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This technique describes an effective workflow to visualize and quantitatively measure mitochondrial membrane potential and superoxide levels within HeLa cells using fluorescence-based live imaging.


Mitochondria are dynamic organelles critical for metabolic homeostasis by controlling energy production via ATP synthesis. To support cellular metabolism, various mitochondrial quality control mechanisms cooperate to maintain a healthy mitochondrial network. One such pathway is mitophagy, where PTEN-induced kinase 1 (PINK1) and Parkin phospho-ubiquitination of damaged mitochondria facilitate autophagosome sequestration and subsequent removal from the cell via lysosome fusion. Mitophagy is important for cellular homeostasis, and mutations in Parkin are linked to Parkinson's disease (PD). Due to these findings, there has been a significant emphasis on investigating mitochondrial damage and turnover to understand the molecular mechanisms and dynamics of mitochondrial quality control. Here, live-cell imaging was used to visualize the mitochondrial network of HeLa cells, to quantify the mitochondrial membrane potential and superoxide levels following treatment with carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenyl hydrazone (CCCP), a mitochondrial uncoupling agent. In addition, a PD-linked mutation of Parkin (ParkinT240R) that inhibits Parkin-dependent mitophagy was expressed to determine how mutant expression impacts the mitochondrial network compared to cells expressing wild-type Parkin. The protocol outlined here describes a simple workflow using fluorescence-based approaches to quantify mitochondrial membrane potential and superoxide levels effectively.


The mitochondrial network is a series of interconnected organelles that play a crucial role in energy production1, innate immunity2,3, and cell signalling4,5. Mitochondrial dysregulation has been associated with neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson's disease (PD)6,7. PD is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder affecting dopaminergic neurons of the substantia nigra that impacts nearly 10 million people worldwide8. PD has bee....


1. Preparation of biological samples

NOTE: Perform the following steps using sterile technique in a biosafety cabinet. Spray the surface of the cabinet and all materials with 70% ethanol.

  1. HeLa cell culturing and transfection
    1. Culture 30,000 HeLa cells in Dulbecco's modified eagle medium (DMEM) containing 4.5 g/L glucose supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum and 1% L-glutamine solution (HeLa media; see Table of Materials). Plate the cells on 35 mm glass-bottom imaging dishes (see Table of Materials) containing 2 mL of prewarmed HeLa media. Maintain the HeLa cult....

Temsili Sonuçlar

In this protocol, fluorescence-based quantification was used to measure the membrane potential and superoxide levels of the mitochondrial network following CCCP treatment (Figure 1). This workflow used HeLa cells, an immortalized cell line derived from cervical cancer. HeLa cells are routinely used to study mitochondrial biology and are relatively flat, making it easy to visualize the mitochondrial network using microscopy. To investigate the role of Parkin in maintaining mitochondrial netwo.......


The workflow outlined here can be used to quantify mitochondrial membrane potential and superoxide levels robustly and reproducibly using fluorescence-based imaging30. There are important technical limitations to consider when designing these experiments. HeLa cells were transfected with an empty YFP vector, YFP-ParkinWT, or YFP-ParkinT240R. The empty YFP vector was used as a control to confirm that the experimental findings were specific to Parkin. For the transient transfec.......


The authors have no competing interests to declare.


We thank the members of the Evans lab for their thoughtful feedback on this manuscript. This work is supported by Duke Whitehead Scholars, Duke Science and Technology Scholars, and Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) Hanna Gray Fellowship. Figure 1A was made using BioRender.com.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
Chemicals, Peptides, and Recombinant Proteins
CCCP (carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenyl hydrazone) Sigma-AldrichC2759
DMEM (1x) with 4.5 g/L glucoseGibco11-965-084
DMSO, AnhydrousThermoFisher ScientificD12345
Fetal Bovine SerumHycloneSH3007103
FuGENE 6 (Tranfection Reagent)PromegaE2691
GlutaMAX 100x (L-Glutamine Solution) Gibco 35-050-061
Hoescht 33342ThermoFisher Scientific62249
MitoSOX  Red ThermoFisher ScientificM36008
MitoTracker Deep RedThermoFisher ScientificM7514
Opti-MEM (Redued Serum media)ThermoFisher scientific31985070
Tetramethylrhodamine, Ethyl Ester, Perchlorate (TMRE) ThermoFisher ScientificT669
Experimental models: Organisms/Strains
HeLa-M (Homo sapiens)A. Peden (Cambridge Institute for Medical Research)N/A
Recombinant DNA
EYFP Empty VectorN/AN/A
YFP-Parkin T240RThis PaperGenerated by site-directed mutagenesis from YFP-Parkin
YFP-Parkin WTAddgene; PMID:19029340RRID:Addgene_23955
Software and Algorithms
Adobe IllustratorAdobe Inc.https://www.adobe.com/products/illustrator(Schindelin, 2012)
Excel (Spreadsheet Software)Microsoft Office https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/excel
Leica Application Suite (LAS X)Leicahttps://www.leica-microsystems.com/products/microscope-software/p/leica-las-x-ls/
Microsoft ExcelMicrosoft Officehttps://www.microsoft.com/excel
Prism9 (Statistical Analysis Software)GraphPad Softwarehttps://www.graphpad.com
35 mm Dish, No. 1.5 Coverslip, 20 mm Glass Diameter, UncoatedMatTekP35G-1.5-20-C
Cage Incubator (Environmental Chamber)Okolabhttps://www.oko-lab.com/cage-incubator
DMiL Inverted MicroscopeLeicaN/A
LIGHTNING Deconvolution SoftwareLeicaN/A
STELLARIS 8 confocal microscopeLeicaN/A


  1. Spinelli, J. B., Haigis, M. C. The multifaceted contributions of mitochondria to cellular metabolism. Nature Cell Biology. 20 (7), 745-754 (2018).
  2. West, A. P., Shadel, G. S., Ghosh, S. Mitochondria in innate immune responses.

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Mitochondrial Membrane PotentialSuperoxide LevelsLive ImagingHeLa CellsNeurodegenerative DiseasesParkinson s DiseaseALSSTEDSIMExpansion MicroscopyMitophagyPINK1ParkinMitochondrial Quality ControlATP SynthesisCCCPParkin T240R Mutation

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