We study the mechanobiology underlying tendon impingement and the process by which this unique mechanical demand drives localized fiber cartilage formation in health and disease. Here we seek to characterize matrix for modeling relative to spatially heterogeneous patterns of multiaxial mechanical strain, generated by impingement and to identify molecular mechanisms mediating this response. In vitro models for studying impingement mechanobiology have applied simple compression to isolated tendon cells or artificial uniaxial compression to partial and whole tendon explants.
Established animal models of tendon impingement, manipulating external source of tendon impingement in vivo most often surgically and explore biology following resuming physical activity. In vitro models present significant limitations as isolated cells lack their three dimensional extracellular environment, crucial to mechano-response. While excised explant models circumvent this limitation, both fail to recreate multiaxial strain patterns generated by impingement in vivo.
Conversely, animal models offer limited ability to measure or control internal tissue strains. Our Murine Hind Limb Explant Model for studying impingement mechanobiology maintains cells within their extracellular environment and preserves local anatomy of the impinged achilles tendon insertion in situ, allowing controlled prescription of impingement through passively applied joint motion to recreate multiaxial patterns of tissue strain that are measurable and well-characterized.