ca2+-free PSS, and this resulted in sporadic vessel contractions with corresponding Ca2+ spikes. For Rmax, a high concentration of Ca2+ has been added to the PSS along with an ionophore, ionomycin, to maximize the [Ca2+]i signal. The high Ca2+ solution may precipitate, which may require the removal of the EDTA from the PSS. Importantly, these additional measurements of Rmin and Rmax provide the opportunity to evaluate physiologically relevant changes in [Ca2+]i, which can provide information on membrane excitability and contractility mechanisms27 as well as allow for baseline comparisons between experimental groups compared to protocols that only report 340/380 ratio for Fura-2. Failure to achieve adequate Rmin and Rmax values preclude the ability to calculate absolute [Ca2+]i.
Due to the contractile nature of the LVs, this method can only provide a measure of global Ca2+ levels rather than local Ca2+ release events that can be measured in paralyzed vessels32. However, this method is advantageous to correlate changes in absolute [Ca2+]i dynamics with contractility compared to methods using paralyzed vessels or individual cells28,32. For this approach, it is assumed that the majority of the Ca2+ measured originates from the lymph muscle cells. However, endothelial cells, which are also present in these isolated LVs, may contribute to the total Ca2+ signal observed33. This contribution could be estimated using LVs that have been denuded of endothelium34. LV contractions also may result in the vessel wall shifting slightly in and out of focus during the contraction cycle. Therefore, it is important to use short vessel segments that can be pulled taut but without stretching the vessel.
Beyond its application in LVs, this method could be used to study isolated vessels from other vascular beds, including arterioles and veins, and holds promise for potential utilization in neurobiology and other branches of vascular biology. Exploring the effects of various agonists or antagonists targeting different signal transduction pathways is another avenue for investigating underlying Ca2+ dynamics. Furthermore, this technique also can be used for comparative research involving control and treated samples from respective animals. Moreover, this approach is adaptable for implementation at the cellular level, such as in isolated lymphatic muscle cells, requiring minimal adjustments to the perfusion chamber and microscope objectives. In summary, this method provides physiologically relevant insight into global Ca2+ dynamics as it correlates to contractility and rhythmicity in LVs and provides a robust assessment of potential regulators of Ca2+ dynamics in collecting LVs.
The authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose.
This work was supported by the National Institutes of Health, including the National Institute of General Medical Sciences, the Centers of Biomedical Research Excellence (COBRE), the Center for Studies of Host Response to Cancer Therapy [P20-GM109005], the National Cancer Institute [1R37CA282349-01], and the American Heart Association Predoctoral Fellowship [Award Number: 23PRE1020738;]. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the NIH or AHA. Figure 1 and Figure 3 were created with
Name | Company | Catalog Number | Comments |
20x S Fluor objective | Olympus Corporation of the Americas (Center Valley, PA, United States) | UPlanSApo | |
Borosilicate glass micropipettes | Living Systems Instrumentation (Burlington, VT, United States) | GCP-75-100 | |
Calcium chloride (CaCl2) | Fisher Bioreagents (Waltham, MA, United States) | BP510-500 | |
Carbon dioxide (CO2) | nexAir (Memphis, TN, United States) | UN3156 | |
Dissection forceps | Fine Science Tools (Foster City, CA, United States) | 11254-20 | |
EDTA (C10H16N2O8) | Fisher Bioreagents (Waltham, MA, United States) | BP118-500 | |
EGTA (C14H24N2O10) | Fisher Bioreagents (Waltham, MA, United States) | O2783-100 | |
Fura-2AM | Invitrogen (Waltham, MA, United States) | F1221 | |
Glucose (C6H12O6) | Fisher Bioreagents (Waltham, MA, United States) | D16-500 | |
Gravity-Fed Pressure regulator | custom-made in the lab | ||
Heating unit | Living Systems Instrumentation (Burlington, VT, United States) | TC-09S | |
Imaging software | IonOptix (Westwood, MA, United States) | ||
Inverted fluorescent microscope | Olympus Corporation of the Americas (Center Valley, PA, United States) | IX73 | |
Ionomycin | Invitrogen (Waltham, MA, United States) | I24222 | |
IonOptix Cell Framing Adaptor | IonOptix (Westwood, MA, United States) | 665 DXR | |
Isoflurane | Piramal Critical Care (Telangana, India) | NDC 66794-017-10 | |
Isolated vessel perfusion chamber | Living Systems Instrumentation (Burlington, VT, United States) | CH-1 | |
Knot preparation forceps | Fine Science Tools (Foster City, CA, United States) | 11253-20 | |
LED light source | Olympus Corporation of the Americas (Center Valley, PA, United States) | TL4 | |
Magnesium sulfate (MgSO4) | Acros Organics (New Jersey, NJ, Unites States) | 213115000 | |
MyoCam-S3 Fast CMOS video system | IonOptix (Westwood, MA, United States) | MCS300 | |
Nifedipine | Sigma (St. Louis, MO, United States) | N7634 | |
Ophthalmic sutures | |||
Oxygen (O2) | nexAir (Memphis, TN, United States) | UN1072 | |
Pluronic acid | Sigma (St. Louis, MO, United States) | P2443 | |
Potassium chloride (KCl) | Fisher Bioreagents (Waltham, MA, United States | BP366-500 | |
Pressure monitor system | Living Systems Instrumentation (Burlington, VT, United States) | PM-4 | |
Pressure Transducer | Living Systems Instrumentation (Burlington, VT, United States) | PT-F | |
Silicone-lined petri-dish | custom-made in the lab | ||
Sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) | Fisher Bioreagents (Waltham, MA, United States | BP328-500 | |
Sodium chloride (NaCl) | Fisher Bioreagents (Waltham, MA, United States | BP358-212 | |
Sodium phosphate (NaH2PO4) | Fisher Bioreagents (Waltham, MA, United States | BP329-500 | |
Sprague-Dawley rats | Envigo RMS (Indianapolis, IN, USA) | Male | 9-13 weeks old |
Stereomicroscope | Leica Microsystems (Wetzlar, Germany) | S9D | |
Vannas spring scissors | Fine Science Tools (Foster City, CA, United States) | 15000-03 |
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