To perform the Single-Cell Shear Assay Protocol, use the preassembled shear apparatus setup consisting of a fitted microfluidic flow chamber placed on a Petri dish containing the cells of interest. Place the whole setup onto an inverted microscope with high enough objective and a display monitor. Focus the microscope objective, ensuring adequate contrast and distinct cell edges.
Move the microscope stage to ensure the cells are clearly visible on the display monitor and are live images. Select one cell or multiple distinct cells within the imaging or flow path of the fitted flow chamber and the Petri dish. To maintain a continuous uniform viscous media flow, select similar infusion and withdrawal rates.
Ensure proper laminar flow of the fluid having Reynold's number or RE less than 100. Click Run on the shear pump to inject and withdraw the shear fluid at a continuous rate. Ensure there are no bubbles during fluid infusion.
Begin recording a video by clicking Record on the software before the infused shear fluid makes contact with the cell of interest under the microscope. Continue to record for seven minutes or for the desired duration of the stress exposure or until the cell of interest shears off the bottom of the dish. Click Stop Recording on the microscope software when the run is completed as desired.
The software automatically saves the images and videos which can be collected using flash drives for further analysis. Extract the images as TIFF files, preferably at one frame per second for facile analysis.