To begin collecting the drosophila embryos, change the apple juice plate from the cup and label the plate. Cover the surface of the plate with a thin layer of halocarbon oil 27. Next position, an orange red plastic shield on the stage of an upright stereoscope.
Place the apple juice plate on the orange red shield. Turn on the transmitted light of the stereo microscope to illuminate the sample. Collect 5 to 15 embryos from the apple juice plate using a pair of tweezers.
Gently blot the embryos on a paper towel, sized approximately 1.5 by 1.5 centimeters. Then add several drops of freshly prepared 40%bleach to a new paper towel using plastic transfer pipette to cover the paper towel with a thin layer of bleach. Transfer the embryo from the dry paper towel to the bleach soaked paper towel and ensure the embryos are soaked in the bleach.
Wait two minutes for the embryo to become dechorionated. After dechorionation, using tweezers, blot the paper towel on a large piece of tissue paper to remove the excess bleach. Rinse the embryos with deionized water eight times to remove residue bleach.
Using an eyelash tool, transfer the embryo from the paper towel to a 35 millimeter glass bottom dish. Then add deionized water to the dish to cover the embryos completely. Finally, fine tune the position and orientation of the embryos using the eyelash tool.
Place the dish with the embryos inside a light proof black box to protect the sample from light exposure during the transfer process.