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我们描述了一种简单的程序,使用基于 mini-Tn7 的表达系统将外排泵基因进行单拷贝染色体互补,并将其转化为鲍 曼不动杆菌的工程外排缺陷菌株。这种精确的遗传工具允许受控的基因表达,这是表征多重耐药病原体中外排泵的关键。


鲍曼不动杆 菌因其对抗生素的广泛耐药性而被公认为一种具有挑战性的革兰氏阴性病原体。了解这种耐药性背后的机制对于设计新的有效治疗方案至关重要。不幸的是,由于缺乏合适的基因操作工具,我们在 鲍曼不动 杆菌中研究这些机制的能力受到阻碍。在这里,我们描述了利用基于染色体 mini-Tn7 的系统在缺乏功能性 RND 型外排机制的 鲍曼不动杆 菌菌株中实现单拷贝基因表达的方法。单拷贝插入和诱导型外排泵表达非常有利,因为细菌细胞通常对高拷贝数质粒上存在 RND 外排操纵子的耐受性较差。此外,将重组 mini-Tn7 表达载体掺入替代鲍 曼不动 杆菌宿主的染色体中,具有更高的外排灵敏度,有助于规避来自其他外排泵的干扰。该系统不仅对于研究未表征的细菌外排泵很有价值,而且对于评估靶向这些泵的潜在抑制剂的有效性也很有价值。


鲍曼不动杆 菌是世界卫生组织的头等大事原体,因为它对所有类别的抗生素都具有耐药性1。它是一种机会性病原体,主要影响住院、受伤或免疫功能低下的人。 鲍曼不动杆 菌主要 通过 外排泵逃避抗生素,最相关的是抗结瘤分裂 (RND) 出口商家族 2。了解这些外排泵的机械工作原理将使人们能够开发有针对性的治疗方案。

可以特异性区分细胞过程的一种常见方法是通过基因操作。然而,可用于鲍曼不动杆菌遗传研究的工具有限,并且进一步混淆了实验设计,临床分离株通常对遗传操作中常规用于选择的抗生素具有耐药性3。在专门研究外排泵时遇到的第二个障碍是,它们受到严格监管(通常受到未知因素的影响),因此很难准确地将功能隔离并归因于单个泵4。鉴于需要扩展研究工具箱,我们开发了一种基于 Mini-Tn7 的单拷贝插入诱导型表达系统,该系统包含 Flp 重组酶靶标 (FRT) 盒,允许去除选择标记 5,6,7图 1



  1. 用目的基因纯化质粒pUC18T-mini-Tn7T-LAC-Gm9 (插入质粒, 图2A)。
    注意:在这里,感兴趣的基因是 adeIJK。最终质粒浓度应为 ≥100 ng/μL。
  2. 纯化辅助质粒(pTNS2)9和切除质粒(pFLP2ab6分别为图2B,C),理想情况下最终质粒DNA浓度为≥100ng/μL。
  3. 准备 50 mL 无菌超纯水和 25 mL 无菌 LB (Lennox) 肉汤(参见 材料表)。
  4. 制备至少 10 LB 琼脂平板,每个平板含有以下添加剂:普通(无添加剂)、50 μg/mL 的庆大霉素 (Gm)、200 μg/mL 的羧苄青霉素 (Cb)( 通过 氨苄青霉素耐药基因进行选择)和 5% 蔗糖(参见 材料表)。
  5. 划出用于插入LB琼脂的菌株,并在37°C下孵育16-18小时。


染色体插入过程在3天内总共只需要2小时,即可看到在选择性琼脂平板上生长的结果菌落(图1A-C)。转化板上的预期菌落数量取决于菌株:人们可能会看到 20-30 甚至数百个菌落,因为在 attTn7 位点插入 Tn7 是特异性和有效的9。将转化板菌落贴到选择性培养基上(图4A)可保留转化的菌株,并为菌落PCR筛?.......


尽管在 鲍曼不动杆 菌中插入可诱导的单拷贝基因表达系统的染色体插入过程在技术上很简单且不费力,但有几个重要步骤需要强调。首先,感受态细胞的制备需要尽可能在冰上进行,因为在用冰冷水替换培养基的过程中细胞会变得脆弱。理想情况下,离心步骤在4°C下进行,但在室温下离心是可以接受的。鉴于水洗过程中细胞的脆弱性越来越强,轻柔的移液也很重要。其次,电穿孔对离子?.......




