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Enhancer RNAs (eRNAs) are non-coding RNAs produced from active enhancers. An optimal approach to study eRNA functions is to manipulate their levels in the native chromatin regions. Here we introduce a robust system for eRNA studies by using CRISPR-dCas9-fused transcriptional activators to induce the expression of eRNAs of interest.
Enhancers are pivotal genomic elements scattered through the mammalian genome and dictate tissue-specific gene expression programs. Increasing evidence has shown that enhancers not only provide DNA binding motifs for transcription factors (TFs) but also generate non-coding RNAs that are referred to as eRNAs. Studies have demonstrated that eRNA transcripts can play significant roles in gene regulation in both physiology and disease. Commonly used methods to investigate the function of eRNAs are constrained to βloss-of-functionβ approaches by knockdown of eRNAs, or by chemical inhibition of the enhancer transcription. There has not been a robust method to conduct βgain-of-functionβ studies of eRNAs to mimic specific disease conditions such as human cancer, where eRNAs are often overexpressed. Here, we introduce a method for precisely and robustly activating eRNAs for functional interrogation of their roles by applying the dCas9 mediated Synergistic Activation Mediators (SAM) system. We present the entire workflow of eRNA activation, from the selection of eRNAs, the design of gRNAs to the validation of eRNA activation by RT-qPCR. This method represents a unique approach to study the roles of a particular eRNA in gene regulation and disease development. In addition, this system can be employed for unbiased CRISPR screening to identify phenotype-driving eRNA targets in the context of a specific disease.
The human genome contains a constellation of regulatory elements1,2,3. Among these, enhancers emerge to be one of the most critical categories4,5,6. Enhancers play essential roles in regulating development, and are responsible for generating spatial-temporal gene expression programs to determine cell identity5,6,7. Conventionally, enhancers are only considered to be DNA elements that provide....
The entire workflow of this protocol is shown in Figure 1.
1. Enhancer RNA (eRNA) selection
Figure 1 illustrates the overall workflow of this protocol. Our focus was on a representative eRNA, NET1e15, which is overexpressed in breast cancer, for which SAM system was used to activate and study itβs biological role in regulating gene expression, cell proliferation and cancer drug response. For this NET1 enhancer, several p300 ChIP-Seq peaks, flanked by transcribed eRNA transcripts (Figure 2A,B
Based on our data, we conclude that the SAM system is suitable for studying the role of eRNAs in regulating cellular phenotypes, e.g., cell growth or drug resistance. However, careful gRNA designing is required for robust eRNA activation, due to the following reasons. First of all, the transcription start site (TSS) of eRNA in each specific cell lines/types remains less clearly annotated. Due to this, epigenomic information (e.g., ChIP-Seq of H3K27ac, of transcription factors, or of p300), transcriptional activity depict.......
The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas.
This work is supported by grants to W.L (Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas, CPRIT RR160083 and RP180734; NCI K22CA204468; NIGMS R21GM132778; The University of Texas UT Stars Award; and the Welch foundation AU-2000-20190330) and a post-doctoral fellowship to J.L (UTHealth Innovation for Cancer Prevention Research Training Program Post-doctoral Fellowship, CPRIT RP160015). We acknowledge the original publicataion15 where some of our current figures were adopted from (with modifications), which follows the Creative Commons license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
....Name | Company | Catalog Number | Comments |
Blasticidin | Goldbio | B-800-100 | |
BsmBI restriction enzyme | New England BioLabs Inc. | R0580S | |
Cas9 mAb | Active Motif | 61757 | Lot: 10216001 |
Deoxynucleotide (dNTP) Solution Mix | New England BioLabs Inc. | N0447S | |
Dulbeccoβs Modified Eagle Medium | Corning | 10-013-CM | |
Dynabeads Protein G | Thermo Fisher Scientific | 65002 | |
EDTA | Thermo Fisher Scientific | BP118-500 | |
EGTA | Sigma | E3889 | |
Fetal Bovine Serum | GenDEPOT | F0900-050 | |
Glycogen | Thermo Fisher Scientific | 10814010 | |
Hepes-KOH | Thermo Fisher Scientific | BP310-100 | |
Hexadimethrine Bromide | Sigma | H9268 | |
Hygromycin B | Goldbio | H-270-25 | |
IGEPAL CA630 | Sigma | D6750 | |
IncuCyte live-cell imager | Essen BioScience | IncuCyte S3 Live-Cell Analysis System | |
lenti_dCAS-VP64_Blast | Addgene | 61425 | |
lenti_gRNA(MS2)_zeo backbone | Addgene | 61427 | |
lenti_MS2-p65-HSF1_Hygro | Addgene | 61426 | |
LiCL | Sigma | L9650 | |
Lipofectamine 2000 | Thermo Fisher Scientific | 11668-500 | |
NaCl | Sigma | S3014 | |
Na-Deoxycholate | Sigma | D6750 | |
NaHCO3 | Thermo Fisher Scientific | BP328-500 | |
N-lauroylsarcosine | Sigma | 97-78-9 | |
Opti-MEM Reduced Serum Medium | Thermo Fisher Scientific | 31985070 | |
PES syringe filter | BASIX | 13-1001-07 | |
Protease Inhibitor Cocktail Tablet | Roche Diagnostic | 11836145001 | |
pSpCas9(BB)-2A-Puro | Addgene | 62988 | |
Q5 High-Fidelity DNA Polymerase | New England BioLabs Inc. | M0491S | |
Q5 Reaction Buffer | New England BioLabs Inc. | B9027S | |
Quick-DNA Miniprep | ZYMO Research | D3025 | |
Quick-RNA Miniprep | ZYMO Research | R1054 | |
Restriction enzyme buffer | New England BioLabs Inc. | B7203S | |
RT-qPCR Detection System | Thermo Fisher Scientific | Quant Studio3 | |
SDS | Thermo Fisher Scientific | BP359-500 | |
Sonicator | Qsonica | Q800R2 | |
Sso Advanced Universal SYBR Green Supermix | Bio-Rad Laboratories | 1725274 | |
Stbl3 competent cell | Thermo Fisher Scientific | C7373-03 | |
Superscript IV reverse transcript | Thermo Fisher Scientific | 719000 | |
Surveyor Mutation Detection Kits | Integrated DNA Technologies | 706020 | |
T4 DNA Ligase | New England BioLabs Inc. | M0202S | |
T4 DNA Ligase Reaction Buffer | New England BioLabs Inc. | B0202S | |
TE buffer | Thermo Fisher Scientific | 46009CM | |
Thermal cycler | Bio-Rad Laboratories | T100 | |
Thermomixer | Sigma | 5384000020 | |
Zeocin | Thermo Fisher Scientific | ant-zn-1p |
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