这项工作得到了加拿大自然科学与工程委员会对AK的发现资助。图中使用的原理图是用 BioRender.com 创建的。



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
0.2 mL PCR tubeVWR20170-012For colony boil preparations and PCR reactions
1.5 mL microfuge tubesSarstedt72-690-301General use
13-mL culture tubes, PyrexFisher14-957KLiquid culture vessels
6x DNA loading bufferFroggabioLD010Agarose gel electrophoresis sample loading dye
Acetic acid, glacialFisher351271-212Agarose gel running buffer component
AgarBioshopAGR003Solid growth media
AgaroseBioBasicD0012Electrophoretic separation of PCR reaction products; used at a concentration of 0.8–2%
Agarose gel electrophoresis unitFisher29-237-54Agarose gel electrophoresis; separation of PCR reaction products
CarbenicillinFisher50841231Selective media
Culture tube closuresFisher13-684-138Stainless steel closure for 13-mL culture tubes
Deoxynucleotide triphosphate (dNTP) setBiobasicDD0058PCR reaction component; supplied as 100 mM each dATP, dCTP, dGTP, dTTP; mixed and diluted for 10 mM each dNTP
Dry bath/block heaterFisher88860023Isotemp digital dry bath for boil preparations
Electroporation cuvettesVWR89047-2082 mm electroporation cuvettes with round cap
ElectroporatorCole Parmer940000009110 VAC, 60 Hz electroporator
Ethidium bromideFisherBP102-1Visualization of PCR reaction products and DNA marker in agarose gel
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA)VWRCA-EM4050Agarose gel running buffer component
GentamicinBiobasicGB0217For the preparation of selective media
GlycerolFisherG33Preparation of bacterial stocks for long-term storage in an ultra-low freezer
Incubator (shaking)New Brunswick ScientificM1352-0000Excella E24 Incubator Shaker for liquid culture growth
Incubator (static)Fisher11-690-550DIsotemp Incubator Oven Model 550D for solid (LB agar) culture growth
Inoculation loopSarstedt86.1562.050Streaking colonies onto agar plates
Inoculation spreaderSarstedt86.1569.005Spreading of culture onto agar plates
Lysogeny broth (LB) broth, LennoxFisherBP1427Liquid growth media (20 g/L: 5 g/L sodium chloride, 10 g/L tryptone, 5 g/L yeast extract)
MicrofugeFisher75002431Sorvall Legend Micro 17 for centrifugation of samples
Mini-centrifugeFisherS67601BCentrifugation of 0.2 mL PCR tubes
Petri dishesSPL Life Sciences10090For solid growth media (agar plates): 90 x 15 mm
Pipettes MandelVariousGilson single channel pipettes (P10, P20, P200, P1000)
Power supplyBiorad1645050PowerPac Basic power supply for electrophoresis
PrimersIDTNAPCR reaction component; specific to gene of interest; prepared at 100 μM as directed on the product specification sheet
SucroseBioBasicSB0498For the preparation of counterselective media for removal of the pFLP2ab plasmid from transformed A. baumannii
Taq DNA polymeraseFroggaBioT-500PCR reaction component; polymerase supplied with a 10x buffer
Thermal cyclerBiorad1861096Model T100 for PCR
ToothpicksFisherS24559For patching colonies onto agar plates
Trizma baseSigmaT1503Agarose gel running buffer component
Ultrapure waterMillipore SigmaZLXLSD51040MilliQ water purification system: ultra pure water for media and solution preparation, and cell washing
Wide range DNA markerBiobasicM103R-2Size determination of PCR products on an agarose gel
Wooden inoculating sticksFisher29-801-02Inoculating cultures with colonies from agar plates


  1. Prioritization of pathogens to guide research, discovery, research and development of new antibiotics for drug-resistant bacterial infections, including tuberculosis. World Health Organization Available from: https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/WHO-EMP-IAU-2017.12 (2017)
  2. Kornelsen, V., Kumar, A. Update on multidrug resistance efflux pumps in Acinetobacter spp.


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